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Housing Delivery Test Action Plan

The Housing Delivery Test (HDT) is an annual measurement of housing delivery in the area of the relevant plan-making authority. The HDT is a percentage measurement of the number of net homes delivered against the number of homes required over a three year period. 

Paragraph 76 of the National Planning Policy Framework External Link states that local planning authorities should monitor progress in building out sites which have permission. Where the Housing Delivery Test indicates that delivery has fallen below 95% of the local planning authority’s housing requirement over the previous three years, the authority should prepare an action plan in line with national planning guidance, to assess the causes of under-delivery and identify actions to increase delivery in future years.
The method for calculating the HDT result is set out in the government’s Housing Delivery Test Measurement Rule Book External Link (MHCLG, July 2018).

2022 Tameside Housing Delivery Test Action Plan

The results of the government’s Housing Delivery Test measurement in 2021, published in 14 January 2022 indicated a requirement for Tameside to prepare an action plan, as delivery of new homes was below 95% of the target number of units to be completed over the previous three year period.
The 2022 Tameside Housing Delivery Test Action Plan sets out the authority’s aims to support the delivery of new homes within the borough through key actions such as developing the Council’s Housing Strategy and by supporting the production of the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework, which will establish a new housing target for the borough.

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