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Tameside Sustainable Design and Construction Guide


How to complete a sustainability statement
(Major Developments Only)



Tameside's Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) on Sustainable Design and Construction sets out a range of key principles for achieving sustainability in new development in the Borough.

Applicants for outline and full/reserved matters planning permission for major developments (10 or more residential units or 1000 sq m or more of floor space for other types of development or, where the floorspace is not known, a site area of 0.5 hectares or more for residential developments or 1 hectare or more for other types of development ) should refer to the Sustainable Design and Construction Guide in order to complete a sustainability statement for submission with the planning application form. Information contained in the statement will be used to help determine the planning application and significant weight will be attached to the statement given the statutory status of the guide. The Council may use planning conditions and/or a legal agreement to secure commitments given in a sustainability statement.

What are we trying to achieve?

The Sustainable Design and Construction Guide recognises the important contribution which those involved in the design and construction of new development can make to quality of life and sustainability in Tameside.

Its aim is to achieve the highest possible standards of design and construction in new developments in the borough. This means creating high quality developments that are cheaper to run, more secure, minimise their environmental impact, contribute to the local economy and community and provide healthy living and working conditions, at the same time as respecting the area's rich heritage and distinctiveness.

What's in it for you?

Having regard to the principles set out in the guide will enable anyone who is planning a new development in Tameside to achieve development processes, building designs and construction practices which will deliver economic, social and environmental benefits to the people of Tameside now and in the future. Considering sustainability from the outset will minimise the costs of achieving sustainable development and help to avoid delays in planning decisions.

Completing a sustainability statement

Please refer to the checklist in section 8 of the Tameside Sustainable Design and Construction Guide (available at in order to describe the measures taken to address the key sustainability issues identified in the guide. Section 8 of the guide contains a checklist which sets out the detailed sustainable design considerations for outline and full/reserved matters applications. The checklist should not be seen as a rigid set of requirements but rather as a guide to the range of considerations to be taken account of in each proposal for major development in the Borough.

For Sustainability Statements that accompany Reserved Matters applications you only need to provide information on those items that have not already been covered in the Statement submitted with your outline application. You should also provide information on progress against any activities proposed in the outline Sustainability Statement.

Your statement should be structured according to the sub-headings in the guide, which are as follows:

1. Involving the community

2. Maximising economic opportunities

2.1 Contributing to the local economy
2.2 Contributing to local skills and training
2.3 Demonstrating sustainable business practice

3. Resources and pollution

3.1 Land and existing buildings
3.2 Climate change
3.3 Energy
3.4 Water management
3.5 Waste
3.6 Materials

4. Access and linkages

4.1 Integrating land use and transport
4.2 Promoting public transport, walking and cycling
4.3 Providing access to services
4.4 Accessibility for all

5. Creating safe communities

5.1 Designing out crime
5.2 The public realm

6. Natural environment

6.1 Biodiversity
6.2 Landscape

7. Local character and heritage

7.1 The historic environment
7.2 Cultural diversity

In addition to the above, please state whether you intend to pursue a BREEAM/EcoHomes or similar rating for the development, what standard you intend to achieve and the arrangements in place to monitor progress towards this standard and provide a final assessment.

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Planning and Building Control
Clarence Arcade
Stamford Street
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