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2018/19 PEN Conference Feedback Report


Date of PEN Conference

Workshop Title

Narrative – You said, We did

February 2019 



Living Life Well Programme 

At the February PEN Conference members participated in a whole room engagement activity, the purpose being to get people’s views on the future development of a new Mental Health service model suitable for individuals who fall between the gap of primary and secondary care services.

Feedback from PEN members has meant:

  • Resource has been added to further explore how digital technology can be used.
  • The Anthony Seddon Fund have been commissioned as the lived experience engagement lead, offering peer support, and engaging with people with lived experience as equal partners in the programme. 
  • There has been a focus on developing a network of organisations, spaces, and places which are informed about mental health, and who have an awareness and understanding of the needs and challenges that poor mental health can have on an individual’s life. 
  • Focus groups were delivered which involved organisations suggested by PEN members e.g. The Shed, Mentell and TASC as well as venues suggested by PEN members e.g. Hattersley Hub, Hyde Park and the Pop café. Feedback from the engagement session can be found here Presentation slides from the February PEN Conference are included in the link below:

 Presentation slides from the February PEN Conference


Corporate Plan

Tameside Council and NHS Tameside & Glossop CCG have joined together to form one organisation – Tameside & Glossop Strategic Commission. Together a new corporate plan has been developed under the headline of ‘Our People, Our Place, Our Plan.  The plan reflects the priorities and guiding principles for joint working in the area. This is the first corporate plan to pull together the objectives of both organisations. 

Participants who engaged in the Corporate Plan workshop were asked their views on the overarching aims of the plan, Starting Well, Living Well and Ageing Well underpinned by the idea of ensuring that Tameside and Glossop is a Great Place, and has vibrant economy.  
As a result of the feedback from PEN participants the Corporate Plan is being adopted across Tameside and Glossop.  For more information about ‘Our People, Our Place, Our Plan’ click here.

February 2019 

Building a Movement from Community Wellbeing 

As a result of the feedback from PEN participants and other engagement activities across the borough, the following work programmes have been implemented:

  • The launch of our 'Wellbeing in Practice' programme - General practice and local people working together for community wellbeing, there are currently 9 practices and 100 wellbeing champions working together providing a range of activities and events to improve the health of local people.
  • The launch of 'Community Wellbeing Tameside & Glossop' a social media platform which is a shared brand not owned by any one organisation and is a space for anyone working or living in Tameside & Glossop to share ideas and inspiration for community wellbeing. 

More information relating to ‘Community Wellbeing Tameside & Glossop’ can be found in the links here


Social Prescribing and Asset Based Community Development 

Social Prescribing is a programme which connects people with a long term condition to non-medical support, enabling them to improve their wellbeing.  An asset based approach to community development aims to build the capacity and resilience of local people working alongside agencies to improve the health and wellbeing of their local community together.
These schemes in partnership with local people have been implemented across Tameside and Glossop and participants were invited to help reflect on the lessons learned so far, prepare future goals and next steps, and consider how these schemes fit into the neighbourhood plans and bigger picture of Community Wellbeing in Tameside and Glossop.
Feedback from the workshop can be found here



Participants who attended the Loneliness workshop were asked for their views on what is needed to improve loneliness and isolation in our local communities, to help public health colleagues fully understand the extent of the problem and more importantly what can we do about it.

The workshop was also used as an opportunity to engage with members of the public who would be interested in being part of a Patient Voice Sub Group, which is part of the Loneliness Steering Group.

June 2019 


At the June PEN Conference the Tameside and Glossop commissioner for Dementia gave a presentation and update on future developments of a new Integrated Dementia Care Pathway.   PEN members were invited to a series of events planned for the latter half of 2019, and were invited to be part of a Community of Practice Group.  Members of this group have helped in the development of a draft Integrated Dementia Strategy which has provided assurance that the Integrated Dementia Pathway has been developed in partnership with service users and community/voluntary sector organisations.
The Dementia Care presentation can be viewed below:

The Dementia Care presentation

Information on how the feedback from the PEN Conference was used to inform the Dementia Strategy can be found here. 


GM Clean Air 

Greater Manchester local authorities are working together to develop a Clean Air Plan to tackle air pollution on local roads.  PEN participants were given a presentation on the proposals and participated in a whole room engagement activity to get their views on how best we can help people, businesses and organisations, including schools, to play their part in reducing air pollution locally.
The feedback was sent to Transport for Greater Manchester as part of their public conversation, prior to full consultation. 


Personalised Care Planning at the End of Life

PEN participants were given a presentation on how their feedback from 3 previous PEN workshops dating back to June 2018 had influenced the draft Advance Care Planning documentation. 
Advance Care Planning can be carried out by any of us at any time, for ourselves or with loved ones. It is particularly relevant when a person is approaching the end stages of their life.
A detailed ‘You Said, We Did’ style presentation is provided in the PowerPoint link below.

‘You Said, We Did’ style presentation


New Ways to Access General Practice 

At the workshop participants discussed new ways to access Primary Care which included:

  • GP Online Services - PEN members were asked how GP Online should be communicated locally.  As a result of the feedback the CCG have implemented a communications plan, which has been recognised as best practice and shared across Greater Manchester.  An action as a result of the communications plan is that practice staff now provide training to PPG members and Practice Champions enabling them to share learning re GP Online Services with the wider patient population.
  • NHS App - Participants were made aware of the national app which is being rolled out to patients to ensure equitable access in an app format. Following feedback it was established that people were having difficulty identifying their own practices via the App, this was raised with the national team and has now been resolved.
  • How to access advice without the need to see a GP – As a result of the feedback a further piece of engagement was delivered to GP practices to ensure they were aware of Elemental, a social prescribing referral system.  Following on from this an event has been planned to provide practices with signposting training to commence in January 2020.  As part of the discussion, a new online GP consultation project was discussed and we will be meeting with the system provider to discuss options which hopefully will allow patients to access care online 24 hours a day.


Lung Health Checks  

At the Lung Health Check workshop participants were asked for their feedback on the implementation of the Tameside and Glossop Lung Health Check Programme.  PEN members gave their views and opinions specifically around how they would like to see lung health checks delivered locally.
All feedback form the workshop will be used to inform the service model options which are currently being worked through in more detail.
Notes from the workshop can be found here


Bereavement Booklet 

Participants were invited to give their views on the draft Tameside and Glossop Bereavement Booklet.  Feedback identified the need not only for support and information around bereavement, but also for more information about the end of a person’s life. 
As a result of the feedback a working group has been established to look at the development of a webpage as well as ‘printable’ information for those who cannot access online resources.  The group will work alongside local bereavement providers to review the provision of bereavement services locally, to identify the gaps, and determine the options for further support around bereavement as well as end of life across the locality. 

October 2019 

Mayors Challenge Fund 

At the October 2019 PEN Conference a presentation was given to all PEN participants to raise awareness of the Mayors Challenge Fund (MCF) for Walking and Cycling, in advance of a formal consultation programme being launched in February 2020.
During the period of formal consultation PEN members will be encouraged to view the designs of the MCF schemes, and provide formal feedback online.   Feedback from the consultation will help to finalise designs for the Mayors Challenge Fund schemes. 
Feedback and notes from the engagement activity can be found here


Health Inequalities 

At the workshop participants were provided with a copy of the Trusts draft Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Strategic Objectives 2019–2022. 
Participants were asked for feedback on what the Trust needs to do more of, less of, keep doing, stop and start doing in order to achieve the objectives presented in the draft strategy, and to support health inequalities in the local area.
Feedback from the workshop has been used to inform the finalised version of the EDI Strategy 2019-2022, which can be found here


Patient Experience and Service User Experience Strategy 

Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust (ICFT) are revising their Patient and Service User Experience Strategy. The PEN workshop was used as an opportunity to engage with members of the public to ask what was important to them in relation to patient experience at their local hospital.
Elements of the current strategy were discussed to understand what worked well and what could be improved. Feedback was given by those who attended each session.
Following the workshop feedback from PEN participants has been incorporated into the draft ICFT Patient and Service User Experience Strategy, which is currently in early development stages.


Keep SAMMIE Safe Campaign 

Participants who engaged in this particular workshop were given the opportunity to find out more about the Keep SAMMIE Safe Campaign which stands for Smoking, Alcohol, Mobility, Mental Health, Isolation and Elderly, which is the key profile factors of a person at increased risk of fire.  The campaign is a joint initiative between GM Fire and Rescue Service and Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust.
The group were asked their thoughts on the communications element of the campaign e.g. marketing materials, key messages etc., this information has been fed back to the GM Fire Prevention team who are leading on the campaign. 


Co-operative Council 

At the PEN workshop discussions around Tameside Council’s co-operative working were passionate and constructive. Notes were taken and all attendees were encouraged to complete comment cards throughout the rest of the Conference. Following on from this, a number of actions took place:

  • Workshop attendees from partner organisations and community groups exchanged contact details to help facilitate working relationships and co-operative working
  • Feedback from the PEN workshops and other engagement activity has been published on public webpages: Co-operative Working and Coop-Summit-YOUR-VIEWS this feedback will inform the improvement and development of co-operative working in Tameside and Glossop
  • An online survey has been opened and will collate further feedback, allowing residents to continue to have their say about co-operative working


Volunteer Strategy 

Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust (ICFT) are revising their Volunteering Strategy.  The PEN Conference was used as an opportunity to engage with members of the public to ask what was important to them in relation to volunteering and any experience they might have had regarding volunteering at the local hospital.
Elements of the current strategy were discussed to understand what worked well and what could be improved.  Feedback from the workshop will be incorporated into the hospital’s draft Volunteering Strategy, which is in early development stages.