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Council Constitution

Part 3a - Terms of Reference and Scheme of Delegation

6. Supporting People and Resources Scrutiny Panel

  1. 1.     To review and scrutinise those matters relating to the Children Act 2004 and “Every Child Matters”.

    2.     To review and scrutinise those matters set out in Section 499 of the Education Act 1996 (as amended by Section 9 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998) and all other legislative requirement such as the Children Act 1989.

    3.     To review and scrutinise the decisions made or actions taken in connection with the discharge of any of the Council’s Executive functions relating to educational matters, general children's issues, children's health, looked after children, the Youth Service and Youth Offending Services.  Also, scrutiny of corporate services and policies, resource planning and human resources.  Co-opted members will be invited to join the Panel when looking at educational matters.

    4.     To make requests or recommendations to the Overview (Audit) Panel in connection with the discharge of any Executive functions in accordance with the Council’s Call In Procedure.

    5.     To exercise the right to call in for reconsideration executive decisions made but not yet implemented by the Executive, District Assembly or Panel.

    6.     To examine whether the Council is meeting its objectives set through the budget and policies and if this is not the case to suggest ways in which the Council may achieve this.

    7.     The Scrutiny Panel will receive decisions and relevant papers from the Executive Cabinet. The Panel will have the right to question Executive Members and Senior Managers on the implementation of decisions policies and the budget.

    8.     In the event of any dispute howsoever arising as to whether the Scrutiny Panel has authority to consider any matter such dispute shall be referred to the Executive Director (Governance) who shall at his/her absolute discretion either:-. 

     i. provide a decision on the matter; or
     ii. refer the matter to the Overview (Audit) Panel for a decision.

    10.    The Scrutiny Panel shall not consider any matter relating to standards of behaviour, conduct, ethics or probity, directly or indirectly involving any Member or Officer of the Council. Any such matter(s) shall, without debate, be immediately referred to the Executive Director (Governance) (and in the case of financial matters, also the Executive Director (Finance) who shall on receipt of such information seek further information as the Executive Director (Governance), or her/his nominee considers necessary, to prepare a full report for consideration by the Standards Committee or and thereafter the Executive Director (Governance), or her/his nominee, shall submit a report for consideration, without delay, to the Standards Committee or where appropriate.

    11.    To present to the Overview (Audit) Panel the final report of all Scrutiny Reviews with the appropriate Executive Member given the opportunity to make a formal response to the report.

    12.    To monitor and evaluate progress of recommendations of Scrutiny Reports, as appropriate.

    13.    To carry out an internal evaluation of the impact individual Service Reviews within the remit of the Panel. 

    14.    Scrutiny Panels cannot consider any matters that are the responsibility of the Speakers Panels nor scrutinise any of their decisions.

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