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Church Records

Ashton-under-Lyne, Audenshaw, Denton, Droylsden, Dukinfield, Hyde, Longdendale, Mossley, Stalybridge.

View of Ashton taken from engraving, showing Ashton Old Hall and Ashton Parish ChurchSee our other pages: Family History and Archives for Family History for other sources of family history.


Before 1837 births, marriages and deaths were not recorded systematically – only records of baptisms, marriages and burials are likely to survive and are a vital source for family historians.

Records of baptisms, marriages and burials before 1837 are held in parish registers kept by Church of England clergy or in nonconformist and Roman Catholic registers.

Although officially kept from 1538, there are many gaps in parish registers until 1813 when separate, printed volumes were introduced for baptisms, marriages and burials. The Church of England, as the Established Church, retained a role in recording baptisms, marriages and burials even after the growth of other denominations.

Generally Nonconformist registers become numerous only after 1780 and Roman Catholic registers for the Tameside area date from the 1820s

From 1753 Hardwicke’s Marriage Act tightened up the rules about marriages and until 1837 only Church of England, Jewish and Quaker marriages were valid (as Scotland was outside the scope of the Act this led to Gretna Green becoming a centre for more "irregular" marriages).

Please remember that until 1752, the new year started in March, so January 1721 would be after April 1721, for example. In 1751, it was decided that 1 January would start the new year thereafter.

It is also worth remembering that church registers can be used for demographic and other social history studies. Registers give information about birth and death rates in the period before civil registration and can tell us about literacy levels (as people had to sign or make their mark in marriage registers) and about levels of illegitimate births.

International Genealogical Index (IGI)

This is an index to pre 1837 baptisms, marriages and some burials compiled on microfilm by the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints (Mormons).

It is available at Link to External Website and indexes, arranged by surname, for England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland (plus Canada and the Pacific Islands) are available here on microfiche.

Although extremely useful, the index is not comprehensive, only about a third of churches have been filmed. It is always worth comparing the entries with the originals. We also have a CD-Rom for the whole of the British Isles covering 1538-1888.

Explanation of Registers and Key



This is a list of the registers of over 300 churches and chapels available for viewing in Tameside Archives and Local Studies. Churches are listed alphabetically by town, and then by church name. Churches are broken down into Church of England, Nonconformist (including Moravian) and Roman Catholic.

Church of England Records

Indicated in black, and are shortened to the abbreviation CE.

Although some registers remain with the church, churches are encouraged to deposit their records at the Diocesan Record Offices - Cheshire parishes at Chester, Lancashire parishes at Manchester Archives & Local Studies, Central Library, St. Peter's Square, Manchester, M2 5PD, Tel: 0161-234-1979, Web: Link to External Website

(NB: BTs = Bishop's Transcripts)

Nonconformist Records

Indicated in red, and are shorted to the abbreviation NC.

There were no marriages at nonconformist chapels between 1754 and 1837, as the Marriages Act forbade non-Anglican marriages (except for Quakers and Jews). Registers of nonconformist churches are mostly in the Public Record Office.

(NB: Some entries are out of chronological sequence in the Methodist Registers.)

Catholic Records

Indicated in blue, and are shortened to the abbreviation RC.

Please note these records are quite difficult to read and the dates are not always in consecutive order.


Original documents of registers are sometimes available in Tameside Archives. The archive collection reference being made up of NB, NC, NM, NU as a prefix, followed by a number or a series of numbers. For example NB1/18 for Wakefield Road Baptist Church: marriage register.

Please note that archives will not be produced within thirty minutes of closing time and that all archives must be returned fifteen minutes before closing time.

Records by Town



Location Records Dates Reference Church
Albion United Reformed Baptisms 1815 – 1837 MF 538 NC
1815 – 1836 Search for Albion United Reformed baptisms 1815 – 1826 on BMD Registers 
Deaths Jan. 1910 (very few entries) See archives: NC2/53
Archive Collection 1815 – 1990 See archives: NC2
Alexandra Road Methodist New Connexion
(formerly Boodle Street Methodist Mission)
Baptisms 1926 – 1965 MF 1848 NC
Archive Collection   See archives: NC2
Ashton-under-Lyne Overseers of the Poor Accounts 1745 – 1760
1805 – 1813
MF 1025 CE
Christ Church Baptisms 1846 – 1923 MF 1065 CE
Marriages 1848 – 1883 MF 1067
1883 – 1920 MF 1068
Burials 1848 – 1929 MF 1066
Bishops Transcript 1846 – 1856 MF 1748
Monumental Inscriptions ND MF 028
Fairbottom Wesleyan Methodist Baptisms 1861 – 1992 MF 1848 NC
Henry Square United Methodist Free Church Baptisms 1866 – 1959 MF 1848 NC
Holy Trinity, Bardsley Baptisms 1844 – 1905 MF 1860 CE
Marriages 1844 – 1917 MF 1863
Burials 1844 – 1869 MF 1860
1887 – 1905 MF 1860
1905 – 1934 MF 1863
Hurst Brook Methodist New Connexion, Curzon Road
(formerly Hope Chapel)
Baptisms 1858 – 1934 MF 1848 NC
Marriages 1873 – 1959 MF 1849
Hurst Brook Primitive Methodist, Ormonde Street Baptisms 1882 – 1985 MF 1848 NC
Hurst Methodist New Connexion, Queens Road Baptisms 1841 – 1950 MF 1849 NC
Marriages 1847 – 1950 MF 1849
1948 – 1967 MF 1850
Account of Funerals 1846 – 1955 Printed at: qL923
Archive Collection   See archives: NM4, NM8 & NM15
Katherine Street Primitive Methodist Baptisms 1850 – 1948 MF 1848 NC
Marriages 1851 – 1948 MF 1848
Methodist Circuit Baptisms 1804 – 1817 & 1833 MF 538 NC
Burials 1804 – 1825 MF 538
Oakenclough Methodist New Connexion Marriages 1893 – 1962 MF 1852 NC
Richmond Hill Unitarian Marriages 1909 – 1979 See archives: NU3/1-4 NC
Ryecroft Congregational Baptisms 1879 – 1967 See archives: NC1/10/1/1-5 NC
Marriages 1914 – 1965 See archives: NC1/10/2/1-8
Saint Anne Baptisms 1871 – 1879 MF 1620 C
1879 – 1941 MF 1619
Marriages 1873 – 1941 MF 1619
Archive Collection ND See archives: RC/ASH/SA
Saint James the Apostle Baptisms 1863 – 1936 MF 1766 CE
Marriages 1866 – 1918 MF 1767
1918 – 1933 MF 1768
Bishops Transcript 1865 – Jul. 1896 MF 1748
Certain registers   Certain registers of the Saint James the Apostle are available at Link to External Website
Saint John the Evangelist, Hurst Baptisms and Calendar 1849 – 1964 MF 1420 CE
Marriages 1849 – 1941 MF 1422
1941 – 1971 MF 1423
Burials 1849 – 1976 MF 1421
Memorial Inscriptions ND Printed at: qL923
Saint Mary Baptisms 1870 – 1907 MF 1622 CE
1884 – 1941 MF 1621
Marriages 1857 – 1906 MF 1621
Saint Michael, Bardsley Birth, Marriages and Deaths Registers 1594 – 1775 Printed at: qL923 CE
Saint Michael and All Angels Baptisms 1594 – 1720 MF 1621 & printed at qL923 CE
1720 – 1814 MF 77
1814 – 1832 MF 80
1832 – 1843 MF 79
1837 – 1845 MF 1525
1844 – 1855 MF 1526
1855 – 1871 MF 1527
1871 – 1886 MF 1528
1886 – 1918 MF 1529
Baptisms 1594 – 1843 Saint Michael and All Angels baptisms 1594 – 1843 are indexed on the International Genealogical Index (IGI) at Link to External Website
Marriages 1594 – 1720 Printed at qL923
1720 – 1837 MF 94
1837 – 1844 MF 1531
1844 – 1852 MF 1532
1852 – 1859 MF 1533
1859 – 1867 MF 1538
1867 – 1876 MF 1534
1876 – 1888 MF 1535
1888 – 1914 MF 1536
1914 – 1922 MF 1537
1594 – 1837 Saint Michael and All Angels marriages 1594 – 1837 are indexed on the International Genealogical Index (IGI) at Link to External Website
1837 – 1974 Saint Michael and All Angels marriages 1837 – 1974 are indexed on the Cheshire Births Marriages & Deaths Indexes Link to External Website
Burials 1594 – 1720 Printed at qL923
1619 – 1720 MF 1537
1720 – 1822 MF 75
1822 – 1840 MF 76
1837 – 1845 MF 1529
1845 – 1892 MF 1530
1892 – 1964 MF 1531
Bishops Transcript 1595 – 1767 MF 1749
1768 – 1810 MF 1745
1811 – 1816
1824 – 1826
MF 1746
1826 – 1830 MF 1747
1831 – 1832 MF 1748
Grave Stone Inscriptions (in the church) 1889 MF 434
Miscellaneous Documents 1631 – 1894 MF 434
Overseers and Church Warden Accounts 1640 – 1658
1683 – 1689
MF 1025
Parish Register Transcript, Missing Register 1829 – 1830 Printed at: qL923
Parochial School Head Teacher’s Book 1863 – 1891 MF 434
Schedule of Graves
(affected by construction of Ashton by-pass, 1970)
1700 – 1900 MF 024
Terrier of Glebe Lands & Plans 1854 MF 434
Register of Interments   CA/ASH/204
Saint Peter Baptisms 1824 – 1837 Printed at qL923 CE
Baptisms and Calendar 1824 – 1924 MF 1432
Marriages 1840 – 1875 MF 1489
1875 – 1891 MF 1427
1891 – 1908 MF 1428
1908 – 1928 MF 1523
1928 – 1941 MF 1429
1942 – 1973 MF 1430
Burials 1825 – 1853 MF 1424
1853 – 1865 MF 1425
1865 – 1966 MF 1426
Monumental Inscriptions 1830 – 1900 MF 024
Certain registers   Certain registers of Saint Peter are available at Link to External Website
Stamford Street Methodist New Connexion Baptisms 1794 – 1937 MF 1850 NC
1794 – 1837 Stamford Street Methodist New Connexion baptisms 1794 – 1837 are searchable on the Cheshire Births Marriages & Deaths Indexes Link to External Website
Marriages 1839 – 1880 MF 1850
1883 – 1896 MF 1850
1896 – 1933 MF 1851
Burials 1812 – 1854 MF 1850
Registers 1794 – 1837 MF 538
Stamford Street Wesleyan Methodist Baptisms 1804 – 1837 MF 538 NC
1833 – 1861 MF 1851
1881 – 1958 MF 1851
1804 –1837 Stamford Street Wesleyan Methodist baptisms 1804 – 1837 are searchable on the Cheshire Births Marriages & Deaths Indexes Link to External Website
Marriages 1846 – 1923 MF 1851
1923 – 1958 MF 1852
Archive Collection 1837 – 1913 See archives: NM2
Trafalgar Square Methodist New Connexion Baptisms 1867 – 1965 MF 1852 NC
Waterloo Methodist New Connexion Baptisms 1872 – 1943 MF 1852 NC
Archive Collection 1921 – 1927 See archives: NM13
Welbeck Street, Baptist Chapel Marriages 1908 – 1957 See archives: NB4/1-4NC NC
West End Wesleyan Methodist Mission Baptisms 1909 – 1925 MF 1854 NC

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Location Records Dates Reference Church
Audenshaw Methodist New Connexion
(formerly Red Hall Methodist New Connexion)
Baptisms 1783 – 1845 MF 1854 NC
1875 – 1942 MF 1854
Archive Collection 1868 – 1895 See archives: NM14
Guide Lane Methodist (ex-Wesleyan), Hooley Hill Baptisms 1811 – 1817 MF 539 NC
1843 – 1968 MF 1854
1807 – 1836 Guide Lane Methodist (ex-Wesleyan), Hooley Hill baptisms 1807 – 1836 are searchable on the Cheshire Births Marriages & Deaths Indexes Link to External Website
Marriages 1891 – 1901 MF 1854
Registers 1798 – 1837 MF 538
Saint Stephen Baptisms and Calendar 1844 – 1904 MF 1395 CE
Marriages 1846 – 1874 MF 1396
1874 – 1907 MF 1397
Memorial Inscriptions ND Printed at: qL923
Shepley Road Methodist New Connexion, Hooley Hill Baptisms 1858 – 1891 MF 1854 NC
1928 – 1942 MF 1854
1942 – 1949 MF 1854
Marriages 1950 – 1962 MF 1854

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Location Records Dates Reference Church
Christ Church Baptisms 1848 – 1908 MF 1524 CE
1908 – 1930 MF 1847
Marriages 1854 – 1915 MF 1524
1915 – 1954 MF 1847
Burials 1 page from 1787 MF 1847
1853 – 1906 MF 1524
Bishops transcripts 1848 – 1855 (has gaps and there are not any Marriages or Burials from 1848 – 1853) MF 1752
Haughton Green Wesleyan Chapel Baptisms 1810 – 1837 MF 540 NC
1809 – 1837 Haughton Green Wesleyan Chapel baptisms 1809 – 1837 are searchable on the Cheshire Births Marriages & Deaths Indexes Link to External Website
Burials 1811 – 1837 MF 540
1811 – 1837 Haughton Green Wesleyan Chapel burials 1811 – 1837 are searchable on the Cheshire Births Marriages & Deaths Indexes Link to External Website
Saint Anne’s, Haughton Baptisms and Calendar 1882 – 1909 MF 1436 CE
Marriages 1882 – 1916 MF 1436
Saint Lawrence’s Parish Church Baptisms 1758 – 1837 MF 347 & MF 1861 CE
1813 – 1837 MF 1859
1837 – 1922 MF 1862
Baptisms and Calendar 1837 – 1922 MF 1433
Marriages 1695 MF 1859
1698 – 1723 Printed at qL923
1725 – 1754 Printed at qL923
1854 – 1939 MF 1435
Burials 1695 – 1756 Printed at qL923
1758 – 1842 MF 1861
1873 – 1893 MF 1434
Archaeological Survey ND Printed at qL726 & L726
Bishops Transcripts 1700 – 1833 (has gaps and does not record Marriages) MF 1751
1833 – 1848 (has gaps) MF 1752
Burials and Baptisms ND MF 1859
Record of Gravestones ND Printed at: qL923
Certain registers   Certain registers of Saint Lawrence’s Parish Church are available at Link to External Website

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Location Records Dates Reference Church
Fairfield Moravian Church Baptisms 1785 – 1840 MF 540 NC
Market Street Primitive Methodist Baptisms 1861 – 1939 MF 1855 NC
Marriages 1912 – 1968 MF 1855
Moorside Street, Wesleyan Methodist Baptisms 1884 – 1974 MF 1856 NC
Saint Mary’s
(Records are held by the Church)
Monumental Inscriptions 1850 – 1900 MF 024
St Mary’s Rectory,
Church Street,
M43 7FB
Tel: 0161 370 1569
Saint Stephen’s Baptisms 1935 – 1941 MF 1627 CE
Marriages 1936 – 1941 MF 1627
Trinity Wesleyan, Manchester Road
(formerly Wesleyan Chapel, Market Street)
Baptisms 1828 – 1837 MF 540 NC
1837 – 1956 MF 1856
1828 – 1837 Trinity Wesleyan, Manchester Road (formerly Wesleyan Chapel, Market Street) baptisms 1828 – 1837 are searchable on the Cheshire Births Marriages & Deaths Indexes Link to External Website
Marriages 1868 – 1904 MF 1856
Burials 1841 – 1850 MF 1856

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Location Records Dates Reference Church
Astley Street Primitive Methodist Marriages 1919 – 1941 MF 1852 NC
Crescent Road Monumental Inscriptions ND Printed at: qL923 NC
Dukinfield Moravian (see also Fairfield Moravian) Baptisms 1784 – 1786 MF 554 NC
1781 – 1785 Dukinfield Moravian (see also Fairfield Moravian) baptisms 1781 – 1785 are searchable on the Cheshire Births Marriages & Deaths Indexes Link to External Website
1812 – 1840 Dukinfield Moravian (see also Fairfield Moravian) baptisms 1812 – 1840 are searchable on the Cheshire Births Marriages & Deaths Indexes Link to External Website
1812 – 1840 MF 554
Burials 1754 – 1840 MF 554
1825 – 1840 Dukinfield Moravian (see also Fairfield Moravian) burials 1825 – 1840 are searchable on the Cheshire Births Marriages & Deaths Indexes Link to External Website
Transcripts of Burial Registers 1784 – 1840 MF 1025
Archive Collection 1786 – 1812 See archives: NMO/1
Dukinfield Wesleyan Methodist, Park Street Baptisms 1855 – 1967 MF 1852 NC
Marriages 1897 – 1902 MF 1852
Ebenezer Primitive Methodist, Foundry Street Baptisms 1850 – 1953 MF 1853 NC
Marriages 1892 – 1958 MF 1853
Foundry Street Wesleyan Methodist Marriages 1900 – 1953 MF 1852 NC
Old Chapel Presbyterian Baptisms 1677 – 1713 MF 824 NC
1761 – 1985 MF 824
1785 – 1797 MF 554
1832 – 1840 MF 554
1676 – 1713 Old Chapel Presbyterian baptisms 1676 – 1713 are searchable on the Cheshire Births Marriages & Deaths Indexes Link to External Website
1762 – 1840 Old Chapel Presbyterian baptisms 1762 – 1840 are searchable on the Cheshire Births Marriages & Deaths Indexes Link to External Website
Marriages 1677 – 1713 MF 824
1837 – 1875 MF 824
1676 – 1713 Old Chapel Presbyterian marriages 1676 – 1713 are searchable on the Cheshire Births Marriages & Deaths Indexes Link to External Website
Burials 1785 – 1791 MF 554
1838 MF 554
1676 – 1713 Old Chapel Presbyterian burials 1676 – 1713 are searchable on the Cheshire Births Marriages & Deaths Indexes Link to External Website
1761 – 1793 Old Chapel Presbyterian burials 1761 – 1793 are searchable on the Cheshire Births Marriages & Deaths Indexes Link to External Website
1836 – 1838 Old Chapel Presbyterian burials 1836 – 1838 are searchable on the Cheshire Births Marriages & Deaths Indexes Link to External Website
Archive Collection 1801 – 1972 See archives: NU2 & see Archivist for access to uncatalogued material
Grave Records ND Printed at: qL923 & CD-ROM
Index to Baptisms, Marriages and Burials 1677 – 1985 MF 028
Memorial Inscriptions ND Printed at: qL923
Transcript of Registers 1677 – 1985 Printed at: qL923
Old Hall Chapel Congregational Baptisms, Marriages & Burials 1676 – 1713 MF 555 NC
Baptisms 1785 – 1832 MF 555
1806-1837 Old Hall Chapel Congregational baptisms 1806 – 1837 are searchable on the Cheshire Births Marriages & Deaths Indexes Link to External Website
Burials 1785 – 1791 MF 554
1785 – 1793 MF 555
1807-1837 Old Hall Chapel Congregational burials 1807 – 1837 are searchable on the Cheshire Births Marriages & Deaths Indexes Link to External Website
Alphabetical Surname Index   Printed at qL923
Providence Independent Chapel Baptisms 1806 – 1837 MF 554 NC
Burials 1807 – 1828 MF 554
1821 – 1837 MF 555
Saint John Baptisms 1841 – 1861 MF 1345 CE
1861 – 1910 MF 1346
1910 – 1946 MF 1583
Marriages 1842 – 1871 MF 1346
1870 – 1906 MF 1347
1906 – 1936 MF 1583
1936 – 1940 MF 1486
Burials 1841 – 1860 MF 1347
1860 – 1955 MF 1348
History of 1841 – 1991 See qL283
Saint Mark’s Parish Church Baptisms 1846 – 1900 MF 1339 CE
1900 – 1917 MF 1585
1917 – 1937 MF 1584
Marriages 1849 – 1886 MF 1339
1886 – 1905 MF 1340
1905 – 1912 MF 1585
1912 – 1924 MF 1583
1924 – 1937 MF 1584
1937 – 1958 MF 1586
Saint Mary’s Baptisms 1825 – 1906 (1939 – 1849 missing) MF 1770 C
1906 – 1980 MF 1771
1980 – 2004 (see staff for look-up, closure period applies) MF 1772
Marriages (from 1837 these appear as Civil Marriages on Cheshire BMD with the prefix ASH/RM) Apr 1841 – Nov 1847 MF 1774
May 1851 – Sep 2004 MF 1774
Burials Apr 1851 – Dec 1859 MF 1775
Nov 1867 – Mar 1986 MF 1775
Sep 1992 – Oct 2004 MF 1775
Confirmations 1865 – 2004 (1943 – 1948 missing) MF 1773
Register (Births, Marriages, Deaths) 1823 – 1841 MF 1775
All Above Registers See above CD-ROM
Wellington Street Methodist New Connexion Burials 1840 – 1911 MF 1852 NC

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Location Records Dates Reference Church
Hollingworth Methodist New Connexion, Spring Street Baptisms 1830 – 1844 MF 1848 NC
1830 – 1837 MF 1134
1871 – 1896 MF 1848
1896 – 1947 MF 1848
1830 – 1837 Hollingworth Methodist New Connexion, Spring Street baptisms 1830 – 1837 are searchable on the Cheshire Births Marriages & Deaths Indexes Link to External Website
Marriages 1912 – 1963 MF 1848
Water Lane United Methodist Free Church (now Hollingworth Methodist) Baptisms 1871 – 1964 MF 1848 NC
Tintwistle Ebenezer Wesleyan, Old Road Baptisms 1839 - 1966 MF 1848 NC

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Hyde and Newton


Location Records Dates Reference Church
Hallbottom Wesleyan Church Burials 1831 – 1865 MF 1025 NC
Hyde Chapel Presbyterian, Gee Cross
(later Unitarian and Free Christian)
Baptisms 1710 – 1826 MF 552 NC
1710 – 1838 Hyde Chapel Presbyterian, Gee Cross (later Unitarian and Free Christian) baptisms 1710 – 1838 are searchable on the Cheshire Births Marriages & Deaths Indexes Link to External Website
1827 – 1838 MF 553
Burials 1785 – 1826 MF 552
1827 – 1834 MF 553
1834 – 1889 MF 981
1889 – 1989 MF 982
1827 – 1837 Hyde Chapel Presbyterian, Gee Cross (later Unitarian and Free Christian) burials 1827 - 1837 are searchable on the Cheshire Births Marriages & Deaths Indexes Link to External Website
Archive Collection 1901 – 1928 See archives: NU4
Archive Collection (Rev HE Dowson) 1881 – 1975 See archives: DD237
Memorial Inscriptions ND Printed at: qL923
Hyde Lane Independent Baptisms 1822 – 1837 MF 844 NC
1822 – 1837 Hyde Lane Independent baptisms 1822 - 1837 are searchable on the Cheshire Births Marriages & Deaths Indexes Link to External Website
Hyde Wesleyan, New Street
(later Norfolk Street)
Baptisms 1823 – 1837 MF 1133 NC
1823 – 1837 Hyde Wesleyan, New Street
(later Norfolk Street) baptisms 1823 - 1837 are searchable on the Cheshire Births Marriages & Deaths Indexes
Link to External Website
Saint George Parish Church Baptisms 1832 – 1892 MF 1326 CE
1851 – 1922 MF 1594
1892 – 1897 MF 1324
1897 – 1909 MF 1325
Marriages 1839 – 1859 MF 1594
1839 – 1871 MF 1329
1871 – 1900 MF 1330
1859 – 1910 MF 1595
1910 – 1940 MF 1592
Burials 1832 – 1846 MF 1592
1832 – 1870 MF 1327
1870 – 1899 MF 1328
1888 – 1910 MF 1591
1909 – 1973 MF 1593
Archive Collection ND See archives: PR/HYD
Saint Mary, Newton Baptisms 1839 – 1845 MF 1492 CE
Marriages 1843 – 1845 MF 1492
Burials 1839 – 1844 MF 1492
Bishops Transcript 1845 – 1872 MF 1582
Saint Stephen, Flowery Field Baptisms Sep. 1891 – 1938 MF 1638 CE
Marriages Oct. 1891 – 1946 MF 1638
Memorial Inscriptions ND Printed at qL923 (in Ephemera)
Saint Thomas Baptisms 1847 – 1924 MF 1336 CE
Marriages 1869 – 1910 MF 1337
1910 – 1919 MF 1338
Burials 1869 – 1900 MF 1338
    MI’s qL923
Union Street Congregational Birth, Marriages and Deaths 1858 – 1988 Printed at: qL923 NC
Roll of Members 1822 – 1902 Printed at: qL923

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Location Records Dates Reference Church
Ancoats: Beswick Street United Methodist Free Church Baptisms 1871 – 1950 MF 1854 NC
Ancoats: Bradford Road Primitive Methodist Baptisms 1865 – 1963 MF 1854 NC
Marriages 1932 – 1962 MF 1854
Ancoats: Ancoats Circuit Primitive Methodist Baptisms 1823 – 1853 MF 1854 NC
1843 – 1847 MF 1854
Chorlton-upon-Medlock: All Saints Bishops Transcript 1820 – 1834 MF 1751 CE
1814 – 1840 MF 1751
Crumpsall: Crumpsall Park Wesleyan, Lansdowne Road Baptisms 1887 – 1951 MF 1855 CE
Marriages 1890 – 1977 MF 1855
1899 – 1966 MF 1855
Crumpsall: Crumpsall United Methodist Free Church Baptisms 1875 – 1936 MF 1855 NC
Marriages 1903 – 1935 MF 1855
Crumpsall: Lower Crumpsall Wesleyan, Waterloo Street Baptisms 1870 – 1968 MF 1855 NC
Marriages 1886 – 1965 MF 1855
Didsbury: Albert Park Wesleyan, Barlow Moor Road Baptisms 1883 – 1965 MF 1855 NC
Marriages 1887 – 1965 MF 1855
Didsbury: Saint James Bishops Transcript 1603 – 1824 (with gaps, no marriages) MF 1752 CE
Hindsford: Saint Anne Marriages 1931 – 1947 MF 1859 CE
Banns 1917 – 1932 MF 1859
Manchester: Manchester Cathedral Baptisms 1573 – 1665/6 Printed at: L923 CE
Marriages 1573 – 1665/6 Printed at: L923
Burials 1573 – 1665/6 Printed at: L923
Rainscough (near Prestwich): Rainscough Wesleyan, Chapel Road Marriages 1922 – 1967 MF 1857 NC
Rusholme: Rusholme Wesleyan, Dickenson Road Marriages 1901 – 1936 MF 1857 NC
Stretford: All Saints Baptisms 1885 – 1928 MF 1846 CE
Marriages 1891 – 1937 MF 1846
Stretford: Saint Peter Baptisms 1905 – 1929 MF 1846 CE
Withington: Burton Road Primitive Methodist Baptisms 1931 – 1954 MF 1857 NC

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Location Records Dates Reference Church
Abney Congregational Church Baptisms 1854 – 1960 See archives: NC3/22/1 NC
Marriages 1854 – 1960 See archives: NC3/22/1
All Saints, Micklehurst Memorial Inscriptions ND Printed at: qL923 CE
Circuit Register Methodist New Connexion Baptisms 1797 – 1947 MF 1853 NC
Market Place Methodist New Connexion Baptisms 1797 – 1837 MF 538 NC
1797 – 1829 Market Place Methodist New Connexion baptisms 1797 - 1829 are searchable on the Cheshire Births Marriages & Deaths Indexes Link to External Website
Micklehurst Primitive Methodist, Waggon Road Baptisms 1882 – 1951 MF 1854 NC
Mossley Wesleyan, Stamford Road Baptisms 1863 – 1954 MF 1853 NC
Marriages 1900 – 1952 MF 1853
Roaches Wesleyan, Manchester Road Baptisms 1927 – 1963 MF 1854 NC
Marriages 1953 – 1960 MF 1854
Roughtown Methodist New Connexion Baptisms 1879 – 1968 MF 1854 NC
Saint George Baptisms 1756 – 1847 MF 1844 & MF 348 CE
Burials 1761 – 1846 MF 1844 & MF 348
Bishops Transcript 1769 – 1838 MF 1750
Monumental Inscriptions 1850 – 1950 MF 024
Saint Joseph Baptisms 1873 – 1941 MF 1626 C
Marriages 1871 – 1938 MF 1626
Confirmations 1871 – 1938 MF 1626

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Location Records Dates Reference Church
Methodist New Connexion Baptisms 1798 – 1834 MF 844 NC
1798 – 1834 Methodist New Connexion baptisms 1798 - 1834 are searchable on the Cheshire Births Marriages & Deaths Indexes Link to External Website
Saint Mary Magdalene, Broadbottom Memorial Inscriptions ND Printed at: qL923 CE
Saint Michael Baptisms 1562 – 1802 MF 533 CE
1802 – 1838 MF 1901
1825 – 1884 MF 1332
1884 – 1975 MF 1331
Marriages 1559 – 1754 MF 533
1754 – 1836 MF 534
1837 – 1852 MF 1902
1852 – 1887 MF 1354
1888 – 1948 MF 1335
Burials 1559 – 1801 MF 533
1802 – 1838 MF 536 & printed at: qL923
1813 – 1849 Printed at: qL923
1838 – 1875 MF 537
1875 – 1988 MF 1331
Alphabetical Index of Burials 1813 – 1838 Printed at: qL923
Banns 1830 – 1845 MF 1331
1845 – 1855 MF 1490
Burials Index 1802 – 1988 Microfiche
Charity Accounts 1791 – 1875 MF 1482
Churchwarden Accounts 1782 – 1794 MF 1490
1810 – 1836 MF 1490
Church Rates 1830 – 1833 MF 1482
Draft 1814 – 1819 MF 1490
Graves 1827 - 1864 MF 1491
List of Dissenters’ Children Baptised by Dissenting Minister (not in the Church) 1684 – 1747 MF 533
Parish Magazine ND See: L283 LON
Poor Rate Book 1846 MF 1482
Register of Graves 1815 – 1833 MF 1482
1816 – 1865 MF 1491
  MI’s Fiche 1838-1988

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Location Records Dates Reference Church
Crompton: Crompton United Methodist Free Marriages 1872 – 1962 MF 1855 NC
Dobcross: Holy Trinity Baptisms 1787 – 1792 MF 1847 CE
1813 – 1893 MF 1847
Burials 1 page from 1787 MF 1847
Failsworth: Failsworth Wesleyan, Oldham Road Baptisms 1860 – 1952 MF 1856 NC
Marriages 1887 – 1959 MF 1856
Failsworth: Saint Mary Baptisms 1872 – 1917 MF 1623 C
1917 – 1941 MF 1624
Marriages 1891 – 1941 MF 1624
Confirmations 1877 – 1936 MF 1624
Oldham: Saint Anne, Greenacres Baptisms 1928 – 1941 MF 1623 C
Marriages 1879 – 1941 MF 1623
Confirmations 1905 – 1936 MF 1623
Oldham: Our Lady of Mount Carmel & Saint Patrick Baptisms 1934 – 1941 MF 1620 C
Marriages 1862 – 1941 MF 1620
Confirmations 1867 – 1940 MF 1620
Oldham: Saint Edward, Lees Baptisms 1874 – 1894 MF 1625 C
Baptisms 1898 – 1941 MF 1625
Marriages 1873 – 1921 MF 1625
Confirmations 1900 – 1936 MF 1625

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Location Records Dates Reference Church
All Saints, Micklehurst Baptisms 1895 – 1896, 1898 MF 1492 CE
Bishops Transcript ND MF 1492
Booth Street United Methodist Free Church Baptisms 1865 – 1947 MF 1857 NC
Marriages 1901 – 1963 MF 1857
Register of Members 1897 – 1928 MF 1857
Canal Street Primitive Methodist Baptisms 1845 – 1957 MF 1857 NC
Marriages 1915 – 1957 MF 1857
Caroline Street Wesleyan (later Grosvenor Street Wesleyan and High Street Wesleyan) Baptisms 1812 – 1837 MF 844 NC
1839 – 1950 MF 1857
1812 – 1837 Caroline Street Wesleyan (later Grosvenor Street Wesleyan and High Street Wesleyan) baptisms 1812 – 1837 are searchable on the Cheshire Births Marriages & Deaths Indexes Link to External Website
Marriages 1874 – 1955 MF 1858
Burials 1823 – 1833 MF 844
Registers 1812 – 1837 MF 539
Christ Church Baptisms 1879 – 1930 MF 1485 CE
Marriages 1880 – 1910 MF 1485
1910 – 1939 MF 1484
Congregational Church Monumental Inscriptions 1860 – 1900 MF 024 NC
ND Printed at: qL923
Cross Leech Street Baptist Funeral Fund Account 1857 – 1872 MF 024 NC
List of Members 1842 – 1875 MF 024
1875 – 1899 MF 024
Archive Collection 1815 – 1958 See archives: NB2
Ebenezer Baptist Baptisms 1807 – 1837 MF 539 NC
Births 1807 – 1837 Ebenezer Baptist births 1807 – 1837 are searchable on the Cheshire Births Marriages & Deaths Indexes Link to External Website
Grosvenor Square (Bethel) Methodist New Connexion Baptisms 1798 – 1824 MF 844 NC
1798 – 1837 MF 844
1798 – 1956 MF 1857
1798 – 1837 Grosvenor Square (Bethel) Methodist New Connexion baptisms 1798 – 1837 are searchable on the Cheshire Births Marriages & Deaths Indexes Link to External Website
Marriages 1899 – 1956 MF 1858
Holy Trinity, Castle Hall Baptisms 1852 – 1925 MF 1486 CE
Marriages 1852 – 1880 MF 1486
1882 – 1933 MF 1483
Burials 1853 – 1879 MF 1483
Millbrook Wesleyan, Grenville Street Baptisms 1888 – 1988 MF 1858 NC
Mount Pleasant Baptist
(later Wakefield Road Baptist)
Births 1828 – 1837 MF 539 NC
1809 – 1837 Mount Pleasant Baptist
(later Wakefield Road Baptist) births 1809 – 1837 are searchable on the Cheshire Births Marriages & Deaths Indexes
Link to External Website
New Saint George Baptisms 1846 – 1930 MF 1845 CE
Marriages 1841 – 1881 MF 1845
1881 – 1901 MF 1846
1841 – 1901 MF 1765
Burials 1846 – 1901 MF 1846
1846 – 2007 Printed at: qL923
Banns of Marriage 1872 – 1889 MF 1846
Certain Registers   Certain registers of New Saint George are available at Link to External Website
Old Saint George Baptisms 1776 – 1865 MF 346 CE
1865 – 1906 MF 1845 &
MF 1764
Marriages 1864 – 1906 (not in order) MF 1845 &
MF 1764
Burials 1777 – 1865 MF 346
1813 – 1865 MF 1845
1777 – 1968 Printed at: qL923
Bishops Transcript 1782 – 1820 MF 1750
List of Grave Owners ND MF 1845
Monumental Inscriptions 1750 – 1900 MF 024
ND Printed at: qL923
Register of Graves 1860 – 1930 (also a few from the 1700s) MF 1845
Certain Registers   Certain registers of Old Saint George are available at Link to External Website
Stalybridge Presbyterian Baptisms 1870 – 1879 See archives: NC9/3 NC
Archive Collection 1868 – 1879 See archives: NC9
Saint James, Millbrook Baptisms 1873 – 1898 MF 1492 CE
1863 – 1904 Printed at: qL923
Burials 1873 – 1898 MF 1492
1863 – 1997 Printed at: qL923
Bishops Transcript ND MF 1492
Saint Paul Baptisms 1839 – 1894 MF 1341 CE
1894 – 1944 MF 1587
1839 – 1862 Printed at: qL923
1862 – 1872 Printed at: qL923
1872 – 1894 Printed at: qL923
1894 – 1944 Printed at: qL923
Marriages 1841 – 1872 MF 1343
1872 – 1908 MF 1344
1908 – 1926 MF 1587
1926 – 1943 MF 1484
Burials 1839 – 1889 MF 1342
1889 – 1901 MF 1587
1901 – 1905 MF 1588
1905 – 1913 MF 1484
1913 – 1935 MF 1590
1935 – 1967 MF 1589
1839 – 1860 Printed at: qL923
1860 – 1869 Printed at: qL923
1869 – 1872 Printed at: qL923
1872 – 1878 Printed at: qL923
1878 – 1884 Printed at: qL923
1884 – 1889 Printed at: qL923
1889 – 1897 Printed at: qL923
1897 – 1905 Printed at: qL923
1905 – 1919 Printed at: qL923
1913 – 1923 Printed at: qL923
1923 – 1935 Printed at: qL923
1935 – 1950 Printed at: qL923
1950 – 1967 & 1967 – 1991 Printed at: qL923
Alphabetical List of Burials 1839 – 1878
1878 – 1905
Printed at: qL923
Burial Index 1839 – 1905 Microfiche
Burial Receipt Book 1907 – 1987 Printed at: qL923
Memorial Inscriptions (Old Yard) & Burials, Index and Ranges R2 – R22
R23 – R45
Printed at: qL923
Memorial Inscriptions (New Yard) & Burials, Index and Ranges R1A – R19
R21 – R50
Printed at: qL923
Parish Magazine nd Printed at: L283 STA
Plan of Graves, Old and New Yards Old O1 – O14 & New N1 – N15 Printed at: qL923
Range Book Transcript, Old and New Yards ND Printed at: qL923
Saint Stephen’s Methodist (formerly Matley, Bardsley Gate United Methodist) Baptisms 1911 – 1954 Printed at: qL923 NC
Wakefield Road Baptist (formerly Mount Pleasant) Marriages 1924 – 1969 (incomplete) See archives: NB1/18-28 NC
Burials 1846 – 1967 & 1846 – 1939 See archives: NB1/17 & printed at: qL923
Graveyard Registers 1846 – 1939 MF 028
List of Members 1844 – 1881 MF 024
Monumental Inscriptions 1850 – 1950 MF 024

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Location Records Dates Reference Church
Altrincham: Bank Street Wesleyan (formerly Chapel Walk, re-named Regent Road) Baptisms 1841 – 1968 MF 1858 NC
Marriages 1878 – 1912 MF 1858
Bolton: Saint Peter Bishops Transcript 1573 – 1688 MF 1750 NC
Davenham: Parish of Davenham (covering Moulton, Leftwich, Rudheath) Record of Parish Members 1843 – 1878 MF 1339 CE
Surveys & Valuations 1824 MF 1339
Hoylake: Parish of Hoylake Marriages 1837 – 1844 &
1862 – 1912
MF 1324 CE
Burials 1834 – 1910 MF 1324
Banns 1834 – 1844 &
1862 – 1909
MF 1324
Church Warden Accounts 1834 – 1871 MF 1324
Kingsley: Parish of Kingsley Baptisms 1851 – 1927 MF 1324 CE
Burials 1851 – 1902 MF 1324
Banns 1851 – 1914 MF 1324
Knutsford: Saint John (Parish Church) Baptisms and Burials 1782 – 1796 MF 1325 CE
Church Warden Accounts 1826 – 1878 MF 1325
Pew Registers 1744 MF 1325
Rate Books 1865 – 1873 MF 1325
Vestry Minutes 1826 – 1836 MF 1325
Latchford (Warrington): Saint James (Parish Church) Baptisms and Burials 1777 – 1800 MF 1325 CE
Baptisms 1796 – 1851 MF 1325
Lower Whitley: Parish of Lower Whitley Baptisms 1869 – 1949 MF 1491 CE
Macclesfield Forest & Wildboarclough: Parish of Macclesfield Forest and Wildboarclough Bastardy Papers 1728 – 1734 MF 1331 CE
Millington: Booth Bank Wesleyan Baptisms 1840 – 1931 MF 1858 NC
Northwich: Holy Trinity Baptisms 1842 – 1909 MF 1491 CE
Odd Rode: Parish of Odd Rode Marriages 1865 – 1907 MF 1341 CE
Poor Rate 1857 MF 1341
Town Books 1833 MF 1341
Stockport: Saint Mary Baptisms 1584 – 1619 Printed at: qL923 CE
Marriages 1584 – 1619 Microfiche
1619 – 1629 Microfiche
Burials 1584 – 1619 Printed at: qL923
1619 – 1913 Microfiche
Baptisms and Burials 1627 – 1640 Printed at: qL923
Marriages Index 1799 – 1837 Microfiche
Warrington: St Peter Baptisms 1839 – 1966 MF 1848 CE
Marriages 1891 – 1901 MF 1345
Baptisms 1563 – 1756 MF 1348
Winwick: Parish of Winwick Marriages 1563 – 1756 MF 1348 CE
Burials 1563 – 1756 MF 1348
Widnes: Saint Michaels Marriages 1875 – 1909 MF 1345 CE
Banns 1875 – 1909 MF 1345

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The book collection includes histories of local churches & Chapels & copies of parish magazines. They can give interesting background information & are a useful source for people who were actively involved in church life. Old Photographs of local churches and some of the people who attended them can be seen on the image archive

Additional Church Records Held Within Tameside Archives

In addition to births, marriages and deaths our Church Records Collection includes a range of documents including financial records, committee meeting minutes and Sunday School records for a few churches.

Please contact us for access to these records.

A copy of the catalogue for Church Records held within Tameside Archives is available via the A2A website Link to external website. To search our holdings enter the name of the church you are researching and under 'Select Repository' choose 'Tameside Local Studies and Archives Centre'.

Grave Records

See our separate leaflet Family History for information about records for municipal cemeteries and monumental inscriptions held at the Local Studies and Archives Centre.

Most parish registers are held at the Local Studies and Archives Centre on microfilm and advance booking for microfilm-readers is advisable.

Important: Please include your name and postal address when you send us a message as this will help us provide a full response to your enquiry.


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0161 342 4242
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