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Heartfelt Thank-you to Local Studies Volunteers

Press Release: 08/03/2024

Local Studies

HARD working local studies volunteers received a personal thank-you from the Civic Mayor of Tameside, Cllr Tafheen Sharif, at a celebratory event held at the archives centre on Cotton Street, Ashton.

Over the current financial year, more than 3,000 hours have been volunteered across Tameside Cultural Services – which also includes museums, galleries, arts and engagement – with almost half purely within local studies.

Accompanied by Cllr Sangita Patel, the council’s assistant executive member for culture, heritage and digital inclusivity, the Mayor heard all about the vital work the volunteers do.

This includes cleaning the Stamford Estate plans, military research, listing new accessions, staffing family history help desks, and cataloguing and researching the Tameside Reporter’s vast photographic archive as part of the Smile project. Members of Tameside Local History Forum were also present.

Cllr Patel and the Mayor also saw items from the local studies and archives collection such as posters, plans, pictures and letters.

The Mayor said: “We couldn’t do what we do without our wonderful volunteers. By continuing to give and give they keep Tameside going. I want them to know their work is hugely appreciated and to thank each and every one of them.

“It was also pleasing to see some young people involved as they will keep things going. That’s very important as history tells us who we are and where we have come from. These are all things that need to be available to new generations as they grow and learn.”

Cllr Patel added: “I really enjoyed talking to the volunteers and I would like to thank them for the superb job they do.

"Their work is carried out with passion and pride and they are a great asset to the borough and its heritage. Thanks to their dedication and commitment, Tameside’s story will be available to the people of the future.”

If you would like to volunteer with Tameside Local Studies and Archives, call 0161 342 4242 or visit

The local studies and archives centre is in Ashton, at the junction of Cotton Street East and Oldham Road.

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