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Future of Health and Care in Hattersley

NHS Tameside & Glossop Clinical Commissioning Group want to make sure that health and care services in Hattersley are fit for the future – which may mean reviewing our current building and location. 
As well as Hattersley Group Practice, a pharmacy, community dental services, some services for children, podiatry and BeWell are also located in the Hattersley Group Practice building.  This was built in the 1970s and needs considerable investment to ensure it is fit for purpose.  An opportunity has arisen to include a new health facility within the proposed retail park on Stockport Road.  Not only would this provide new, modern facilities for current services, it could potentially enable additional health and care services to be provided closer to home and  enable Hattersley Group Practice to expand should this be required in the future.
Over the coming years an increase in development is planned in Hattersley which will result in more people living in the area.  We want to provide premises that will allow for increased access for patients, more facilities and allow for any expansion that may be required to best provide you with health and care services in the future.
Hattersley Group Practice Patient Participation Group (PPG) strongly encourage the practice’s patients to complete this questionnaire so your view can be taken into account.
Please tell us your views by completing the online survey here.
Alternatively, paper copies of the survey will be available from Hattersley Group Practice. The closing date for responses is Friday 27 March 2020.