Apply for Education Outside of the Normal Age Group
Education Outside of the Normal Age Group
Parents may seek a place for their child outside of their normal age group if, for example, the child is gifted and talented, or has experienced problems such as ill health, or has special needs not covered by an Education Health and Care Plan.In addition, parents of summer born children may request that their child is educated outside of their normal age group.
Summer Born Children
The school admissions code requires all admission authorities to provide for the admission of all children in the September following their 4th birthday.Parents can, however, defer the date their child is admitted until later in the school year, but not beyond the point at which they reach compulsory school age, and not beyond the start of the final term of the school year for which the application was made.
For example, a child who is 4 years old in September but turns 5 years old by the end of December, must start school full-time in January.
In addition, where parents wish, the child may attend school part-time until later in the school year, but not beyond the point at which they become compulsory school age.
For example, a child who is 4 years old in September but turns 5 years old by the end of March, may attend school part-time, until the start of the summer term, at which they must attend school full-time.
The school admissions code allows admission authorities to consider education outside the normal year group for reception-aged children born between 1st April and 31st August, for them to start school in the September following their 5th birthday.
Read the summer born children school admission guidance for parents on
Children with an Education, Health, and Care Plan
For children with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), if it is in the child's interests to be educated outside the normal year group, this will form part of the plan. For children with an EHCP who wish to defer starting school in reception, please email for an application form. For all other requests you would need to speak to your child's SEND Officer.
Education Outside the Normal Year Group in Other Cases
For all other children, it is expected that they will be educated in their normal year group with few exceptions.
There may also be some cases where a child shows exceptional ability or talent, and these may be considered for education outside the normal year group. Equally there may be a child who has missed education due to health problems or has special needs not covered by an Education Health and Care Plan, and it may be appropriate for that child also to be educated outside their normal year group. You should discuss this with the Head Teacher of your child's current school.
There may also be some cases where a child shows exceptional ability or talent, and these may be considered for education outside the normal year group. Equally there may be a child who has missed education due to health problems or has special needs not covered by an Education Health and Care Plan, and it may be appropriate for that child also to be educated outside their normal year group. You should discuss this with the Head Teacher of your child's current school.
Request Admission Outside the Normal Age Group
If parents wish to make an application for their child to be educated outside the normal cohort they should email to request a form. Parents are then asked to read the guidance notes and complete the application form. Decisions for community and controlled schools are made by Tameside LA, and decisions for voluntary aided, academy and free schools are made by the schools themselves, or by their academy trust.
If any additional information is required in support of your application, e.g. exceptional circumstances form, it is your responsibility to ensure it reaches us at before the deadline date.
Parents/guardians should send baptism certificates, church attendance, and proof of address, directly to schools.
If any additional information is required in support of your application, e.g. exceptional circumstances form, it is your responsibility to ensure it reaches us at before the deadline date.
Parents/guardians should send baptism certificates, church attendance, and proof of address, directly to schools.