Temporary Advertisements On Street Furniture
Tameside Council is continuing its push for safer, cleaner streets by reinstating tighter control of roadside banners.
Anyone who wants to display a banner attached to roadside railings will have to apply to council highways engineers for permission.
- How do I apply to put up a banner?
- What are the terms and conditions?
- How long can I have a banner up for?
- How can I make a complaint about the condition/placement of a banner?
How do I apply to put up a banner?
People need to apply at least 28 days before the publicity is to go up, providing information on where and when they would like to display their items and the reason for the banner.
A list of approved sites can be found by the following link: Approved Banner Sites
View a Google map of the Banner Sites here
If an alternative site is requested, Engineers will judge if the proposed site is suitable, in highways safety terms, for pedestrians and drivers and applicants will be informed if they have permission.
What are the terms and conditions?
Conditions relating to the Siting of Temporary Advertisements on Street Furniture for Local Religious, Educational, Cultural, Political, Social or Recreational Events, Travelling Circuses and Fairs
This consent does not give any consent under the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 2007
- Wholly charitable, educational and council arranged events. e.g. Religious events, events relating to hospitals and hospices, school sports days, public marches and parades, council meetings etc. For this category of events, a zero fee will be charged. Subsequent permits must use different locations to the previous permit.
- Sponsored events or events with community links. Paid entry events that are sponsored by or linked to central or local government initiatives or which have community links. e.g. sporting initiatives, school/college open evenings, amateur dramatics, keep-fit, or other similar events. For this category of events, a fee of £177 per occasion will be charged.
- Wholly commercial events and promotions. All such events will be charged at the fee of £351 per occasion.
- Banners will only be permitted at approved sites. The fixing of banners to trees, lighting columns or other forms of street furniture will not be allowed and will be removed immediately.
- Anyone wishing to display a banner must submit an application form with the proposed sites and proposed dates during which the banners will be displayed. A permit can last up to 28 days.
- All applications must be supported with appropriate background information and where a reduced fees or zero fee is being claimed, further supporting information such as a Charity Certificate, Community Interest Certificate, or an Incorporation Certificate must be applied.
- No more than 10 banners within the borough will be permitted for any one event/promotion although exceptions may be made with agreed discretion. Applications must be made at least 28 days prior to the first date on which the banners are to be displayed.
- Applications will not be approved unless the application is accompanied by proof that the applicant holds Public Liability Insurance for the sum of at least £5,000,000. The applicant must sign an indemnity against any claim for damages, which may arise resulting from the display of the banners.
- Banners must not be erected in such a way or such a position as might obstruct a driver's view of any traffic signal aspect or traffic sign e.g. visibility bar must be kept clear.
- Banners must be installed from the footway side of the barrier rails, at no point during banner installation or removal should the carriageway be encroached.
- No banner may exceed 4.0m x 0.6m (2 x Standard Panels). Any banner exceeding that size will be removed immediately. No character or symbol on the banner may be more than 0.45m in height.
- Where a banner relates to an event, it must not be erected more than 28 days before the event and must be removed within 48 hours after the end of the event.
- No refund will be given for unused banner permits.
- Non-compliance with these Terms and Conditions may result in the organisation being refused future banner permits.
- The acceptance or refusal of a banner application is at the sole discretion of Tameside MBC, whose decision will be final.
- Please note that from time to time road works are carried out around the Borough. This may affect the availability of sites even if a booking has already been made. In addition damage to sites or other unforeseen factors may affect your application. If this is the case then contact the TMBC banner section and an alternative site(s) can be arranged.
- The banner must be produced to a professional standard and designed and displayed to minimize distraction to pedestrians and road users. Any damaged or de-faced banner will be removed.
- Tameside MBC reserves the right to remove a banner should it become unsafe or installed above the safety barrier visibility bar. The cost of so doing will be recovered from the applicant.
- Tameside MBC is under no obligation to permit any person(s) or organisations to display banners on the public highways. Therefore, Tameside MBC reserves the right to remove this service or to change the Terms and Conditions at any time.
- Banners must be removed on the day of expiry of the permits. Any banners found 48 hours after the expiry of the permits will be removed and you will be invoiced a removal fee of £73 per banner.
- Any banners found illegally placed that do not have permits will be removed immediately and disposed of without notice.
How long can I have a banner up for?
A banner can be kept up for a maximum of 28 days, the date of removal will be confirmed once the application has been approved.
How can I make a complaint about the placement / condition of a banner?
Any complaints about the location or safety of a banner should be reported to us immediately by using the contact details below. Non urgent complaints about banners can be logged on the online complaints system and this will be dealt with accordingly.
Reference: Enforcement Co-ordination Panel – Temporary Advertisement on Street Furniture – 19 November 2008
Contact information
Tame Street Depot
Tame Street
SK15 1ST