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Immigration advice

If you have claimed asylum it is important that you get legal advice and find a solicitor to represent your case as soon as possible, as there are very short deadlines for providing the evidence needed to support your claim for asylum. The solicitor can talk to you about legal aid and, if you are eligible, they will apply for this this so that you do not need to pay for their services.

You can get immigration advice if you need help with getting permission to stay in the UK. Immigration advisers can help you with most things to do with immigration, including helping you to fill in the right forms and representing you at a tribunal. Advisers do not make immigration decisions and can only give you advice. Immigration advisers are only permitted to give you advice on things they’re qualified to help you with.
Level 1 advice
  • entry clearance
  • leave to enter
  • leave to remain
  • nationality and citizenship
  • EU and EEA law
Level 2 advisers can do everything that Level 1 advisers can do, but can also accept more complicated cases.

You may want to use a level 2 adviser if you’ve had problems in the past with immigration and want permission to remain in the UK.

Advisers in this category can also help:
  • with claims for asylum and human rights applications
  • get your visa application decision reviewed (an ‘administrative review’)
  • if you entered the UK illegally or stayed after your visa expired
  • if you’re being removed or deported
Level 3 advisers can do everything that Level 1 and 2 advisers can.

They can also appear on your behalf at an immigration tribunal. In certain situations they can help you if you go to court.
Where to go for Immigration Advice

Citizens Advice Tameside

Immigration (OISC Level1)  
187 Grey Mare Lane, Manchester England M11 3ND
Telephone: 0161 223 5668
Advice Level: 3
GM Immigration Aid Unit
1 Delaunays Road, Crumpsall Green, Manchester, M8 4QS
 Tel: 0161 740 7722
Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit is a voluntary organisation supporting people subject to immigration control for over 25 years.
GMIAU offer free legal advice, representation and support services to people seeking asylum, refugees, children and vulnerable adults

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