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Thinking of Becoming an Early Years Provider

An Early Years provider includes preschools, day nurseries and childminders.

If you are thinking of becoming a registered EY provider in Tameside, we strongly recommend you contact the Early Years Quality Team at an early stage, so that we can support on your journey. 


Early Years provision and childcare is regulated by Ofsted (The Office for Standards in Education, Children's services and skills).

It is Ofsted’s responsibility to ensure that only those who are suitable and ready to provide childcare are registered, and to inspect childcare providers regularly thereafter to ensure good outcomes for children.

You will therefore need to register with Ofsted before you are able to provide childcare.
There is more information at…..
  • Providing childcare services in England - GOV.UK (
  • Becoming a childminder and running your business - GOV.UK (

Tameside EYQT have also produced an information booklet and guidance…

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