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Who Can FosterWho Can Foster
There is no typical foster carer, and we welcome applicants from all backgrounds, nationalities, religions, genders and ages. The most important thing is that you care about the welfare of children and young people and want to help them achieve stability in unsettling times.

You don’t need any special qualifications, although it would be beneficial if you have prior experience looking after children. This doesn’t have to be your own children, it can be experience with the children of family and friends.

To apply we ask that you:
  • Are over 21
  • Have a spare room
  • Can provide a safe and loving home for a child or young person
If you’re ready to enquire today, fill out our online enquiry form and a member of our team will get back to you within 2 working days.

Alternatively you can call us on 0161 342 2342.
Fostering Myths

There are some common misconceptions about fostering that prevent some people from applying. Please don’t count yourself out, if you think you have what it takes to be a great foster carer regardless of your background, we would love to hear from you.

Some of the common myths about fostering include:

I am too old/young to foster

If you are over 21 you can enquire about fostering, and there is no upper age limit. As long as you are fit and healthy enough to care for a child, that is the most important thing. We have carers in their 60s and 70s who bring some great experience to their foster care roles, so don’t count yourself out.

I am single so I can’t foster

It makes no difference whether you are single, in a relationship or married, you can still foster. Many children benefit from the 1-1 support that a single foster carer can offer, so please don’t be put off if you are single and want to enquire.
Fostering Myths

I don’t have my own children so I can’t foster

When anyone becomes a parent for the first time, there is a big adjustment period, with every child having individual needs that require different types of care. This is the case for both birth parents and foster parents, and both take time to adjust to their new role.

Often foster carers who don’t have their own children have experience caring for friend’s and family’s children, or through work e.g. if you have been a nursery nurse or a midwife. These are all valuable experiences that could mean you would be a great foster carer.

I am gay so I can’t foster

It does not matter whether you are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT+) single, in a relationship, civil partnership, married, divorced or widowed, There are no barriers to fostering based on sexuality, gender or relationship status.

I can’t afford to foster

You receive an allowance when you are a foster carer, based on the age of the child and on your skills. You may be able to give up work to foster, have a chat with our team to find out if you could apply for a truly rewarding role.

We usually recommend the main carer takes on the role full-time, which means they can be available for school runs, appointments, supervision and visits etc. We can discuss what may work for you when you enquire, so don’t count yourself out, find out today if you could foster.

I have pets so I can’t foster

You can still foster if you have pets. Many children benefit from having an animal to look after. Pets can be a real source of comfort for children and can also teach responsibility. Don’t see this as a barrier to fostering, we actively welcome applicants who have pets.

I don’t live in a big house so I can’t foster

As long as you have a spare room and lots of love to give, not having a big house will not hold you back. If you live in a house, flat or apartment you can still apply, so don’t count yourself out. While children benefit from having a garden to play in, you may be looking after babies or perhaps you live close to a park or open public space.

I work so I can’t foster

While we encourage the main carer to take on fostering full-time, there may be chance for you to work part-time or in a flexible role, it would depend on your individual situation. If you are fostering with a partner, again we would encourage the main carer to give up work to foster, but carers each have individual circumstances that we would be happy to discuss with you, if you feel you have the time to care for a child or young person.

I don’t drive so I can’t foster

Although it is useful to have a car for school runs and appointments, if you have good access to public transport then we would still welcome your application. Please have a chat with our team if you are interested in fostering as this shouldn’t hold you back.
If you’re ready to enquire today, fill out our online enquiry form and a member of our team will get back to you within 2 working days.

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Fostering for Greater ManchesterEmail : Telephone : 0300 303 0321

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