Honour based abuse
Honour Based Violence (HBV) cuts across all cultures and communities such as Turkish, Kurdish, Afghani, South Asian, African, Middle Eastern, South and Eastern European. It could be found in strict Orthodox Jewish communities or the travelling community.
Incidents that may be risk indicators of Honour Based Violence:
- Forced marriage
- Attempts to separate or divorce
- Starting a new relationship
- Pregnancy
- Threats to kill or denial of access to children
Are you a victim, or scared of becoming a victim of domestic abuse?
Contact the police on 999 and tell them the danger you are facing and ask for safe accommodation.
National Domestic abuse/violence helpline: 0808 2000 247 -This is the 24 hour confidential and free national or local domestic abuse helpline for advice and information.
Contact numbers:
- Cavendish Mill women’s centre Ashton-under-Lyne on 0786 0408 902
- Men’s Advice Line on 0808 8010 327 www.mensadviceline.org.uk/
- Bridges emergency line 0800 328 0967 (see TMBC Domestic Abuse link)
Forced Marriage Unit
Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)
Tel: 02070080151