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LCS Leaving Care Services

You will be provided information on all the various accommodation pathways by your Social Worker and Personal Advisor. Your accommodation needs will be reviewed and will likely change over time as you continue towards adulthood. The ultimate aim is for you to be confident to manage your accommodation and to live as independently as possible.

Staying Put

Tameside’s pledge to Looked After Children includes our commitment to supporting young people to remain in their foster care placements beyond the age of 18 and up to the age of 21. This is irrespective of whether the foster carer is a Tameside foster carer, Family and Friends foster carer or a foster carer from an independent fostering agency. Plans for Staying Put need to be discussed with all involved and agreed at a Pathway Plan review at the earliest opportunity. For more information on Staying Put arrangements and finances then please request information from your Social Worker or Personal Advisor. 

Semi Independent Accommodation Options

Supported Lodgings is accommodation within a family home. The young person is provided with their own bedroom and must be engaged in education, employment or training. Support is provided informally by the host family. The young person is expected to make a contribution towards living costs and purchase their own food for lunches and evening meals.

Semi-Independent Multi Occupancy provisions in Tameside are run by private providers; these properties usually accommodate between two and four care leavers and have support staff on site around the clock. The higher staffing ratio provides for more intense support to enable care leavers to engage with services and appointments as well as supporting the development of independence skills and occasional assistance with transport.

The Transition Support Service provides supported Social Housing tenancies for the sole use of Children’s Services. This accommodation is for 16+ year olds and consists of dispersed one bed social housing tenancies within Tameside. The Transition Support Service provides day time holistic floating support 7 days per week. If you have been successful in managing your tenancy the Transition Support Service will support you to transition to your own tenancy from 18. 

We can also support access to commissioned semi-independent tenancies, however in this instance there is often less floating support available and therefore planning for this type of accommodation is usually reserved for older care leavers and as a step prior to full independence. 
Tameside Housing and Social Housing Providers

You will be offered support from your Personal Advisor to apply for Social Housing, you will need to be 18 and if assessed as tenancy ready your Personal Advisor will provide you with a supporting letter to support your application. You will need to provide Housing with a copy of your identification and you will need an active bank account for your application to be progressed.
As a Tameside Care Leaver you will have priority Housing status and your Personal Advisor will be able to support you through the bidding process.
If you have additional needs you will be supported with a referral to Tameside’s Central Access Point. This will provide access to Tameside’s Supported Accommodation provision and floating support services.
Alternatively, you may wish to secure a private let but please be aware that the Local Authority cannot act as a Guarantor for any private rental arrangements, however, your Personal Advisor will be able to provide you with a reference if you’re assessed as being tenancy ready and further information, advice and guidance on accessing Housing related financial support and benefits.

The Council offers a Council Tax Discount for Care Leavers defined as young people who have been in the care of the local authority for at least 13 weeks after their 14th birthday and at least one day of this occurred on or after their 16th birthday. It is possible for the full 13 weeks (or more) to occur after their 16th Birthday and the 13 weeks does not have to be continuous.’ 
Council Tax Discount:

Care Leavers aged between 18 and up to 25 years old who have a Council Tax liability can receive a local Council Tax Discount of up to 100% of the Council Tax due up to their 25th birthday.   Further information and the on-line application form can be found at 
Care Leavers Discount (

Social Housing outside of Tameside

You may need to provide evidence of a local connection if you wish to apply for Social Housing in another Local Authority. Your Personal Advisor will be able to provide you with advice, guidance and support throughout this process. Information and advice on the level of support you require and further details of the accommodation options can be discussed with your Social Worker or Personal Advisor. Your Pathway Plan will detail your accommodation arrangements and the support that you can expect from the Local Authority, alongside information on organisations that provide support services that could help meet your accommodation needs.

Ensuring Suitable Accommodation

All Care Leavers will be offered advice, guidance and support from their Personal Advisor when planning a change of address. Personal Advisors will offer to support viewings and undertake an assessment of the property (Schedule 2, volume 3 Children Act 1989) This assessment of the property will primarily seek to ensure the care leavers safety and will also make recommendations in relation to suitability, highlighting any issues that need addressing and advice on who to contact for works and in case of emergency. 
Accommodation Evaluation

When you leave any commissioned accommodation (16 to 18) you will be asked by your Social Worker or Personal Advisor to complete an accommodation evaluation form. The accommodation evaluation form will seek your views on the accommodation you have just left, covering areas such as personal safety, location, staff etc. This is a very important for you to complete because it will take into account your experiences of the accommodation. From this evaluation we can progress any concerns you may have experienced with the accommodation provider and equally promote areas of the accommodation which has been positive for you.

Multi-Agency Accommodation Forum

If you are a Care Leaver identified as requiring a planned accommodation move then your Social Worker or Personal Advisor will be able to represent your wishes and needs at a monthly multi-agency accommodation forum. The forum invites representatives from Transition Support Services, Supported Lodgings, Shared Lives, Tameside Housing, Social Housing Providers, Floating Support and Children’s Commissioning Services to meet with the Leaving Care Service. The Local Authority arranges the panel to enable us to undertake joined up planning and to be better able to promote care leavers needs with our partner agencies and to also prioritise our accommodation options to ensure that we have suitable accommodation available that meets all of our care leavers needs. 


Contact information

Send us a message
0161 342 3168
The Leaving Care Service
Clarence Arcade
Stamford Street
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