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LCS Leaving Care Services
Education, training & employment

An offer for all - New Prospectus

Tameside’s all new Care Leaver Education, Training and Employment prospectus aims to promote and support engagement and access for all Tameside’s Care Leavers. Whilst the local authority remains committed to ensuring all of our care leavers have access to a local apprenticeship this prospectus goes further in identifying a broader range of provisions and support services via 7 education and training pathways. As corporate parents we aim to provide a bespoke offer to all of our care leavers, ensuring those who are struggling to access education and training are provided with the help they need through to a full
range of opportunities including work experience, study programmes, supported internships, traineeships,
apprenticeships and support to access further and higher education. We will ensure that all of our care leavers can access a readily available pathway in line with their ability and aspirations. In Tameside we have very high aspirations for our care leavers, we aim to support them to achieve all of their goals and aspirations and we are absolutely committed to ensuring they have access to all the support and opportunities they need to secure their future prosperity and well-being. The prospectus is the result of collaborative work from across the Council and with our partner agencies including input from the Leaving Care Service, Virtual School Team, Transition Support Team, Workforce Development, Positive Steps, Adult Learning and Active Tameside. Please ask your Personal Advisor, Social Worker or Positive Steps if you have not already received a copy of the prospectus.

Personal Education Plans (PEP)

All Eligible Care Leaver’s will be supported with regular Personal Education Plan’s (PEPs). PEP’s are an integral part of the Pathway Plan and remain a statutory document to be updated termly. The PEP should reflect the importance of a personalised approach to learning which secures good basic skills, stretches aspiration and builds life chances. The PEP must record SMART targets, which are key to releasing Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) funding. The targets need to be agreed with the child/young person; PEPs will detail achievements, attendance, SEND, behavioural issues and any extra-curricular activities. The PEP must give details of who will take the plan forward, specify timescales for action and review and identify funding sources for implementing the plan e.g. Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) or 16-19 Bursary that all Care Leavers are entitled to.

Education, Health Care Plan (EHCP)

An EHC plan identifies a child’s special educational needs, and where relevant, brings together education,
health and care services to achieve agreed outcomes. An EHC plan will only be written for an eligible child on the completion of a SEND needs assessment. Children, young people and families are at the centre of the assessment and planning process and this should be reflected in the EHC plan. The focus is very much on what is important for the child or young person – what they want to achieve now and in the future. Your EHC plan will be reviewed by the local authority a minimum of every twelve months. These reviews will
focus on your progression towards achieving the outcomes specified in you plan. The review will also consider whether the outcomes and supporting targets remain appropriate.

Positive Steps

Positive Steps provides careers information, advice and guidance services for young people aged 13-19 years or up to 25 for those with a special educational need or disability. Positive Steps advisers and mentors are dedicated to helping young people get on the right track and to fulfil their potential.
The team are highly skilled and can provide you with:
• Up to date information about career pathways and the labour market
• Details of apprenticeships and traineeships
• Information about college courses and university degrees
• Support in completing application forms and developing a CV
• Discretionary financial support with bus fares
• Support to decide on the best career path for your future
Whatever support you need to make an informed decision Positive Steps can help you plan and make the best choices for your future. Support is available at your local Positive Steps office five days a week. Simply drop in and speak to the duty adviser Monday -Friday between 8.30am & 1pm or telephone in advance to book an appointment. We are based in Clarence Arcade on Stamford Street in central Ashton located close by to the bus and tram links.

Education, Health Care Plan (EHCP)
An EHC plan identifies a child’s special educational needs, and where relevant, brings together education,
health and care services to achieve agreed outcomes. An EHC plan will only be written for an eligible child on the completion of a SEND needs assessment. Children, young people and families are at the centre of the assessment and planning process and this should be reflected in the EHC plan. The focus is very much on what is important for the child or young person – what they want to achieve now and in the future.
Your EHC plan will be reviewed by the local authority a minimum of every twelve months. These reviews will focus on your progression towards achieving the outcomes specified in you plan. The review will also consider whether the outcomes and supporting targets remain appropriate. Positive Steps provides careers information, advice and guidance services for young people aged 13-19 years or up to 25 for those with a special educational need or disability. Positive Steps advisers and mentors are dedicated to helping young people get on the right track and to fulfil their potential.

The team are highly skilled and can provide you with:
• Up to date information about career pathways and the labour market
• Details of apprenticeships and traineeships
• Information about college courses and university degrees
• Support in completing application forms and developing a CV
• Discretionary financial support with bus fares
• Support to decide on the best career path for your future

Whatever support you need to make an informed decision Positive Steps can help you plan and make the best choices for your future. Support is available at your local Positive Steps office five days a week. Simply drop in and speak to the duty adviser Monday -Friday between 8.30am & 1pm or telephone in advance to book an appointment. We are based in Clarence Arcade on Stamford Street in central Ashton located close by to the bus and tram links.

Tameside Office
31 Clarence Arcade
Stamford Street
Ashton-under Lyne
Tel: 0161 621 9400

Tameside Virtual School and College Overview

Tameside Virtual School works to ensure that the education of our children and young people in care is of
an exceptional standard. We aim for learners to have access to high quality, personalised and aspirational
learning opportunities and strive to ensure they receive this. The Virtual School is not, as the name suggests, a physical school. It is a team of teachers and professionals working alongside nurseries, schools and colleges to ensure that our children and young people receive a quality provision via all partnerships We aim to close the educational gap between children who are looked after and their peers who are not,
alongside reducing rates of exclusions and persistent absence. We work directly with children and young people in their placements. We support schools directly and indirectly in collaboration with children’s social care teams and social workers to provide a team of professionals putting the child or young person and their needs at the centre of decision making and planning. We are in the process of establishing a Virtual College to promote the achievement of our care leavers and securing them aspirational routes into further education, University or quality training and pathways into employment. We report to Tameside Corporate Parenting Board and the Education Achievement and Improvement Board. The Head teacher is a member of National Association of Virtual School Heads and a member of North West Virtual School Heads.

Youth Employment Scheme (YES)

There are so many young people in Tameside who are enthusiastic and willing to learn, but have not been
given the chance to enter employment because they have no experience, few skills or cannot secure an
interview. Tameside Council created Tameside YES to give Tameside young people a chance by supporting
local residents aged 16-24 years of age and not in employment, education or training to access employment opportunities. Tameside YES offers a minimum of 6 months paid employment with local businesses. Businesses offer both apprenticeship and non-apprenticeship vacancies to the scheme, allowing us to support young people to come closer to the mainstream job market by accessing training, gaining experience, valuable skills and qualifications. Further to 6 months employment through the scheme (and a minimum of 12 months for an apprenticeship), participants have employer references, employment history to add to their CVs, experience of the world of work and in many cases the opportunity to continue in permanent employment.


Contact information

Send us a message
0161 342 3168
The Leaving Care Service
Clarence Arcade
Stamford Street
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