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LCS Leaving Care Services

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Care Leavers Health offer

Below are some of the ways your Leaving Care Service and your personal adviser can support you to stay

healthy and look after your physical and emotional / mental health. We can:

  • Give you information on healthy living
  • Give you information on getting help to pay for prescriptions
  • Support you to register with a GP
  • Support you to move from Health Young Minds /  CAMHS to adult services
  • Give you information about counselling services that are available locally
  • Give you help with transport costs when attending health appointments
  • If you are a young parent, we will support you to do the best for them. We will help you arrange childcare, if this is what you want.
  • Offer free or subsidised access to the leisure centres we run
  • Give you information about local health services
  • As a care leaver, you should have knowledge of your own health history. You will be provided with a ‘health passport’ at the time of your last health assessment prior to you turning 18 by a nurse from the cared for children’s health team.  The passport will detail your health and family health history and will include details of services available for you to access.

Other services available to Tameside Care leavers are

Cared for Children’s health Team

The Cared for Children’s Health team are responsible for co-ordinating the health of cared for children aged 0-18 and care leavers up to the age of 25 years in Tameside and Glossop.  We are a 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday service and can offer care leavers support, advice and signposting to additional services on any health related issue. You can contact the Cared for Children’s health Team if you need any support or have any questions about your health and wellbeing.

Jo Booth (Lead Specialist Nurse for Cared for Children / Team Leader)

Kerry Lester (Specialist Nurse for Cared for Children)

Our office number is 0161 335 2984 or you can contact our duty service via by emailing 

You can also find a range of health related information on our Instagram and Twitter pages


Substance Misuse Services

My Recovery Tameside

Help with substance misuse issues and/or addiction is provided in Tameside by CGL (Change, Grow, Live). In addition to adult services, CGL provides support via their ‘Branching Out’ service for young people under the age of 25. They also provide support to families and young people who are affected by someone else’s substance misuse. More information can be found via:

Branching Out - Tameside Young Persons Drug and Alcohol Service

0161 672 9420


FRANK is a confidential, anonymous, discreet and well-informed ready to offer advice, information and support on drug issues. The helpline is 24 hours a day and the number won’t show up on your phone bill. You can talk to FRANK in 120 languages - a translator will be on hand if you need one when you ring.

Tel: 0800 77 66

Text: 0800 917 8765


Sexual Health Services

YOUThink Sexual Health Service

The YOUthink team is Tameside’s sexual health intervention and prevention team – We are a specialist team of youth workers who offer group work and one to one individual support to young people aged under 25 with regards to their own sexual health. The YOUthink Team Workers are: Gary Hall (Manager), Abdul Ablus, Alison Dransfield-Puri and Kirsty Connolly. If you wish to access support for brief interventions or want support to access sexual health support or clinic services, you can use the contact details below and ask to speak to someone from the YOUthink team.

Gary Hall (Manager)


Tel: 07976738972


If you require sexual health (STI testing with no symptoms, STI testing with symptoms, STI treatment and advice, HIV Care, PrEP, PEP or contraception services Inc. Emergency contraception, Condoms and pregnancy testing and advice), Tameside clinic services can be found at:

Orange Rooms (Hub),

Tel 0161 342 7101

2nd Floor Ashton Primary Care Centre

193 Old Street, Ashton Under Lyne


General enquiries 0161 342 7101


For more information and updates on clinic opening times and the full range of services; visit  

Family Nurse Partnership (FNP)

FNP is a voluntary home visiting programme for first-time young mums and families, helping you to

  • Have a healthy pregnancy,
  • Improve their child’s health and development
  • Plan your own futures and achieve your aspirations.

Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) works with parents aged 19 and under, partnering you with a specially trained family nurse who visits you regularly, from early pregnancy until your child is two. By focusing on your strengths, FNP enables young parents to:

  • Develop good relationships with and understand the needs of their child
  • Make choices that will give their child the best possible start in life
  • Believe in themselves and their ability to succeed
  • Mirror the positive relationship they have with their family nurse with others.

When you first meet with a midwife as part of your pregnancy, if they think you might find FNP helpful, they’ll let the Tameside FNP team know, then one of the specially trained family nurses will get in touch with you to say hello and arrange an initial visit. If you would like to find out more information you can have a look at the National FNP website

Tameside Family Nurse Partnership Service is based at

Ashton Primary Care Centre

193 Old Street



Tel: 0161 342 7840



Emotional / Mental Health support

If you’re looking for help and support with your mental / emotional health there are plenty of options available. Whilst you may need a specialist mental health service such as Healthy Minds, the majority of worries and issues can be dealt with at home or with the support of other organisations across Tameside and Glossop. Remember that you’re not alone and even just being listened to can really help.

There is a difference between feeling worried and anxious from time to time and having a serious emotional health problem. If you feel your difficulties are not improving over time, or if the problems you are having are having a significant impact on you, then it may be the time to get more professional help.

Tameside and Glossop Healthy Minds

Healthy Minds is for people over the age of 16 years who are registered with a GP in the Tameside & Glossop areas. We offer support and treatment for those who are experiencing symptoms such a difficulty sleeping, low mood / depressions, stress, worry or anxiety, feelings of hopelessness or panic attacks. It can also help those dealing with the effects of a long term health problems or chronic pain, post-natal depression, obsessive compulsive disorders, phobias, or eating difficulties.

With support and help, these feelings and symptoms can be managed, guiding you to a successful recovery. Our service is delivered by a range of professionals including therapists and counsellors who will find the level of treatment that is right for you.

You can access the Healthy Minds Service by completing an online self-referral form  you can also ring 0161 716 4242.

Alternatively, you can speak to your PA, Nurse or your GP. Your GP is well placed to discuss any concerns you may have and direct you to the most appropriate local support services.

Further information about what services are on offer if aged 16-24 can be found at has information on a range of issues including emotional health and wellbeing, keeping safe, Mental Health Services, Bereavement Support, Bullying, Eating Disorders and domestic abuse



We know it can be difficult for young people to talk to someone.  Kooth is an online counselling and emotional wellbeing service for children and young people aged 11-18. It is anonymous and free at the point of use and is available up to 10pm 365 days a year. You can chat to professional counsellors, read articles and receive peer to peer support.

Other Local Services

For information and advice on other local health services such as registering with a GP or dentist, or if want information on pharmacies or finding an optician or any other service that can help you live healthily and get the most out of life; 


Contact information

Send us a message
0161 342 3168
The Leaving Care Service
Clarence Arcade
Stamford Street
View location on map

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