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Applications for Listed Building Consent


This guide is intended to help you submit a listed building application


When is Listed Building Consent needed?

Any work carried out to a listed building, including development within its setting, has the potential to affect its character as a building of special architectural or historic interest. This applies even when the work involves feature(s) not specifically mentioned in the list description.

Anybody planning to carry out works to a listed building should first seek Listed Building Consent for those works from the local planning authority.

Consent is not normally required for repairs, unless the repairs themselves would affect the character or historic interest of the listed building.  Proposed alterations to fixtures of a listed building and buildings within the curtilage of a listed building (i.e. any object or structure which is fixed to the building or is within the curtilage and forms part of the land and has done so since before July 1948) are also treated as part of the building for the purpose of listed building control.

You are advised to seek advice from the Planning Service before undertaking any works to a listed building.

Why is control important?

Listed buildings are a finite resource which, once lost, cannot be replaced.  They can be robbed of their special interest by unsuitable alteration as much as by outright demolition, which is why the Council will look carefully at any proposal for development in or near a listed building. A very convincing case will need to be made in the case of works that affect the significance of a listed building.

Early consultation between the applicant and the council will identify the extent of the works that may require consent and will help to ensure that proposals are developed in a way that preserves or enhances the significance of listed buildings instead. Pre-application discussions should allow scope for revising proposals before intentions become firm and time-scales inflexible. National Amenity Societies are also available to provide advice for individual owners. It should be borne in mind that applicants may also need to establish whether planning permission and/or building regulation approval is necessary as well as Listed Building Consent.

Applications for Listed Building Consent are subject to similar procedures as for planning permission. However there is no planning fee for an application for Listed Building Consent. When preparing an application the following advice should be taken into account:

1.  Proposals should be based on a sound understanding of the listed building.  This should be presented in a Heritage Statement, with the significance of the heritage asset and its setting clearly described.  Any documentary evidence relating to the design, construction and development of the building and other relevant information, such as evidence of later alterations and repairs, should also be included.  The Statement should clearly identify the impact of the proposed works on the significance of the listed building.

2.  Schemes for alterations to listed buildings should be prepared by professionals with appropriate expertise. Applicants may be asked to justify their proposals, especially where a change of use or demolition is proposed.

3.  Applications should be supported by drawings, showing clearly and accurately and to a metric scale, the existing building and the proposed alterations. In most cases, plans, elevations and sections at a scale of 1:100 will be sufficient. These should be clearly labelled to show the extent of retention and/or removal of the existing features and fabric of the building. Materials, indicating type and colour to be used should also be indicated. A location plan at a scale of 1:1250 is also necessary.

4.  Alterations to decorative features such as windows, doors and railings usually require drawings at a scale such as 1:20.

5.  Certain works may be best described in a method statement, specification or schedule of works. The existing building including any features of interest, should be clearly recorded. Good quality dated photographs of historic features, cross-referenced to drawings are helpful. These should always be included with proposals for major alterations or refurbishment

6.  It may be necessary to provide clear and convincing evidence about the viability of existing and proposed uses or about the technical and economic restraints on the use of the building.

If you require further information please contact:

The contact information below may be used to enquire about listed buildings in Tameside. Please note that we are unable to answer enquiries or provide advice on listed buildings outside of Tameside.

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