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Manchester Regiment Memorials


World War One


Moores PlaqueSt Luke’s Church, Weaste, Salford.

In Proud and Honoured Memory of
Private Herbert Victor Moores,
17th Manchesters, 2nd City Pals
The Dearly Beloved Youngest Son of
William Herbert and Mary Moores,
Who Gave His Life For God King and Country
On July 2nd 1916, at Montauban France
Aged 19 Years
Greater Love Hath No Man Than This
That a Man Lay Down His Life for His Friends


Kohnstamm Plaque, 75 Chester Road, London

Kohnstamm PlaqueThis plaque is dedicated by their parents to the memory of

Norman M J Kohnstamm / Captain Manchester Regt

Who died on the Somme on 23 March 1918 Aged 21

Jack O C Kohnstamm / 2 Lieut, North Staffords Regt (Attached machine gun corps)

Who died on the Somme on 29 June 1916 Aged 18

O Mother! Wherefore speak the name of death? Cease they/ to love, and move, and breathe, and speak or die?

Erected AD 1922

7th Bn Memorial (MRP12)Whitworth Park, Manchester

The 7th Battalion War Memorial is located in Whitworth Park, Oxford Road, Manchester within the recruiting area of the battalion. Designed by Norman Wragge as the result of a competition held by Professor A C Dickie, Chair of Architecture at Manchester University and his pupils. The memorial is a tapered column of Westmoreland Elterwater black granite, standing on a base of white stone. A floriated fleur de Lys, as worn by the Battalion, is engraved on each of the four sides.

The Honorary Colonel, General Sir Reginald Wingate, unveiled it in September 1933. Permission for the erection of the memorial had been given by the Whitworth Trustees and approved by Manchester City Council. This memorial replaced the original war memorial, which was built into the wall within the Burlington Street Headquarters. Prior to the sale of the old drill hall it was felt better to have it carefully obliterated in order that no indignity could happen under future owners.

8th Bn Memorial at Ardwick GreenArdwick Cenotaph, Ardwick Green, Manchester

The 8th Manchesters Memorial to the dead of their three battalions of WWI is a simple and dignified 'Renaissance' style, rises to a height of 24 feet and is made of Portland Stone, about 70 tons in weight. The base of three steps covers 14 feet each way and immediately above the steps is a massive square block, 4 feet in height. On the front face is carved the coat of arms of the City of Manchester and on the reverse the Sphinx, superscribed Egypt. Above are four IoUnveiling of the 8th Battalion memorial (MRP/5E).nic columns; one at each corner and the whole monument is crowned with a simple dome. In the space between the columns and reaching the full height are solid square centres on which the Battle Honours of the Battalion are inscribed.

It was unveiled on 16 July 1921 by General Sir Ian Hamilton and it was reported that a crowd of about ten thousand had assembled around the Green to witness the ceremony.

Parish Church of St Mary, Nether Alderley, Cheshire

Memorial brass to the memory of Brigadier General Noel Lee, late 6th Manchesters, who died from wounds received at Gallipoli on 22 June 1915, age 45. He commanded the Manchester Infantry Brigade of 42nd East Lancashire Division and had lived at Heywood Hall in the Parish. He is buried in Malta.

St Mary's Church, Nether Alderley, Cheshire.

Memorial to Brigadier Lee in St Mary's Church, Nether Alderley, Cheshire.
A duplicate of the memorial is in Broughton House

Brig. Gen. Baldwin PlaqueParish Church of St Michael and All Angels, Ashton-under-Lyne

Memorial brass to Brigadier General Anthony Hugh Baldwin of the Manchester Regiment. Killed in action at Gallipoli on 10 August 1915 whilst commanding 38th Infantry Brigade.

In loving memory of Brigadier General Anthony Hugh Baldwin 
Served 30 years with the Manchester Regiment. 
Only son of James Baldwin of Smithies Bridge, Clitheroe Lancashire. 
Born 30 September 1863 
Killed in Action in Gallipoli 10 August 1915 

Knight plaque in St Albions ChurchAlbion Reform Church, Ashton-under-Lyne

Plaque to Lieutenant Harold Harrison Knight, 9th Bn. KIA 27 August 1918.

Albion Reform Church, Ashton-under-Lyne

Rolls of Honour to the 9th, 11th & 3/9th Battalions

St Phillip's Church, Alderley Edge, Cheshire

Frederic Gordon Ross Plaque.Memorial plaque reads 'In proud and loving memory of Frederic Gordon Ross Lieut 20th Manchester Regiment who was killed in action on King George’s Hill July 1st 1916 and was laid to rest there.'

Parish Church of St Michael and All Angels, Ashton-under-Lyne 

Memorial brass listing the 3rd Manchesters casualties at Cleethorpes unveiled on 13/10/1918.

3Bn Plaque at St Michaels, AshtonCleethorpes Cemetery North East Lincolnshire

Massive stone memorial cross to the 24 men of the 3rd Manchesters who are buried there. Unveiled 9/3/1918.

This memorial consists of a grassy mound 3100mm x 4300mm x 400mm high, on which is placed three panels of York Stone, with the names of 31 men who died in a zeppelin raid on Cleethorpes on April 1st 1916. The panels are on a brick base and a stone cross stands on top of the central panel. The panels measure 850mm x 640mm and the cross is 2500mm high.  There is a flowerbed in the centre of this mound. At the front is a square stone block measuring 530mm x 430mm. Within this and mounted on the stone is a white stone shield, which describes the events of the 1st April 1916, and gives the reason for the memorial. This white stone shield is in poor condition and difficult to read. The whole memorial sits within an area of lawn 27000mm x 10000mm, which was where the 31 men were buried.

The central panel reads:-

In Memoriam
N.C.O.'s & men 3rd Battalion The Manchester Regt
 Who lost their lives whilst serving their country on April 1st 1916

The inscription on the white stone panel, on the York stone base reads:-

In memoriam of the memory of the 3rd Battalion Manchester Regt who gave their lives for their country on the morning of April 1st 1916.
A tribute of respect from the Cleethorpes Baptist Church.
Death is swalled up in victory 1 Cor XV 54

Baptist Church, Cleveleys

3rd Manchesters Memorial window in the form of the regimental badge in memory of those killed in the WWI zeppelin raid.

Montauban, FranceMontauban, France

A memorial to the 17th, 18th, 19th & 20th King's Liverpool Pals and 16th, 17th, 18th & 19th Manchester Regiment Pals Battalions was unveiled by Major General Peter Davies, Colonel of the Regiment in the centre of the village on 1 July 1994. The monument was blessed by the Rev Llewellyn, Vicar of Ypres. The project to raise a memorial to the Liverpool and Manchester Pals was the concept of the late Graham Maddocks, author of Liverpool Pals.

Francilly Selency, France

A monument to 2nd Manchesters and 16th Manchesters was erected on 30 June 1996 in Francilly Selency to commemorate Manchester Hill, captured by the 2nd Francilly Selency MemorialBattalion in 1917 and the scene of the famous last stand of the 16th Battalion in March 1918.

Unveiled by Major General Peter Davis, Colonel of the Regiment. The memorial occupies a special position on the lawn between the Mairie and the church, adjacent to the French memorial to the men of the village who lost their lives in WWI and the memorial to those who fell in the battle of St Quentin in January 1871 during the Franco/Prussian war.

Representing the Regiment at the unveiling were Kingsmen from 1st Bn The King's Regiment (then stationed in Cyprus), C (The Manchesters) Company 5th/8th Volunteer Battalion the King's Regiment together with members of the Regimental Association.

Mametz, France

A bronze memorial plaque to the 20th, 21st, 22nd and 24th Battalions (Manchester Pals) was unveiled by Captain Robert Bonner on 1st July 1994. It had been funded by the Lancashire & Cheshire Branch of the Western Front Association. It is mounted on a brick plinth in the centre of the village of Mametz. The text is in English and French:

This plaque commemorates the everlasting memory of the 20th, 21st, 22nd & 24th Battalions of the Manchester Regiment who, as part of the British 7th Division successfully freed this village on the morning of 1st July 1916. 

Le Cateau Memorial, FranceLe Cateau, France

A memorial to those who fell at Le Cateau on 26 August 1914 was erected on the site of the trenches, which lie within a few minutes walk of the town of Le Cateau. A committee consisting of officers of the four regiments concerned was formed and in cooperation with the Imperial War Graves Commission appointed Major Alan Brace of Lincoln 's Inn to be the architect. One major difficulty had to be overcome which was that the French Government passed a law in March 1923 prohibiting the erection of any other war memorial to a unit smaller that a Division. Fortunately a Presidential Decree was signed on 9 May 1925 authorising the erection of this memorial.

The monument is in the form of a cenotaph, 10ft long, 6ft wide and 13 ft high. Upon each face is cut the names of the fallen: 2nd Bn Manchester Regiment (5 officers and 53 other ranks) on the west face, the Suffolk Regiment (4 officers and 75 other ranks) on the north face, the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (8 officers and 39 other ranks) on the east face and the Royal Field Artillery (3 officers and 22 other ranks) on the south face.

The memorial was unveiled in 1926 and is in the permanent care of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. Additional funds were raised in 1933 by the four Regiments for maintenance work to be carried out.

Hagnies Church Memorial, France’ Hagnies Church, France

A painted wooden board of oak mounted on an inner wall of the church, surmounted by the regimental badge of the coat of arms of the City of Manchester with on either side the initials AM and DG in gold lettering.

Devant cette eglise le Sixieme Bataillon Du Regiment De Manchester a commemore la cessation des hostilites de la Grande Guerre. 

Le XI Novembre a onze heures du matin, MCMXVIII.

On the 11th November 1918 the 6th Battalion were in the Forest of Mormal, near to the hamlet of Hagnies, billeted in the Municipal school at Hautman. They remained there for a short period and during the third week of December the battalion presented a carved oak memorial plaque to the village which was placed in Hagnies Church where it remains to this day. Private H L Jones carved the plaque and Private C C Farmer painted the inscription.

12th Bn, Contalmaison Communal CemeteryContalmaison, France

The 12th Manchesters Memorial. In August 1927 a party of 55 old members of the battalion, wives and friends made a trip to the battlefields and at Mametz Wood unveiled a 6-foot high cross of oak inscribed

To the eternal memory of all those comrades who laid down their lives on 7th July 1916 

The cross had been made by Ted Thompstone - one of the comrades - and was unveiled by Major H F Browell. Two years later funds were raised to buy a site in the Contalmaison Cemetery and the cross was replaced with a granite memorial. The memorial is now in the care of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

Ors Memorial to Wilfred OwenOrs, France

A bronze plaque in memory of Lieutenant Wilfred Owen MC, 2nd Manchesters erected by the Western Front Association in 1992 on the bridge over the canal.

The text is in English and French.

On 4th November 1918 the British 32nd Division crossed the Sambre-Oise Canal here at Ors, in the face of strong opposition. During the assault four VCs were won. Among the casualties was the poet, Lieutenant Wilfred Owen MC, 2nd Battalion Manchester Regiment, who was killed on the towpath on this side of the canal about one kilometre to the north of the bridge. 

Home | The Wilfred Owen Association Link to External Website

Holy Trinity Church, Northwood, Middlesex

Stained glass memorial window to Joseph Norman Rostern, 2/7th Manchesters. Killed in action 28 March 1918 at Peronne.Window to Joseph Rostern

The Memorial Chapel Royal Military Academy Sandhurst

The Manchester Regiment Memorial is situated above the pulpit. It is a marble panel on which the names of twenty-four officers are carved, all having been Cadets at Sandhurst who gave their lives in WWI. The panel is surmounted by the Regimental Crests of the Fleur de Lys and the Brunswick Star containing a Sphinx. The names and inscriptions are as follows:

The Manchester Regiment

Captain F S Nisbet 
Captain C FitzG H Trueman 
2nd Lieut A G B Chittenden 
Captain A G Tillard 
2nd Lieut R F Walker 
2nd Lieut C L Bentley 
Lieut J C Caulfield 
Lieut R I M Davidson 
Lieut S D Connell 
Lieut S S Norman 

Lieut Col H W E Hitchins 
Lieut E R Vanderspar 
2nd Lieut J N Washington 
2nd Lieut D A Glen 

Lieut J Burdon 
Captain R F Lynch 
Captain H T R S Wright 

2nd Lieut W G Yates 

Bt Lt Col P V Holberton 
Captain W B Shipster MC 
Lieut W T D Wickham 
Lieut ( Major) E P Plenty 

Who were Cadets at this College, and to all other Officers, Warrant Officers, NCOs and Men of all Battalions of the Manchester Regiment, who gave their lives in the Great War, 1914-1918. 

The Memorial Chapel Royal Military Academy Sandhurst

Cadets who served in WWII are remembered in the carved pew ends, which were dedicated in October 1950. The regimental fleur de lys is carved on the end of the 15th row of pews in the main aisle of the nave.

Worthington Memorial Window at SiddingtonSiddington Church, Cheshire

'Who dies if England live. I have striven to live worthily'.

The stained glass memorial window to the life of Wilfrith Elstob VC DSO MC showing full-length figures of St George and King Alfred.

Siddington Church, Cheshire

Commemorative brass plaque below the window.

To the honoured memory of Lieutenant Colonel Wilfrith Elstob VC DSO MC / 16th Manchester Regiment 1st City Battalion / Third son of the Vicar of this Parish / killed in action whilst commanding his battalion in the famous defence of Manchester Hill, France / 21st March 1918 Aged 29 / The Manchester Regiment will defend Manchester Hill to the last / Manchesters! Here we fight and here we die. 

Elstob Plaque, Siddington Parish Church, CheshireHoly Trinity Church, Winster, Cumbria

Bronze memorial plaque surmounted with circular wreath and the Sphinx in white and red enamel.

To the memory of Joseph Holt, elder son of Sir Joseph Holt Bart & Elizabeth his wife, Blackwell, Windermere/ Captain 6th Batt Manchester Reg who was killed in action in the Gallipoli Peninsula on the fourteenth of June 1915 Aged 33 years 

Capt. Holt 6th Bn & others.  Memorial Cross – Holy Trinity Church Winster, South Lakeland, CumbriaHoly Trinity Church, Winster, Cumbria


 A sandstone memorial cross in the churchyard inscribed to the memory of Captain Joseph Holt and three others.

Also stone memorial dedicated to Joseph Holt, inscribed 'To the memory of Joseph Holt, Elder son of Sir Edward Holt Bart and Elizabeth his wife, Blackwell, Windermere. Captain 6th Batt: Manchester Reg who was killed in action in the Gallipoli peninsula on the fourth of June 1915 aged 33 years.'

Photograph of Joseph Holt memorialSedbergh School, Cumbria

A memorial plaque.

In memory of Alexander Nicol Milne
Captain in the 6th Manchesters East Lancashire Division 
Killed in Action August 7th 1915 in Gallipoli aged 31 
Sedbergh School 1896-1903 


Milne Plaque at Sedbergh SchoolUniversity Barracks, Manchester

The original war memorial to the dead of WWI of the 6th Manchesters was unveiled in the Stretford Road Drill Hall on 12 June 1921. The memorial was dedicated by the Rev E T Kirby MC, late Chaplain to the Forces. It consists of seven polished dark-oak panels, six of which contain in gold lettering the names of the 1,057 officers and men of the battalion who laid down their lives. The seventh panel contains in illuminated text the inscription of the memorial headed by the words 'The Glorious Dead'. Following the demolition of the drill hall and its replacement by University Barracks in 1995, the memorial panels were cleaned and installed in the new building.

Oldham Civic Centre

Two bronze memorial tablets were unveiled in the Oldham Town Hall in 1921. The inscriptions set out the achievements of the 10th and 24th Manchesters in WWI. These are now located in the Civic Centre together with the Colours and silver drums of the 10th Battalion.

Tenth Battalion Bronze memorial plaque OldhamTwenty Fourth Battalion memorial plaque Oldham


Oldham Civic Centre - Silver Drums

At a ceremony at Oldham Town Hall in June 1924 the set of silver drums and bugles was presented to 10th Bn Manchester Regiment by Maj-Gen Solly Flood (the former GOC of 42nd (E Lancs) Div) on behalf of the Mayor of Oldham as the town's memorial to the members or the three battalions of the regiment who fell in the Great War. They were largely funded by public subscription from the people of the town. The drums are inscribed with the names of 617 members of the regiment then known10th Battalion Silver Drums to have been killed. (Subsequent research has revealed that the total fallen was probably just over 631.)

The instruments were used on ceremonial parades up until 1967 by 10th Manchesters, 41 RTR and then 40/41 RTR . Since then they have been used by the remaining RTR regiments when they have been presented with new standards. They are on display in the Civic Centre, Oldham.

Mustapha Barracks, Alexandria - now in University Barracks, Manchester

To the memory of the officers, warrant officers non-commissioned offices and men of the I/VIth Battn Manchester Regiment T.F. who fell for King and Country in the Gallipoli campaign of MCMXV this monument was here placed by their comrades. Mustapha Barracks PlaqueThe battn was quartered in these barracks from September 27th MCMXIV to January 19th MCMXV and embarked for Gallipoli from the port of Alexandria May 3rd MCMXV.

Mustapha Barracks, Alexandria - Copy of memorial in Museum of the Manchester RegimentAt the end of WWI this bronze memorial plaque was erected in the Chapel in Mustapha Barracks, Alexandria. In 1946 with the evacuation of British Troops from Egypt, the memorial was sent to England and is now located in University Barracks, the original home of the 6th Battalion.

A wooden copy of this memorial is displayed in the Museum of the Manchester Regiment.


Westbrook WindowMuseum of the Manchester Regiment, Ashton-under-Lyne

A stained glass window, previously in St George's Church, Hyde

To the memory of Lieutenant Edward Worsley Westbrook. Age 22. 
8th Battalion Manchester Regiment. 

He lived at Silver Hill, Hyde. His father, the late G J Westbrook, had for many years been the Clerk to the County Justices of Hyde and Dukinfield. His two elder brothers were partners in a legal firm in Hyde and Stalybridge. He died of his wounds on 8 November 1915 and is buried in Twelve Tree Copse Cemetery, Gallipoli. The fine stained glass memorial window dedicated to his memory is now displayed in the Ladysmith Gallery.

Ingram plaqueMuseum of the Manchester Regiment, Ashton-under-Lyne

A memorial plaque to the memory of Lieutenant Alan James Ingram Donald, Age 21, 6th Manchesters. Killed in action at Gallipoli on 4 June 1915. The eldest son of Dr Archibald Donald of Victoria Park, Manchester. Educated at Winchester and New College, Oxford. No known grave. Name on the Helles Memorial, Gallipoli.

The plaque was previously in a Manchester church, now demolished, and is displayed in the Ladysmith Gallery.

Museum of the Manchester Regiment, Ashton-under-Lyne

A brass memorial plaque. At the head is the Sphinx, battle honour of the Regiment,Arnold Plaque

In loving memory of Eric Dean Arnold
Signaller 2/6th Manchester Regiment who fell in action near Passchendaele October 7th 1917 Aged 22 

The plaque was previously in a Manchester church, now demolished, and is displayed in the Ladysmith Gallery.

Museum of the Manchester Regiment, Ashton-under-Lyne

A small brass plaque

Hamer PlaqueTo the memory of Captain Frank Hamer, age 35 years. 9th Manchesters.
A member of this Council. Killed in action at Gallipoli on 7 June 1915. 
Son of William Hamer JP of Birch House, Ashton-under-Lyne.  

No known grave. Name on the Helles Memorial, Gallipoli. The plaque was previously positioned in the Ashton Town Hall where Hamer had been a pre-war councillor.

Photograph of Sixth Battalion Memorial Museum of the Manchester Regiment, Ashton-under-Lyne

A large mahogany memorial board within a carved frame. To the memory of the officers, NCOS and men of the 1/6 th Battalion who died at Gallipoli.


Massey PlaqueMuseum of the Manchester Regiment, Ashton-under-Lyne

This bronze memorial commemorates those employees of B & S Massey, Ashton Old Road, Openshaw who lost their lives in the Great War 1914/1918. 

Alfred Ridges (6th Manchesters), J W Edwards (23rd Manchesters), Reginald Jones (20th Manchesters), W H Lowe ( Liverpool Regiment), C E Boler (Royal Horse Artillery), Thomas Phillips (Royal Horse Artillery), Arthur Bradshaw (Royal Engineers) 

The survival of this plaque is due to the interest of Mr Horrocks of Ashton-under-Lyne and Mr F W Singleton - Scrap Metal Merchant of Clayton who preserved the plaque when it was brought in as scrap. This plaque is now on display in the Forshaw Gallery.

In Memoriam StoneworkMuseum of the Manchester Regiment, Ashton-under-Lyne


In Memoriam 
J J O'Connor 9th Battalion / Frederick Sawyer 9th Battalion 
Victor Bramall 9th Battalion / John W Bent 12th Cheshires 

Dulce et Decorum Est 
Pro Patria Mori 

A stone memorial originally in the factory of Austin Hopkinson of Audenshaw.

Brooks CrossChrist Church Woodford, Wilmslow, Cheshire

A carved oak cross in the churchyard:

In loving memory of Sec'd Lieut Frank S Brooks 
20th Manchester Reg (Pals) 
Killed in action at Fricourt, France 
July 1st 1916
For King and Country 

St John's Chrysostoms Church, Anson Road, Manchester

A memorial window to Corporal Frank Lucas, 17th Manchesters.

Erected by his parents.

St John's Chryostoms Church, Anson Road, Manchester

Memorial plaque to the memory of Lieutenant John William Womersley,

8th Manchesters in the memorial chapel. Killed in action at Gallipoli on 4 June 1915 age 31 years. Also commemorated at the Redoubt Cemetery, Gallipoli.

Heaton Moor Methodist Church, Stockport

A circular metal plaque commemorates seven men of the congregation who died. Amongst these are the names of:

17618 Lance Corporal Ernest Faragher 20th Manchesters. KIA 01/07/1916 
10816 Private John Gorton 18th Manchesters. KIA 09/07/1916 
7167 Private Thomas Yarwood 16th Manchesters. KIA 21/03/1918 

St John's Church, Clifton, PrestonSt John's Church, Clifton, Preston

A rectangular brass plaque with the Brunswick Star badge of the Regiment in the top left hand corner.

To the Glory of God and in loving and honoured memory of our only son James Titterington
Staff Sergt 6th Manchester Regiment who fell at Arras August 29th 1918 aged 28 years while gallantly leading his men in a victorious action 
"Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends" 

Arthur Heywood Memorial Plaque at Denstone, DerbyshireAll Saints Church, Denstone, Derbyshire

A rectangular bronze wall plaque in the Heywood family church.

To the Glory of God and in loving memory of Arthur George Percival Heywood
Major 1/6th Manchester Regiment. Who having served throughout the Great War was mortally wounded near Albert and died September 12 1918 

He is buried in St Sever Cemetery, Rouen, France.

All Saints Church, Denstone, Derbyshire

Memorials to others of the Heywood family who served with the 6th Battalion.

Waterhead Parish Church, Oldham

A marble memorial wall tablet superimposed with the coat of arms of Manchester on the inner north wall of the church.

In loving memory of Llewellyn Albert Harries-Jones 2nd Lieutenant 18th Manchester Regiment only son of the late Llewellyn Golyddan Albert Harrie-Jones, Waterhead, Oldham who enlisted in the Royal Welsh Fusiliers 1st October 1914 and was killed in action at Guillemont on the 30th day of July 1916, aged 24 

St Chad’s Poulton le FyldeSt Chad's Church, Poulton le Fylde 

Engraved brass plate approximately 2 feet square on wooden base. Overlooking the altar.

"To the Glory of God and in loving memory of Captain G H Richardson MC 22nd Battalion Manchester Regiment who fell in battle in Italy on the 29th October 1918. 
He was the youngest son of the Rev William and Mary Anne Richardson 
And was born at the vicarage Poulton le Fylde on the 14th November 1879.
He fought with conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. 
He was a brave soldier and much beloved." 

The Ryley's School, Alderley Edge, Cheshire

Painted inscription on east wall of the school dining hall.

Lieut Colonel Wilfred Elstob VC DSO MC 
The 16th Battalion will defend Manchester Hill to the last man.  

The Ryley's School, Alderley Edge, Cheshire

Painted inscription in the school dining hall to:

Lieut Colonel Claude Worthington DSO 

Photograph of Claude Worthington grave markerDean Row Unitarian Chapel, Wilmslow, Cheshire

The original wooden marker from his grave in France for Lieut Colonel Claude Worthington DSO is fastened to the inner wall of the entrance porch.

Bazley PlaqueManchester Cathedral - inner west wall

A fine brass memorial plaque to Captain Walter Neville Bazley of the 6th Manchesters is positioned on the inner west wall of the cathedral. Killed in action at Gallipoli on 23 May 1915 age 42 years. He had served with distinction in the Mounted Infantry Company of the 2nd Manchesters in the Boer War.

To the glory of God and in loving memory of Thomas Albert Bazley who died July 23, 1911. Aged 65 years 
Also of his son Walter Neville Bazley Captain in the 6th Battalion Manchester Regiment who laid down his life for his King and Country in May 1915 Aged 42 years 

Photograph of Denton Lee memorialBusk Wood, Little Langdale, Cumbria

In the wood is a plain memorial stone to 2nd Lieutenant James Denton Lee of 10th Manchesters.

'In loving memory, Denton Lee, died of wounds. 1914-1918.' 

He died of his wounds 22 January 1918 & is buried in Lister Lee Cemetery, Halifax.

Studham Church, Bedford

A roll of honour to local men including photographs in a glass case. One is Captain Clarence James Thody, 8th (Ardwick) Battalion, killed in action 30 August 1918, Age 33. Buried in Manchester Cemetery, Riencourt-Les-Bapaume, France. The son of W A Thody, Master of the Ardwick Green Industrial School, Manchester. Link to External Website

Town Hall, Wigan

VC commemorative plaque - Alfred Wilkinson

Photograph of Rose plaqueSt Mary's Parish Church, Cheadle, Stockport

Plaque to H J Rose, churchwarden from 1910 and Captain 8th (Ardwick) Battalion.

Town Hall, Leigh, Lancashire

Plaque to Lance Corporal Alfred Wilkinson VC. Unveiled 27 January 2005

Town Hall, Huddersfield, 

Plaque to Sergeant Harry Coverdale VC.

Photograph of Sculpture Hall PlaqueThe Sculpture Hall, Manchester Town Hall

A carved wooden memorial wall plaque on a marble base unveiled 2 November 1921.

This tablet is erected by the Corporation of Manchester to record the great achievement of two Manchester men, Captain Sir John Alcock KBE DSO and Lieutenant Sir Arthur Whitten Brown KBE, who on the fifteenth day of June 1919 were the first to fly without a stop across the Atlantic Ocean from America to the British Isles, the time taken for covering the distance being 15 hours 57 minutes; the distance covered being 1,950 statute miles and the aeroplane used being entirely of British manufacture.

Arthur Whitten Brown was commissioned in the Manchester Regiment in early 1915 serving with the 3rd Battalion and joined the 2nd Battalion in the Ypres salient at the beginning of June 1915. Several months later he transferred to the newly formed Flying Corps.

Reproduced with kind permission from Manchester City Council, Manchester Town Hall. Copyright Manchester City Council, Manchester Town Hall

St Peter and St Paul Church, Eye, Leominster, Hereford

A fine marble wall memorial.  Wording in gold on black marble, all enclosed in a white marble frame supported on each side by two young male figures carrying upturned flames.

In loving memory of the three sons of Lord and Lady Cawley of Berrington Hall in this Parish who fell in the Great War

Captain Harold Thomas Cawley MP 1/6th Manchester Regt Terr. Killed Sept 24 1915 at Gallipoli and is buried there - aged 37


Lieutenant Ellis Love Memorial Window

The memorial window commemorating 2nd Lieutenant James Ellis Love was erectedLieutenant Ellis Love Memorial window by his parents, John and Florence Selina Love, of The Gables, Northwood, Middlesex. The window is of stained glass and depicts a stylised figure above the legend, ‘To the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of James Ellis Love, 2nd Lieutenant 18th Battalion Manchester Regiment who was killed in action at Bapaume Sept 2nd 1918’. Lieutenant Love was 20 years old when he was killed in action. He is buried at Manchester Cemetery, Riencourt-Les-Bapaume (Grave/Memorial Reference B. 21).

Ashton-under-Lyne Police Station War Memorial

The Ashton Borough Police Force War Memorial Tablet is located at the new Ashton-under-Lyne Police Station on Manchester Road. This simple black granite Aston-under-Lyne Police Station Memorialtablet carries the inscription, ‘In memory of the members of this Police Force who fell in the Great War 1914–1919’. In keeping with the overall simplicity of the design, the tablet bears the legend, ‘Their name liveth for evermore’. Above this legend, the names of John William Purches and William Seedman are inscribed along with the dates of their deaths. John William Purches was a Sergeant in the 1st Battalion of the Cheshire Regiment, and died at the First Battle of Ypres on October 20th, 1914. William Seedman was a Sergeant Major in the 12th Battalion of the Manchester Regiment, and died at the Battle of Arras on April 25th, 1917.

Oddfellows Call War Memorial

The Oddfellows Call refers to a number of friendly societies, which are non-profit Oddfellows Memorialmutual insurance organisations owned by their members. Wooden tablets like this were common amongst such organisations, and contained the names of men who served during the First World War from the society itself; a so-called “Roll of Honour”. It lists the names of 22 men from the Manchester Regiment, seven of whom lost their lives. This memorial was sited in the Oddfellows Call pub located on Lee’s Road, Oldham. The pub was demolished approximately 35 years ago; the present whereabouts of the memorial is unknown.

View a PDF of the Oddfellows Memorial Link to Adobe PDF file

Moorside Parish War Memorial, Holyrood Church

The twelve and a half foot Memorial Cross in Holyrood Church, Swinton, celebrates the memory of fifty-four members of the Moorside Parish who served in the First World War, twenty of whom were members of the Manchester Regiment during World War One. Fashioned out of granite, the Celtic Cross was dedicated on 13th May 1920 by members of the parish. Included in the names commemorated are two brothers, Harold and Reginald Rylands, both whom were officers; the brothers each have a stained glass memorial inside the church commissioned by their father Richard, a wealthy Solicitor of the Supreme Court. Carved upon the memorial are the words:

“This cross was erected in loving and grateful memory of the men of this parish who made the supreme sacrifice in the Great War, 1914 1918.”

Below that follow the fifty-four names; further below that these words are etched:

“Their name liveth evermore.”

Moorside War Memorial Manchester Regiment Names: 

SurnameFirst NameAgeRegimentRank
BarnesHarry231/6th Manch RegtPte
BarrowThomas Edward2012th Manch RegtPte
BeltonP2012th  Manch RegtPte
BerryJohn James2521st  Manch RegtL. Cpl
ChapmanThomas2912th  Manch RegtPte
Deakin Vernon John2218th  Manch Regt Cpl
GleaveCharles252/5th  Manch RegtPte
Hayes Harry 3317th  Manch RegtPte
Higginbottom Samuel 3822nd  Manch RegtPte
JonesBenjamin3019th  Manch RegtL. Cpl
LindsayJames Thomas -1/5th  Manch RegtPte
MetcalfeHaydn Gardner181/6th  Manch RegtPte
MooresHerbert3218th  Manch RegtSgt
MyersJames Wheatley2419th  Manch RegtCapt
OgdenGeorge201/8th  Manch RegtPte
PhetheanCharles285th  Manch RegtCapt
RylandsReginald Victor231/7th  Manch RegtCapt
ShedlockHerbert2322nd  Manch RegtCpl
WilliamsSamuel 211/8th  Manch RegtPte
WolfendenGeorge Hubert202/6th  Manch RegtL. Cpl


Additional Information:

The memorial has been granted ‘Listed’ status by the English Heritage War Memorial Trust. By granting listed status to the Memorial, not only did the EHWMT recognise the historic significance of the monument, they considered it important enough to provide a grant of £2,500 towards its restoration.

The full cost of renovation will be in the region of £7,500. Additional funding is being sought via a number of local community funding streams and an appeal has been launched to raise more money.

In addition to the names listed on the memorial itself, all are now recorded on the Holyrood Church website, thereby providing and serving as another ‘virtual’ memorial and contributing to the local history of our area.

In total there are sixty seven names inscribed on the memorial (54 from WW1 and 13 from WW2) and in parallel with the renovation appeal, and in an effort to build up some detail and history behind the names, we thought it would be a good idea to carry out some research on the names.

Of those fifty four names twenty were from the Manchester Regiment and ten from the Lancashire Fusiliers.

Thwaites Cross, Arnside Parish Church. Cumbria

Sergeant John H. Thwaites served in the 5th Battalion King’s Own Royal Lancaster Thwaites Cross, Arnside Parish Church, CumbriaRegiment, but was attached to the 21st Battalion of the Manchester Regiment when he was killed at the Second Battle of Bullecourt on the 12th of May, 1917. His memorial, a metallic cross, is inscribed “the Noble Army of Martyrs Praise Thee”, as well as featuring the badge of the King’s Own Royal Lancaster Regiment. It is mounted in Arnside Parish Church, Cumbria.

For more information please visit: Link to External Website

North Manchester General Hospital Outpatients Room Memorial

Along one of the corridors in the hospital, there are information boards describing the previous hospitals on the site and those other Manchester hospitals which closed to form the present facility, of which Ancoats was one. The then Outpatients' Rooms North Manchester General Hospital Outpatients Room Memorialwere erected by parents in memory of their son, a Lieutenant in the 16th Battalion Manchester Regiment. It reads as follows:

"These Rooms were erected by/ MR. & MRS. J. R. OLIVER/ in memory of their son/
Lieut. JOHN MILNER OLIVER/ who was killed in action/ on the Somme/ July the 10th 1916"

John’s father John Robinson Oliver, owned a cotton-spinning factory, probably in Ancoats. They lived in Bowdon, Cheshire.

It is believed that what is now referred to as the former Ancoats Hospital site was purchased from the NHS, after having been disused for many years, by Urban Splash, for conversion of the Grade II Listed Building into residential units.


10th Battalion Memorial, Museum of the Manchester Regiment

Held by the Museum of the Manchester Regiment, this wooden panel tablet 10th Battalion Memorial, Museum of the Manchester Regimentcommemorates ‘the services of the 10th Battalion Manchester Regiment (Oldham Territorials)’ during the First World War. The top right panel displays contains a stylised Sphinx and the word ‘Egypt’, and the panel on the top left side shows the Oldham Council Coat of Arms. The lower panel, and by far the largest, details a short history of the Battalion during the Great War, including Gallipoli, Ypres, and the German Spring Offensives. A similar wooden tablet commemorating the 24th Battalion is also held by the museum.

24th Battalion Memorial, Museum of the Manchester Regiment

24th Battalion Memorial, Museum of the Manchester RegimentThis wooden panel tablet commemorates ‘the services of the 24th (Service) Battalion Manchester Regiment (Oldham Comrades)’ during the First World War. Much like its 10th Battalion counterpart, the top right panel displays a stylised Sphinx and the word ‘Egypt’, and the panel on the top left side once again shows the Oldham Council Coat of Arms. A short history of the Battalion during the Great War is written on the lower half, including the Battles of the Somme, Ypres, and service in Italy. Both this tablet and the 10th Battalion memorial tablet are held by the Museum of the Manchester Regiment

42nd Division Memorial Plaque, Museum of the Manchester Regiment

A metal plaque. The Plaque reads:42nd Division Memorial Plaque, Museum of the Manchester Regiment

“This room is endowed as a memorial to the officers and men of the 42nd East Lancashire Division who gave their lives during the Great War, 1914-1919.”

Underneath an inscription reads:

“Let those who come after see to it that their name be not forgotten.”

The plaque also displays the emblem of the 42nd Division, a diamond of white on the top half and red on the bottom. Originally in the TocH House in Whitworth Park, Manchester. In addition there are two or three other brass plaques in the gallery, adjacent to the above, which also came out of the TocH House.

Old Contemptibles Association Roll of Honour, Museum of the Manchester Regiment

Old Contemptibles Association Roll of Honour, Museum of the Manchester RegimentA Roll of Honour belonging to the Manchester and Salford Branch of the Old Contemptibles Association. Formed on June 25th 1925, the Old Contemptibles were an Association of veterans from the British Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders with 178 branches. This Roll of Honour is dedicated to a number of veterans from the Manchester and Salford branch, twelve of whom were soldiers of the Manchester Regiment. The inscription above the names reads:

“To the Glory of God, and the Imperishable Memory of Those Who Fell in the Great War 1914-1918.”

Below another inscription reads:

“May Our Dead Comrades, Sleep in Honour, Unbetrayed, and We In Faith and Honour Keep the Peace for Which They Paid.”

Samuel Austin Plaque, Museum of the Manchester Regiment

Samuel Austin Plaque, Museum of the Manchester RegimentPrivate Samuel Austin (276521) served in the 2/5th Battalion of the Manchester Regiment during World War One. He was born and lived in Wilmslow, Cheshire until he enlisted in Manchester. Samuel was killed on the 21st of March 1918. His memorial plaque, a bronze wreath on a wooden shield, hangs in the Ladysmith Gallery of the Museum of the Manchester Regiment, and he is also remembered on the Pozieres Memorial in France.

Manchester University Officer Training Corps Memorial

Manchester University Officer training Corps memorialThis memorial is located in the quadrangle of the John Owens Building. It features separate plaques commemorating the dead of both world wars. The top plaque is inscribed with 157 names flanking the legend:

‘To the members of the University of Manchester and of the University Officers Training Corps who laid down their lives in the Second World War 1939 – 1945 – They went out from this place and did not return’.

This plaque replaced the original small bronze plaque bearing the simple inscription:

‘In Remembrance 1939-1945’.

Following the unveiling of the new plaque on 11 November 2001, the original was subsequently presented to Worsley Royal British Legion in January 2002.
The lower plaque is inscribed with 511 names flanking the legend:

‘To the members of the Officers Training Corps who laid down their lives in the Great War 1914-1919 – In grateful and enduring remembrance – He has bought his eternity with a little hour and is not dead’.

This memorial contains the names of 103 former members of the Manchester Regiment.
First World War Manchester Regiment Casualties
Listed on this Memorial

Lt. Col. W Elstob, V.C.
Lt. Col C S Worthington

Major. J R Houghton
Major. A J Moorhouse
Major. J E Rowbotham

Capt. L B Baird
Capt. R H Bedford
Capt. R Bentham
Capt. P A Blythe
Capt. R L Bolton
Capt. E Brodrick
Capt. A B Brooks
Capt. J Brown
Capt. D H Budenberg
Capt. S F Collier
Capt. J G Cunliffe
Capt. R G A Dickey
Capt. G Dixon
Capt. H T Dreschfield
Capt. S W Dyson
Capt. R W G Grant
Capt. E C Gray
Capt. H S Grimshaw
Capt. J A Hislop
Capt. W E Jackson
Capt. P C Johnson
Capt. E Knott
Capt. O Lewtas
Capt. A R Maw
Capt. A P Owen
Capt. G W Owen
Capt. L Renshaw
Capt. R V Rylands
Capt. A H Tinker
Capt. A Walsh
Capt. C W Whitaker
Capt. N Wilkinson

Lt. S D Adshead
Lt. E Bouskill
Lt. R Box
Lt. J H B Darwin
Lt. J H Doyle
Lt. C R Eller
Lt. J B Emmott
Lt. S Fernyhough
Lt. W G Freemantle
Lt. E L Goodwin
Lt. S Gudgeon
Lt. A Harris
Lt. E R Kingsley
Lt. E R Lamb
Lt. H Lomas
Lt. S McDougall
Lt. H L McLellan
Lt. R Mellor
Lt. H J Porter
Lt. G F Potts
Lt. H W Price
Lt. H G Senior
Lt. W G Stott
Lt. A C B Taylor
Lt. H D Thewlis

2nd Lt. H G Ainsworth
2nd Lt. W Balshaw
2nd Lt. N H Blythe
2nd Lt. B Butterworth
2nd Lt. J H Cansino
2nd Lt. H C Clough
2nd Lt. J Cooper
2nd Lt. S J Davie
2nd Lt. A M McL. Doig
2nd Lt. A J I Donald
2nd Lt. F P Elliott
2nd Lt. H H Fielding
2nd Lt. C Forth
2nd Lt. J B Green
2nd Lt. W G Hardman
2nd Lt. J F Horsfield
2nd Lt. R S Innes
2nd Lt. J C Jackson
2nd Lt. S Jackson
2nd Lt. J F Motler
2nd lt. T H O’Donahue
2nd Lt. H Simmonds
2nd Lt. B Tempest
2nd Lt. J M Wade
2nd Lt. G F Wallace
2nd Lt. P Ward
2nd Lt. B A Westphal
2nd Lt. A K Wilson
2nd Lt. L G Wrigley

Cpl. G B Elliott
L.Cpl. C T Barnett
L.Cpl. H S McCartney
Pte. J Cheshire
Pte. E C Cotton
Pte. L F Huddleston
Pte. J W Pick
Pte. C F T Price
Pte. R K Southward
Pte. P J Wade
Pte. L G Whitbread
Pte. W Wilson

Memorial Tablet to 2nd Lt. Fred Jones

Memorial to Fred JonesThis tablet is in St. Andrews Parish Church, Droylsden. It is engraved as follows:

“The holy table and this tablet are erected by his mother "IN LOVING MEMORY OF 2nd Lieut FRED JONES, 1st 9TH BATTALION, MANcr REGt WHO FELL IN ACTION IN THE DARDANELLES, MAY 24, 1915 AGED 21 YEARS".

Gresham Font Cover, Regimental Chapel, Manchester Cathedral

The font cover for the 18th-century font was presented by Lieutenant-Colonel Gresham of the 7th Battalion.

Gresham font cover

Wilfred Owen Plaque, Regimental Chapel, Manchester Cathedral

Plaque reads:-

“To the Memory of Lieutenant Wilfred Owen MC, The Manchester Regiment, 1893-1918, Poet and Soldier”.

Wilfred Owen Plaque

St John's Church, Hopwood, Heywood, Lancashire

Memorial to Private Charles Arthur Coupe was Killed-in-Action while serving with the 22nd Battalion of the Manchester Regiment.

Memorial to Charles Arthue Coupe

All Saint’s Church, Whitefield, Manchester

Memorial to Lt. Edmund Turner Young of the 6th Battalion Manchester Regiment who was killed in action in Gallipoli on June 4th 1916, aged 30.

Memorial to Lt Edmund Turner Young

Lieutenant Thomas Kemp 

Thomas was born to Arthur Collins Kemp and Ann Kemp in 1889, at Leigh Road, Atherton, Lancashire. His father, a Hotel Keeper, originated from Uttoxeter, where he had been born in 1859. Thomas’s mother was a local girl, being born in Leigh in 1865. Thomas’s parents later moved to 23 St. Thomas Road, St. Anne’s-on-Sea.

During the Great War, Thomas gained a commission as a 2nd Lt. with the 20th Battalion, Manchester Regiment, and he was killed in action on the ‘First Day of the Somme’, Saturday, 1st July, 1916, aged 27 years. He is buried in Dantzig Cemetery, Mametz, The Somme in Plot VI Row 1 Grave 7.

A Memorial Window, to Thomas, was dedicated in Christ Church, Pennington, Leigh.


Captain Basil Claude Hall

Basil was born at Leigh in Lancashire in 1894, to Henry Strange Hall, a physician and surgeon, and his wife, Jane. Henry was born in Leigh in 1865, and Jane was born in lnce, Wigan Lancashire in 1868. At the time of Basil’s death the family lived at 56 Westbourne Road, Birkdale, Southport.

Basil held a commission as a Captain with the 8th (Ardwick) Battalion, T.F. The Manchester Regiment, when he was killed in action on Sunday, 25th August, 1918, aged 24 years. He is buried in Sucrerie Military Cemetery, Colincamps, Somme, France in Plot I. Row J. Grave 9.

A Memorial Window, to Basil was dedicated in Leigh Parish Church, Leigh.


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