Planning Guidance
Tameside Council's planning policies are set out in the Local Development Framework (LDF). At present, the Unitary Development Plan (UDP) is a 'saved' document in the LDF and will continue to form the principal basis on which planning applications for development in the Borough are determined. The LDF also includes a number of Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs), which give additional policy guidance on specific issues or locations within the Borough.
In addition to the policies in the LDF and UDP the Council also provides supplementary, detailed guidance for a range of developments and on procedural matters. These documents were produced under the old planning regime, and the guidance notes will be replaced by Supplementary Planning Documents produced under the LDF in due course. A project plan containing a timetable for production of these documents is available in the Local Development Scheme Meanwhile, these guidance notes will continue to be referred to until replaced.
This supplementary guidance has all been before relevant committees or more latterly the cabinet of the Council.