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Parking Services


Frequently Asked Questions


When did Decriminalised Parking Enforcement start?

Decriminalised Parking Enforcement commenced on 26 March 2007. 


If parking is now decriminalised, does this mean I can park where I like?

No. Although parking offences have been decriminalised, other powers have been given to local authorities to allow them to enforce parking restrictions. The increased level of enforcement under DPE means that you are much more likely to receive a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) if you contravene the regulations.


Are the Police still involved with parking issues?

Yes the police will retain responsibility for parking enforcement issues (points on your licence) including parking on pelican and zebra crossings, obstruction of the highway and school keep-clears.

If someone has parked and they are not on a waiting restriction but are obstructing a footpath, highway or access to your property only the police can deal with this as they may be able to issue a Fixed Penalty.


I am deaf. How can I pay?

We have a minicom service when you phone up which is a service provided for the hard of hearing. (0161 342 2283)


How Much does a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) cost?

A Penalty Charge Notice will be issued for failure to comply with parking contraventions of either £70.00 for a higher level contravention or £50.00 for all other contraventions. The Penalty Charge will be discounted by 50% if paid within 14 days from the date the notice was served/issued.


Do Civil Enforcement Officers (CEO's) have targets to meet and issue PCNs to everyone just to achieve them?

No, there will be no target for the number of PCNs that a CEO must issue. All CEOs have undergone comprehensive training to achieve nationally recognised standards of competence.


What are the benefits of local enforcement?

Local enforcement will keep Tameside moving, reduce dangerous and inconvenient parking, support local businesses, support town centre needs, assist loading and unloading, improve conditions in resident parking areas, improve safety outside schools and assist blue badge holders.


Do these changes mean local businesses and shops suffer?

No. Areas of short-term parking such as outside local shops will receive better enforcement. As drivers will no longer be able to park for longer than permitted it will be easier to find a space when you need it. It should also be easier for businesses to load and unload.


How are the new CEO's different from the old traffic wardens?

Although CEOs look similar to traffic wardens, they are contracted by Council and not the Police. CEOs issue Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) not fixed Penalty Notices (FPN's) like the Police.


If I receive a PCN will I get penalty points on my driving licence?

No. Penalty points are received for certain driving offences dealt with by the Police under criminal law.


How do I avoid getting a PCN?

If you don't contravene parking regulations then you won't be affected by Decriminalised Parking Enforcement. If you are unsure if your parking illegally then read all the lines and signs in the area to see what the parking regulations are.


I am a blue badge holder, how do the changes affect me?

The blue badge scheme continues to operate as before. If you park in accordance with the blue badge scheme you will not receive a PCN.


Can I park on a yellow line if there are no signs or plates indicating times?

No, not all restrictions need a time plate,for example, double yellow lines do not need a time plate as the restriction is 24/7.  A Single yellow line will have a time plate as there will be specific times when the restriction is in force (likely to be peak times)

Will I receive a PCN for parking on the pavement or verge?

You can receive a PCN if you park partly or wholly on a pavement or verge that is adjacent to yellow lines. If you park a HGV on a pavement or verge you may receive a PCN even if no yellow lines exist. Parking on footways obstructs the way for pedestrians and cause damage to the surface and equipment underneath.


What should I do if I get a PCN?

Details of how to pay and what to do next will be shown on the Penalty Charge Notice (PCN).


Who is responsible for paying the charge?

Legally the owner/keeper of the vehicle is responsible and it is the owner/keeper who will be pursued in recovery action.


What happens if I appeal a PCN?

If you challenge a PCN within 14 days from the date is was served/issued and the challenge is rejected the council will generally extend the period within which the reduced penalty charge may be paid.


If the Penalty Charge is not paid or successfully challenged?

If the Penalty charge is not paid on or before the end of the 28 day period as specified on the front of the Penalty Charge Notice or successfully challenged, the Council may serve a Notice to Owner (NtO) on the owner of the vehicle requiring payment of the penalty charge. The owner can then make representation to the Council against the penalty charge and may appeal to an Independent adjudicator if those representations are rejected (the NtO will contain instructions for doing this). If representations are received before a NtO is served they will be considered. However, once an NtO has been issued representations must be made in the form, manner and at the time specified in the NtO and the owner must follow the instructions on the NtO

If you do not agree with the council's decision you may appeal to the Traffic Penalty Tribunal Service. The Traffic Penalty Tribunal service is a totally independent appeal service and is free to motorists. All appeals are dealt with by experienced lawyers. Details of how to contact the adjudicators will be provided on your decision letter. All cases will be considered on their individual circumstances.


How do I make a complaint?

If you would like to make a complaint about anything then you can do this by using the details below.


Contact information

Send us a message
Parking Services
Tame Street Depot
Tame Street
SK15 1ST
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