Important Advice to Applicants and Agents
Application for Outline Planning Permission with Some Matters Reserved
List of Required Information
Your application will not be registered if the relevant information is missing
The following is the Local List of information which will be required. This is in addition to the National Requirements referred to on the application form. Please read the list carefully, refer to the Guidance Note if necessary, and submit the relevant information.
- The development must be described fully and accurately in the forms.
- All forms must be signed and dated.
- All the relevant questions on the form must be answered fully and accurately.
- 3 copies (unless submitted electronically) of a clear, scaled Ordnance Survey based location plan must be submitted with at least two (if practicable) named roads, the house numbers of all adjacent properties and the direction of north shown. The application site must be edged clearly with a red line and a blue line must be drawn around any other land owned by the applicant.
- 3 copies (unless submitted electronically) of good quality drawings must be submitted which provide full information about site layout , internal arrangements and all elevations, both existing and proposed, and , where appropriate, a contextual drawing, eg, the street scene.
- All drawings must be clearly marked with unique reference numbers and be clearly dimensioned, including dimensions to boundaries.
- Drawings must show existing vehicular and pedestrian access points, proposed access points, visibility splays and gradients and details of existing and proposed vehicle parking areas. Any proposals to close or divert existing rights of way must be clearly indicated on the plans including the route of the diversion.
- Drawings must accurately show existing site levels and proposed floor and site levels.
- Drawings must show trees and shrubs to be removed or retained and details of new landscaping including new trees and shrubs to be planted.
- Drawings must show all new boundary treatments such as fences and walls, etc.
- You must indicate clearly what building materials are to be used and where.
- Drawings must indicate refuse storage and collection arrangements where appropriate.
- A Design and Access Statement must be submitted (unless the application is for a change of use with no external alterations)
- Your drawings must show how disabled people will be accommodated
The following may be required depending on the proposal. Please refer to the Guidance Note for advice.
- A Biodiversity Survey and report
- An Air Quality assessment
- Crime Impact Statement
- Daylight/Sunlight assessment
- Economic Statement
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Environmental Statement
- Flood Risk assessment
- Foul sewage and utilities assessment
- Heritage Statement
- Land Contamination assessment
- Lighting assessment
- Noise Impact Assessment
- Parking and servicing details
- Photographs/Photo montages
- Planning obligations/Unilateral Undertaking
- Planning Statement
- Refuse Disposal details
- Retail Impact Assessment
- Site Waste Management Plan
- Statement of Community Involvement
- Structural survey
- Sustainability Statement
- Transport Assessment
- Travel Plan
- Tree Survey
- Ventilation/Extraction Statement
This list is not necessarily exhaustive and other points may be identified when your application is received.
If you need advice on any of these points, please see the relevant Guidance Note or contact the Duty Planning Officer.
In order to deal with your application quickly we need all the information asked for on the application form.
Contact information
Tameside MBC
PO Box 304
Ashton Under Lyne