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Tameside Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment

Paragraph 68 of the 2021 National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that strategic policy-making authorities should have a clear understanding of the land available within their area through the preparation of a strategic housing land availability assessment and identify a sufficient mix of sites.

In addition Paragraph 001 of the Planning Practice Guidance (PPG): Housing and economic land availability assessments states that plan-making authorities may carry out land availability assessments for housing and economic development as part of the same exercise, in order that sites maybe identified for the uses(s) which is most appropriate.

With regard to the above policy and guidance in the NPPF and PPG Tameside Council has prepared a combined Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA).

It is important to note that identification of a site within the SHELAA does not imply that planning permission will be granted (if a site is not already subject to an extant permission). Similarly, it does not prevent the possibility of residential or economic development being granted on sites which have not been included within the assessment. All planning applications will be assessed individually against current planning policy and other material considerations.

2023 Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment

The 2023 Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment has sought to identify the potential future supply of land for housing and economic uses for the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2038.

Downloadable Documents

2023 Housing Land Supply Online Map and Ward Maps

Alternatively, where available, the potential housing and economic development sites can viewed via mappingGM (


Housing Need Assessment

The Housing Need Assessment (HNA) 2020 provides a strong evidence base to help shape future planning and housing policy and development in Tameside. It contains a review of existing (secondary) data; an analysis of the findings of a household survey; interviews with key stakeholders; an assessment of housing need and affordable housing requirements; and an analysis of the housing needs of specific groups of people.  

You can view this assessment alongside Tameside’s latest Housing Strategy, Housing Market Assessment and Specialist Housing Needs Review on the Council’s Housing Strategy webpage or by following this link:



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