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Tameside Housing Strategy

Longlands Mill, Stalybridge

The Greater Manchester Housing Strategy

Safe, decent and affordable housing is a priority across Greater Manchester. The Greater Manchester Housing Strategy sets strategic actions at a city-region level.

Adopted by GMCA in June 2019, it identifies how Tameside, working with the other local authorities in Greater Manchester, can maximise the impact of our collective effort to deliver the homes we need for our citizens.

Find out more about Greater Manchester’s housing priorities and read the Greater Manchester Housing Strategy

The Tameside Housing Strategy

The Tameside Housing Strategy 2021-26 sets the vision and priorities to improve the borough’s housing offer over the next 5 years.  The strategy sets out a holistic approach, from bricks and mortar across the housing spectrum to meeting the needs of vulnerable people.

Tameside faces a number of challenges including access to homeownership, creating affordable housing, meeting the needs of an ageing population, improving our private rented sector, and tackling homelessness.

The ambitions of this integrated housing strategy reflect the aspirations of the Council’s Corporate Plan, ‘Our People, Our Place, Our Plan’, adopted in February 2019.

Find out more about Tameside’s Housing Strategy.

Research and Evidence

Our strategic direction is informed by a robust evidence base at a national, city-region and local level. Two documents in particular have informed our approach to housing markets and its close relationship to Tameside communities and the economy:

Greater Manchester Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA)

 The purpose of the SHMA is develop a robust understanding of housing market dynamics and to provide an assessment of future needs for both market and affordable housing and the housing needs of different groups within the population over the next twenty years.
The January 2019 Greater Manchester SHMA and a separate summary report can be downloaded below.
Greater Manchester SHMA January 2019
Greater Manchester SHMA Summary Report January 2019 

Tameside Housing Needs Assessment (HNA)

The Tameside Housing Need Assessment (HNA) provides a strong evidence base to help to shape the future planning and housing policies of the area. It contains a review of existing (secondary) data; an analysis of the findings of a household survey; interviews with key stakeholders; an assessment of housing need and affordable housing requirements; and an analysis of the housing needs of specific groups of people.  The HNA is complimented by the Specialist  Housing Needs Review SHNR), which provides evidence regarding the needs people as they grow older, as well as people with accessibility, care or support needs.
The December 2020 Tameside HNA can be downloaded below:
Tameside HNA December 2020
The July 2020 Tameside SHNR can be downloaded below:
Tameside SHNR July 2020
Housing strategy is also closely linked to a series of planning documents

To find out more about our housing strategy, strategic partnerships, and how we are working to build a better borough together please email  

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