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Our customer contact centre will be provided with advice and guidance to give to you in an emergency.

The Tameside Council website and social media channels will also show information about current emergencies.

Local radio and television will broadcast up to date situation reports and advice.

You may hear the message:

  • GO IN

This advises you to shelter, remain there until further advice is given by the emergency services, and listen to the local media stations for further information.

We will have up-to-date information regarding any major incidents. We will have press releases and general information and safety advice for the public. We can take any information you may have regarding incidents.
If you are asked to evacuate your home, you can go to relatives, friends or a local authority Rest Centre. You will be given up-to-date information at a Rest Centre about the situation and returning home. Media announcements will also be made for those not at the Rest Centre.

Tameside Council will be aware of the current local incidents and may have activated their Borough Emergency Plan if Emergency Services are overwhelmed. The Emergency Plan will have personnel and resources that can be used to deal with emergencies. If you can offer any help during emergencies please contact your Tameside Council. It is important not to assemble in public places unless requested to do so as this may increase the danger to yourself and others.

The local authorities' role is to care for the needs of the people and communities affected by the emergency.


In the unlikely event of chemical or toxic release, the following advice has been published by the Government:


  • Go indoors and stay there
  • Bring any pet inside with you
  • Close outside doors, windows and air vents
  • Turn off fans, hot air heating systems, ventilation etc
  • Cover all unsealed fresh food
  • Listen to your local radio station for further advice


  • DON'T go outside until told it is safe to do so
  • DON'T try to collect children from school unless instructed to- they will be looked after, so don't worry
  • DON'T use rainwater, or eat locally grown vegetables until you are told they are safe


To be prepared for any emergencies, you can make up a home emergency pack including:

  • Torch
  • Radio
  • Batteries
  • First aid kit
  • Contact list
  • Bottled water/canned drinks

You can also prepare an evacuation check list of things to pack quickly if advised to leave your home. This list may include:

  • Your home emergency pack
  • Warm clothing
  • Essential medication and personal items like glasses
  • Baby food and nappies
  • Wallet, purse and bank cards
  • Mobile phone and charger
  • Pet carriers, collar and lead (unless you are able to leave your pet at home)

You can also keep a basic emergency kit in your vehicle:

  • Bottled water
  • First aid
  • Torch and batteries
  • Cigar plug lead for mobile phones
  • Sweets, long life snacks
  • Blanket, warm tracksuit and hat
  • Waterproof coat
  • Wellington boots
  • Spare socks (can be used as gloves)


COMAH stands for Control of Major Accident Hazards. COMAH applies mainly to the chemical / refining / petro-chemical industry and also to some storage activities or sites. It applies to facilities where a certain quantity of dangerous substances identified in the Regulations are kept or used. If one of these sites exceeds the higher thresholds in the COMAH Regulations, they will be classed as a top tier site.

Due to these Regulations, safety is a paramount concern and incidents are thankfully very rare. If you live within a short distance of one of these sites, you will have received some information around what you need to do if there is ever an incident.

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