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Hypertension Campaign Evaluation 2018


We AskedTameside Council, along with Be Well Tameside, developed an awareness campaign to promote blood pressure checks. The purpose was to reach those who are believed to have high blood pressure, but who aren’t known to services, with the ultimate goal of increasing the number of people on the Hypertension register.

We issued a follow-up consultation on the campaign to evaluate how effective it was in raising awareness of Hypertension, by asking respondents about their knowledge of the campaign.


You Said

Some key messages that we found from the responses were that two thirds of people said they had not seen the campaign poster before. However, of those who had seen it, the majority said that they had seen it predominantly at their GP surgery, as well as on social media and on public billboards.

When asked whether they would make any lifestyle changes or request a blood pressure check having seen the campaign, the majority said they had already taken measures to look after their blood pressure. Those who said they were very likely to make changes because of the campaign lay around 10%. Almost all respondents said they knew where to go if they wanted to get their blood pressure checked.

We DidThe information from the results was used to decide what kinds of media to use in future campaigns. In the long term, the results will be used and compared year on year to see if there is a cumulative effect of the campaign on awareness of hypertension.

The results will also be used to make changes to future campaigns and tackle common misconceptions about hypertension in a bid to increase the number of people monitoring their blood pressure. For example, evaluation has been used to see whether the campaign is working to tackle the myth that hypertension has noticeable symptoms, whereas in reality there are none.

Furthermore, the results also told us where the campaign was most visible, and therefore where to direct our future attention in order to raise awareness of the condition. That way, in future we will tailor the campaign so that it is visible in the right places and increase our chance of identifying the ‘missing’ 10% of people who have high blood pressure but aren’t known to services.  
Key Dates
Consultation ran for:
4 Weeks


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