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Tameside& Glossop Maternity Services Survey


We Asked

Tameside and Glossop Strategic Commission along with the Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust are moving towards a Maternity Voices Partnership where local parents have the opportunity to make a difference to our local maternity services.

It is hoped that a Maternity Voices Partnership will provide a way for parents and maternity staff to design and improve maternity care together, in other words, co-production. We launched a survey to first find out the views of those who have become parents in recent years in Tameside & Glossop to find out about their experience of the service and what they think should improve. The aim was to develop some objectives for the new MVP in its first year.



You Said

The survey received over 100 responses, the majority of whom had been supported by Tameside & Glossop Maternity Services.

A number of themes emerged among the suggestions for improvement – many commented on the service they received, for example the discharge process, the number of staff on the ward and the continuity of support, such as seeing the same midwife throughout the process. When asked about what was good in their experience, a significant proportion credited their positive experience to the staff working there. What stood out was respondents’ supportive feedback about midwives nurses and doctors, commenting on their care and compassion.

Furthermore, when asked what the MVP should prioritise in its first year of operation, respondents commonly asked for topics such as the provision of information and support on infant feeding, better communication with new parents, and staffing levels.


We Did

The responses from the survey were drafted into a report presenting what themes emerged from the comments and suggestions. This was then presented to the Maternity Services Liaison Committee (soon to be Maternity Voices Partnership). The Maternity Voices Partnership will then take the findings forward and set a number of recommendations in their work to improve the local service.


Key Dates
Consultation ran for:


Supporting Documents




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