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Past Conversations 2024

The Big Conversation


Local Consultations and Surveys

TitleLead OrganisationSummaryStart DateClosing Date
Ashton Journey Improvements
Transport for Greater Manchester

A consultation is underway on proposals to improve journeys in Ashton. These include bus stops that are more accessible, comfortable and better located, improved walking and cycling routes and changes to road layouts to make them safer for all users. They form part of a wider scheme focusing on upgrading the A671 and A627 bus corridor through Rochdale, Royton, Oldham and Ashton town centres. The proposals are designed to improve journeys for all road users. 

Public drop-in sessions where the proposals can be discussed will take place at Ashton Library on Tuesday 19 March, 5pm–7pm and Wednesday 20 March, 2pm-4pm. 

People who use the route and live nearby are being asked to share their views on the potential changes. You can request a paper copy, or the survey in an alternative language, via or complete the survey over the phone by ringing 0161 244 1000. Please have your say and spread the word to others so that as many people as possible can take part in the consultation before it ends on 24 March.

Droylsden Town Centre Masterplan – Have Your Say
Tameside Council
Residents, businesses and staff are being asked to share their ideas for a more vibrant town centre for Droylsden. Using £100,000 grant funding from Greater Manchester Combined Authority’s Evergreen Funding, we have launched an initial fact-finding survey to draw feedback and views from the local community and stakeholders to help shape the short and long-term future. The creation of the masterplan for Droylsden would be the first step and then the council would need to seek further funding and support for any outlined plans. A consultant team led by OPEN (Optimised Environments) are working closely with us to shape the vision and plan, and are keen to find out what people really think of and want to see in the town. You can take part in the survey online at

Healthy Places Consultation
Tameside Council
We would like to ask the residents of Tameside about their neighbourhoods and town centres.  The survey asks questions on food and nutrition, physical activity, healthy weight and smoking.
We are interested in your views in order to explore how we can make Tameside's neighbourhoods a healthier place to live. This survey should take around 10 minutes to complete.
Thank you in advance for your support. The deadline to responding to the survey is midnight on 29th March 2024.
Smoking in Routine and Manual Roles
Tameside Council

Routine and manual workers are more likely to smoke than those in other jobs. Routine and manual workers are also more likely to experience smoking related ill health and feel the financial burden of smoking than others.
Tameside smokers spend about £2,500 on smoking every year.
Help Tameside’s Population Health Team to understand how they can better support you to become Smokefree by completing the survey:
This survey is anonymous and any answers you give will not be traced back to you, meaning you can be as honest as possible.

Tameside MBC Adult Social Care Charging Consultation
Tameside Council
Tameside Council is seeking your views on several proposed changes to the way it charges for Adult Social Care Services.
The aim is to review the charges for Adult Social Care Services to align the charges to people against the actual cost to the council for the care an support provided.
We understand that these can be sensitive issues to discuss; therefore all responses will be kept in the strictest confidence and subject to all relevant data protection laws.
This survey should take no longer than 15-20 minutes to complete and will close on the 3rd March 2024.
To complete the survey please click here.
Work, Skills and Wellbeing in TamesideTameside Council

We are currently looking at work and skills opportunities in Tameside and how this relates to people's health and wellbeing. This is called a 'needs assessment' and the aim is to identify some key recommendations and actions for us to focus on in the coming years.

We have done some initial work which has highlighted a number of areas for us to look into further. We would like to get your views and ideas on these.

All responses to the survey will remain anonymous. This survey is being run by an independent research company on our behalf. The deadline for responses is 20 February 2024.

Home to School Transport ConsultationTameside CouncilTameside Council want to hear your views about the proposal to make changes to the post 16 home to school or college transport policy.  We are not proposing any changes to eligibility criteria for home to school or college transport. The changes are to the support you might receive. This will affect  students aged 16 – 19 with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) in school or college. To view the policy and complete the survey, please click here.02/01/2409/02/24
Budget Consultation 2024-25Tameside CouncilTameside Council would like to hear your views on how we should prioritise spending and ideas for saving money.
Although we are faced with unprecedented financial challenges, we are continuing to deliver for our residents, and your views in this consultation will help shape the priorities as we set our budget for 2024/25.
All responses will be kept in the strictest confidence and subject to all relevant data protection laws.
This survey should take no longer than 5-10 minutes to complete and will close on the 2nd February 2024



Regional Consultations and Surveys

TitleLead OrganisationSummaryStart DateClosing Date
Greater Manchester Older People’s Network Development Survey
Greater Manchester Older People’s Network
The GMOPN aims to be a representative voice of people aged 50+ living and working within Greater Manchester. They aim to make sure that people can influence policy, strategy and services that will affect them and that people can use their experience to have a positive impact. The network includes voluntary members and organisations that represent older people. They meet, act and work on projects, using their experiences to make things better for everyone. They challenge ageism and campaign for change. They want to ensure that their priorities and projects are as representative as possible of members and the wider population of people aged 50+ in Greater Manchester and the organisations that work with them. Please support them by completing this short survey and help shape their development as a voice for older people in Greater Manchester. This survey is anonymous.

Commissioning Survey 2024
VCSE Commissioning and Investment Group
The Greater Manchester VCSE Commissioning Framework was produced in January 2020 . Changes are being seen to procurement regulations across the NHS, and soon, across wider statutory procurement. The VCSE Commissioning and Investment Group are planning where to focus their energy over the next two years. To do this, they want to understand how far they have come in implementing the recommendations of the Greater Manchester VCSE Commissioning Framework. They would like you to help them understand this by completing this survey.

Vision Zero Strategy
Transport for Greater Manchester

Vision Zero Strategy – Ending Road Death and Life-Changing Injury on Greater Manchester’s roads

Almost 10,000 people have been killed or suffered life-changing injuries on Greater Manchester’s roads in the last 10 years. Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) has now endorsed a draft Vison Zero Strategy for the city-region. It aims to eliminate road death and life-changing injury by 2040, with a target to achieve a 50 per cent reduction by 2030. The intention is to increase safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all.

For more information and to complete the survey, please click here.
Disposable Vapes and e-Cigarettes
Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Did you know 5 million single-use vapes are thrown away every week in the UK? That's the equivalent of 8 vapes every second!

With this survey, we want to understand behaviours towards buying and getting rid of disposable vapes. 

We really appreciate your views, the responses received will help shape our future campaigns for the residents of Greater Manchester.

Please only fill out the survey if you use or have used disposable vapes.

To complete the survey, please click here.
Good Landlord Charter
Greater Manchester Combined Authority
The Good Landlord Charter is intended to be the first of its kind: an ambitious new voluntary standard for landlord excellence, no matter what kind of housing they let. It would support landlords to improve practice regardless of whether they are in the private or social rented sector, mainstream or specialist housing. To become a member a landlord would need to show that they are currently meeting the legal minimum standards of renting, and with support, commit to higher standards than they are currently required to by the law. GMCA want to understand from the people that are impacted by rented accommodation (both tenants and landlords) what their priorities are for a safe and decent home. For more information and to complete the survey, please click here.
Pathway to CAMHS
Healthwatch Greater Manchester

Healthwatch in Greater Manchester are interested in hearing from parents and carers who have supported children and young people to access (or trying to access) Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS). There are long waiting times for young people to be seen and we want to investigate how this is affecting them. Healthwatch in Greater Manchester have a launched a survey aimed to gather personal experiences of young people, as well as a separate survey open to parents and carers for them to share their experience of supporting their children.

To complete the young people’s survey click here:
To complete the parents/carer’s survey click here:

Hate Crime Plan Refresh 2024Greater Manchester Combined AuthorityGMCA are refreshing the Hate Crime Plan. If you have been a victim or witness of hate, they want to hear about your experiences, whether you reported it or not. Sharing your experiences and suggestions will help to get a better understanding of what is working and what can be improved. For more information and to complete the survey, please click here.02/02/2418/03/24
“I Choose Kindness”, Hate Crimes Against LGBTQ+ CommunitiesManchester PrideHate crime in Greater Manchester and across the country is on the rise. In the period from June 2022 to May 2023 1804 people across Greater Manchester were subjected to hate crime because of their sexual orientation, up 69% in the last 3 years. In addition to this, 311 people across Greater Manchester were subjected to hate crime because of their gender identity, a 115% increase from the same period 3 years ago. We're asking Greater Manchester to choose kindness, for us to connect and show each other compassion so we all feel safe to be our true selves. Through the 'I Choose Kindness' campaign, Manchester Pride will be raising awareness of the abuse, violence and intimidation faced by LGBTQ+ people, just because they're gay, lesbian, bi, trans, non-binary, queer, intersex or asexual. You can learn more about how to identify hate crimes and find out exactly how and where to the report the using our Hate Crime Reporting Pack. You can also use our diary sheets to record the details of any hate incidents you experience so that when reporting you have all the information you need written down. As part of the campaign, we'd like to hear from our communities about any incidents of hate you've experienced. For more information on the campaign and for information on receiving support for hate incidents, please click here.05/02/2412/02/24



National Consultations and Surveys

TitleLead OrganisationSummaryStart DateClosing Date
Consultations on reforms to social housing allocations
Department for Levelling Up, Housing, and Communities
This consultation seeks views from local housing authorities, social housing landlords, tenants and applicants on proposals to amend social housing allocation rules. For more information and to complete the consultation, click here.
Statutory guidance on domestic abuse protection notices and protection orders
Home Office
This consultation seeks to understand whether the draft strategy guidance are clear, comprehensive, and easy to understand.
For more information and to complete the consultation, please click here.
Lesbian and Gay Older Adults Experiences of Living with Bipolar Disorder
University of Manchester

This research project aims to investigate lesbian and gay older adults’ experiences of living with bipolar disorder. They will be interviewing individuals about their experiences. 

If you are: 

  • Aged 50 years old or above. AND... 
  • Identify as being cisgender and lesbian or gay. AND... 
  • Have a diagnosis of bipolar disorder.
 Email or call 07971 331 537 to find out more information about participating in the study.

Praxis – Early Education, Childcare, and No Recourse to Public Funds
Praxis is seeking participants for a research project which aims to better understand the experiences of parents affected by No Recourse to Public Funds restrictions when it comes to accessing early education and care for their children. For more information, please click here.

LGBT Entrepreneurs and Business Owners Survey

Are you an LGBTQ+ entrepreneur or business owner? If so, please take a few minutes to complete this online survey and contribute to a first of its kind report to be published in June. This report will highlight the enormous contributions businesses like yours make, as well as the unique challenges they may face. They are hoping to reach as many people as possible so if you are able, please share this survey with your friends, colleagues, and family. All respondents are eligible to win one of 50 free certified memberships of OutBritain, the country’s first LGBTQ+ chamber of commerce, offering exciting business and networking opportunities. To complete the survey, please click here.

Awaab’s Law
Department for Levelling Up, Housing, and Communities
A consultation on new requirements under ‘Awaab’s Law’, including timescales for repairs in the social rented sector. For more information and to complete the consultation, click here.
DYNAMIC Study: Young Onset Dementia
Bradford University
The DYNAMIC study is a research project about social care support for people with young onset dementia and their families. They want to learn about the support available, and what could be improved, from people with lived experience. You can participate by chatting with a researcher about your views on social care online or in person. For more information, please visit: DYNAMIC - Research - University of Bradford

Elective Home Education Guidance ReviewDepartment for EducationThe Department for Education have launched a consultation on guidance concerning elective home education, which helps local authorities and parents understand their legal responsibilities. For more information and to complete the consultation, click here.26/10/2318/01/24
Supporting Our VeteransOffice for Veterans’ AffairsThe Office for Veterans’ Affairs have launched a consultation on the needs of veterans and their families. For more information and to complete the consultation, click here.26/10/2304/01/24

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