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Additional resources - Books on Prescription for Young People

An annotated list of titles available in Tameside Libraries. These titles are part of the 2011 local Books on Prescription scheme provided by Tameside Libraries and Tameside Children’s Trust.



What to do when your temper flares: a kid's guide to overcoming problems with anger - Huebner, Dawn (Book)  Age 6 – 12

Published by the American Psychological Association What To Do When Your Brain Gets Stuck guides children and their parents through the cognitive behavioural techniques used to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. This interactive self-help book turns kids into super-sleuths, able to recognize and more appropriately respond to OCD's tricks. Engaging examples, activities, and step-by-step instructions help children master the skills needed to break free from the sticky thoughts and urges of OCD, and live happier lives. This book is the complete resource for educating, motivating, and empowering children to work toward change.

About the author: Dawn Huebner PHD is a graduate of the University of Michigan's Clinical Psychology program. Dr. Huebner works in private practice treating children with a variety of emotional, behavioural, and developmental concerns.

Hot stuff to help kids chill out: the anger management book - Wilde, Jerry (Book)  Age 11+

This workbook offers a CBT approach to anger management and is aimed at Children aged 11 and over, and their parents. 

About the author: Jerry Wilde is an assistant professor of educational psychology for Indiana University East. Prior to this academic appointment, he had nine years of experience as a school psychologist where he worked with students who had emotional, behavioural, and learning difficulties.

Anger management - Relax Kids (CD)  Age 7 - 14

This pack includes a CD of 10 calming relaxations and booklet of exercises to help children and teens relax and manage their anger. Relaxation strategies such as progressive muscle relaxation, breathing exercises, positive self talk and visualisations are used to help bring peace and calm as well as provide anger management tools for future outbreaks.

Examples include:

  • stepping into a cooling pool,
  • floating like a feather,
  • melting and sitting in a peaceful cave.

These relaxations aim to develop peace and calm as children are introduced to relaxation exercises and simple anger management techniques.

The anger workbook for teens: activities to help you deal with anger and frustration -  Lohmann, Raychelle (Book)  Teen

The Anger Workbook for Teens includes thirty-seven exercises designed to show young people effective skills to deal with feelings of rage. By completing just one ten-minute worksheet a day, you'll find out what's triggering your anger, look at the ways you react, and learn skills and techniques for getting your anger under control. You'll develop a personal anger profile and learn to notice the physical symptoms you feel when you become enraged, then find out how to calm those feelings and respond more sensitively to others. Once you fully understand your anger, you'll be better prepared to deal with your feelings in the moment and never lose your cool.

About the author: Raychelle Cassada Lohmann, MS, LPC has worked in middle school and high school settings as a professional school counsellor. She has done extensive research in anger management and specializes in individual and group counselling for anger management.

Are you strong enough to keep your temper – Williams, Chris. (Book)  Teen / Adult

Anger affects us all. Do you, a partner, child or friend struggle with their temper. Being angry and "letting it all out" can sometimes feel like it helps - but it never really helps for long. Being angry can sometimes feel like we are being strong and in control. In fact the reverse is true. Losing control backfires all round - for the person, and for those around them. Learn proven and effective steps to gain control over anger:

  • It's weak to stay and argue
  • Knowing your buttons - what gets you going?
  • Know your early warning system
  • Know where the escape hatches are

About the author: Dr Chris Williams is a psychiatrist who also has a First Class Honours degree in Psychology. He works as a senior lecturer in psychiatry at the University of Glasgow and is a Patron of Anxiety UK - the anxiety charity.

Anger Management: the essential guide - Sloane, Wendy (Book)  Teen/ Adult

Packed with practical advice and expert information, this guide enables a more focused and positive outlook. Chapters include tried and tested methods for managing anger, how anger can mentally affect the sufferer and what treatments, including complementary therapies, can be used to help. Plus there is help on how to improve communication skills and thinking more positively. If you, your partner or a friend find it difficult managing their anger, you can find all the information and support you need in this easy-to-read guide.

About the author: Wendy Sloane has been a journalist for almost 25 years, working now as a freelance journalist concentrating on health-related features and real-life stories.

Anxiety and Phobia

What to do when you worry too much: a kid's guide to overcoming anxiety - Dawn Huebner (Book)  Age 6 – 12

Published by the American Psychological Association What to Do When You Worry Too Much is an interactive self-help book designed to guide 6 - 12 year olds and their parents through the cognitive behavioural techniques most often used in the treatment of generalized anxiety. Metaphors and humorous illustrations make difficult concepts easy to understand, while prompts to draw and write help children to master new skills related to reducing anxiety. Engaging, encouraging, and easy to follow, this book educates, motivates, and empowers children to work towards change.

About the author: Dawn Huebner PHD is a graduate of the University of Michigan's Clinical Psychology program. Dr. Huebner works in private practice treating children with a variety of emotional, behavioural, and developmental concerns.

Anxiety and worry – Relax Kids (CD)  Age 7-14

This pack includes a CD of 10 calming relaxations and a booklet of exercises to children and teenagers manage their worries and anxieties.

Activities such as progressive muscle relaxation, visual imagery, positive affirmations and breathing techniques are used as components for reducing anxiety and worry. These tracks can been used to help bring peace and calm to your child as well as provide stress management tools. Examples include:

  • standing at the top of a mountain,
  • floating on a balloon
  • and creating positive mental pictures.

These relaxations aim to develop peace and calm as children are introduced to relaxation exercises and simple anxiety management techniques.

Getting through Anxiety with CBT: A young person’s guide – Gurney-Smith, Ben (Book)  Teen

When feelings of worry or being on edge linger around for longer periods of time, it can be very distressing. When edgy and worried feelings stay around much of the time, this is called anxiety. This guide is written for young people who want to understand more about anxiety and how Cognitive Behavioural Therapy could help them with this problem.

About the author: Dr Ben Gurney-Smith is a Principal Clinical Psychologist working with young people in Oxfordshire.

The anxiety workbook for teens: activities to help you deal with anxiety & worry - Schab, Lisa M (Book)  Teen

If you feel anxious most of the time, you're not alone. The good news is that there are a lot of effective techniques you can use, both on your own and with the help of a counsellor, to reduce your feelings of anxiety and learn how to keep them from taking over your life. This workbook offers a set of simple activities you can do to make it happen. The Anxiety Workbook for Teens will show you how to deal with the day-to-day challenges of anxiety. It will help you develop a positive self-image and recognize your anxious thoughts.

About the author: Lisa M. Schab, LCSW, is a licensed clinical social worker with a private counselling practice in the Chicago suburbs. She is author of twelve self-help books and workbooks for children, teens, and adults.

My anxious mind: a teen's guide to managing anxiety and panic - Tompkins, Michael A (Book)  Teen

Published by the American Psychological Association My Anxious Mind helps young people take control of their anxious feelings by providing cognitive behavioural strategies to tackle anxiety head-on and to feel more confident and empowered in the process. It also offers ways for teens with anxiety to improve their inter-personal skills; manage stress; handle panic attacks; use diet and exercise appropriately; and decide whether medication is right for them.

About the author: Michael A. Tompkins, PhD, is a licensed psychologist, a founding partner of the San Francisco Bay Area Center for Cognitive Therapy; Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of California, Berkeley. He specializes in cognitive behaviour therapy for anxiety and mood disorders in adults, adolescents, and children.

Helping children cope with anxiety - Eckersley, Jill (Book)  Adult

Published by the Sheldon Press this book covers children aged three to 16 and looks at:

  • recognizing anxiety in its many form
  • toddler fears 
  • schoolchild anxieties including school phobia 
  • developing skills to counter worry - are today’s children over-protected? 
  • helping your child through a crisis 
  • the anxious teenager 
  • mental health problems which need treatment
  • where to go for further help and support

About the author: Jill Eckersley is an acclaimed health journalist and author of several Sheldon books including Coping with Childhood Allergies, Coping with Snoring, Coping with Childhood Asthma and Coping with Dyspraxia.


Bereavement: the essential guide - Cook, Laura (Book)  Teen/ Adult

This guide is aimed at helping you to find your way through your grief, showing you that in time it is possible to lead a happy and fulfilling life, even in the absence of a loved one.
Information is provided on all aspects of bereavement, including emotional coping strategies, arranging a funeral, understanding probate, breaking bad news to others and helping children to manage their grief. Each chapter offers a summary of key points, as well as checklists to help you with practical tasks.  You may hear people say that grief is a very personal thing, but it is important to remember that you are not alone. As well as offering information on where to get help, this book will support you through each stage of the grieving process.

About the author: Laura Cook is a counsellor, trainee social worker and freelance journalist.

Living with grief and loss: letting go, moving on - Tugendhat, Julia (Book)  Older Teen/Adult

Grief and loss come in many different forms, from the searing pain when a loved one dies, to the necessary mourning for lost dreams and changed ideals at different life stages. This book addresses changed concepts of grief and loss in a contemporary way, and looks at the factors which help, including:

  • giving yourself permission to grieve
  • recognising grief in its many forms 
  • support from family and friends 
  • rituals and other ways of active grieving
  • therapy 
  • medication 
  • how children deal with loss 
  • the impact of suicide

About the author: Julia Tugendhat is a family therapist and the author. She is vice-president of the British Association for Counselling and Therapy.

Helping children cope with grief - Wells, Rosemary (Book)  Adult

Every day many children lose someone close to them - a parent or grandparent, brother or sister. Nothing can take away the pain of loss, but there is a great deal that a caring adult can do to avoid the long-term distress which can be caused by hidden fears and anxieties. This book is for anyone who wants to help a child who is coping with grief. Topics covered include:

  • terminal illness
  • sudden death
  • the death of a sibling
  • when death is a relief
  • other people’s attitudes and misunderstandings

About the author: Rosemary Wells is a freelance writer and the author of several Sheldon books.

Body Image


Feeling freakish?: how to feel comfortable in your own skin - Jeune, Veronique le and Daly, Melissa (Book)  Teen

'Feeling Freakish?' examines the problems, real and exaggerated, that make children and teens doubt their attractiveness. Real-life anecdotes and helpful advice are offered.

About the author: Co-author Melissa Daly is a former senior staff writer at Seventeen magazine and current associate editor at Fitness magazine.


Don't Pick on Me: How to Handle Bullying - Stones, Rosemary (Book)  Age 9+

Practical advice for children on how to handle bullying. Bullying encompasses many things: being called names, being beaten up, having your bus fare stolen, being made to feel stupid...It's always horrible. Almost everyone gets bullied at some point in their life; often it happens at school. But you don't have to accept being bullied, and if you're a bully, you can learn to stop. This book explores why some people bully, why others are bullied and what you can do to change things.

About the author: Rosemary Stones is a psychoanalytic psychotherapist in private practice in Covent Garden, London. She is also the editor of Books for Keeps, a children’s literature review journal. She wrote Don’t pick on me because her daughter had been bullied at school and she wished she’d been able to help her more at that time.

Bullying: A Parent's Guide - Thomson, Jennifer (Book)  Adult

Is your child being bullied? How do you deal with bullying? How do you talk to children about bullying? Jennifer Thomson’s informative guide will give a whole new perspective on this age-old problem that blights children’s lives. The book offers answers to important questions like why are children bullied and how can parents top bullying from happening. It also provides proven methods to help a bullied child boost low self-esteem.  When your child is being bullied you feel helpless and lost. You want to know:

  • Why is my child being bullied?
  • How can I help my child?
  • What is the school’s role in stopping the bullying?
  • How can I build my child back up after their confidence has taken such a knock?

Whether you think that your child is being bullied or are worried by the horrifying stories of bullying in school and want to know what you can do, this practical easy to read guide will provide you with the facts and resources you need.

Change Process


Who Moved My Cheese for teens: An Amazing Way to Change and Win – Johnson, Spencer (Book)  Teen

Who Moved My Cheese for Teens? is a parable that takes place in a maze. The cheese is a metaphor for what you want to have in life - whether it is a good job, a loving relationship, money or a possession, health or spiritual peace of mind, and the maze is where you look for what you want - the organisation you work in, or the family or community you live in. This bestselling book will show you how to anticipate change, adapt to change quickly, enjoy change and be ready to change quickly again and again. This story takes less than an hour to read, but its unique insights can last for a lifetime.

About the author: Spencer Johnson received a B.A. degree in Psychology from the University of Southern California and an M.D. degree from the Royal College of Surgeons, and completed medical clerkships at the Mayo Clinic and the Harvard Medical School. He has written 11 internationally bestselling books.

How to fix almost everything: in 4 easy steps – Williams, Chris (Book)  Teen

Most of the time we feel upset because of things building up around us. Ever felt overwhelmed by things? Can't cope? Then this little booklet is for you. Learn how to tackle problems one step at a time:

  • Want to make new friends?
  • Want to cut down on doing things that are bad for you?
  • Want to lose weight?
  • Want to stop cutting yourself?
  • Want to stop over-spending
  • Need to revise for exams?
  • It's just like eating an elephant!

About the author: Dr Chris Williams is a psychiatrist who also has a First Class Honours degree in Psychology. He works as a senior lecturer in psychiatry at the University of Glasgow and is a Patron of Anxiety UK - the anxiety charity.

The Things you do that mess you up: and how to stop doing them – Williams, Chris (Book)  Teen

Are you:

  • Eating or drinking too much?
  • Pushing others away?
  • Feeling clingy and always looking to others for answers?

Then this booklet is for you. Find out why you respond in these sorts of ways when you feel down or upset. Discovering the causes is the first step to changing things. Take that first step now.

About the author: Dr Chris Williams is a psychiatrist who also has a First Class Honours degree in Psychology. He works as a senior lecturer in psychiatry at the University of Glasgow and is a Patron of Anxiety UK - the anxiety charity.



How to be happy – Alexander, Jenny (Book)  Age 9-11

Everyone gets down in the dumps sometimes – it’s only natural - but this book shows you how to bounce back quicker by getting rid of unhelpful ideas and developing a happy lifestyle. This self-help book offers practical, down-to-earth advice. It helps children to analyse their feelings and develop a positive outlook, and it contains with activities, quizzes, jokes and anecdotes.

About the author: Jenny Alexander is best known for her 8 children's self-help books on bullying and related topics which have received positive reviews in the national media.

10 things you can do to feel happier straight away – Williams, Chris (Book)  Teen

Have you noticed that it's sometimes hard to make positive changes in life? Hard to keep going? Hard to do things even when we know they are good for us. This important booklet puts you on the path to improved well-being. Want to feel fitter, happier and more at ease with yourself and those around you? Follow the ten small steps in this booklet and you'll be well on your way.

About the author: Dr Chris Williams is a psychiatrist who also has a First Class Honours degree in Psychology. He works as a senior lecturer in psychiatry at the University of Glasgow and is a Patron of Anxiety UK - the anxiety charity.

Getting through depression with CBT: a young person’s guide – Dalton, Louise (Book)  Teen

This guide is written for young people who want to understand more about depression and how therapy could help them with this problem. It talks about a particular type of therapy, called Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, or CBT for short. This therapy is very popular and has been shown to be helpful for many problems, particularly depression.

About the author: Dr Louise Dalton is a Clinical Psychologist working with young people in Oxfordshire. She uses CBT in her work with young people.

Overcoming teenage low mood and depression: a five areas approach - Dummett, Nicky & Williams, Chris (Book)  Teen

This book brings together an exciting range of new resources aimed at younger people with depression and their families and friends. Following the same format as the successful Overcoming Depression and Low Mood second edition and Overcoming Anxiety books, Overcoming Teenage Low Mood and Depression presents a series of self-help workbooks for use in self-assessing and managing depression in teenagers and young people.

Using the established Five Areas Assessment model of depression, the book provides a clear model of intervention using the proven CBT evidence-based approach. It is empowering and supportive, helping readers make changes to their lives in a planned and achievable way.  The workbooks also provide an invaluable resource for counsellors, general practitioners, nursing staff, psychiatrists, social workers and others working with young people as well as for their parents, families and friends.

Award winner: Best new medical/healthcare book for the general reader (2008) sponsored by the Royal Society of Medicine and Society of Authors.

About the authors: Dr Chris Williams is a psychiatrist who also has a First Class Honours degree in Psychology. He works as a senior lecturer in psychiatry at the University of Glasgow and is a Patron of Anxiety UK - the anxiety charity. Dr Nicky Dummett is a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist - and an expert in cognitive behaviour therapy - CBT - with young people.

Beyond the blues: a workbook to help teens overcome depression - Schab, Lisa M (Book)  Teen

The forty exercises in this book show teens how to overcome feelings of hopelessness and isolation that often go along with depression. Step-by-step they learn how to lift their mood, recognize the triggers of depression, and ask for help when they need it. Teens also take on the low self-esteem and negative thought patterns that are so often part of depression.

About the author: Lisa Schab is a licensed clinical social worker with a private counselling practice in the Chicago suburbs. She is author of twelve self-help books and workbooks for children, teens, and adults.

When life stinks: how to deal with your bad moods and depression - Piquemal, Michel (Book)  Teen

This book written for teenagers examines dark moods and depression, and gives young people tools for coping, plus advice on when, where, and how to get help. 

I can’t be bothered doing anything – Williams, Chris (Book)  Teen

  • Too tired to do things?
  • So fed up you can't be bothered?
  • Staying in bed all day?

Both low mood and high stress levels can cause us to stop doing lots of things we usually would do. The problem is this quickly becomes part of the problem. Feeling you've lost pleasure in things? Not spending time with people you are close to? No sense of achievement? Confidence dropping and dropping? All of these are common results of this sort of vicious circle. Learn more about this circle and the key steps needed to get out of it.

About the author: Dr Chris Williams is a psychiatrist who also has a First Class Honours degree in Psychology. He works as a senior lecturer in psychiatry at the University of Glasgow and is a Patron of Anxiety UK - the anxiety charity.

Why does everything always go wrong? – Williams, Chris (Book) Teen

This little booklet powerfully shows us how upsetting thoughts can powerfully affect how we feel and what we do.

  • Feeling pushed around by your worries?
  • Do you dislike yourself?
  • Thinking that nothing ever goes right?
  • Worried that no-one likes you?

If so, then this booklet is for you. It will help you: stop, think and reflect on your thoughts; deal with bad thoughts; become more compassionate to yourself.

About the author: Dr Chris Williams is a psychiatrist who also has a First Class Honours degree in Psychology. He works as a senior lecturer in psychiatry at the University of Glasgow and is a Patron of Anxiety UK - the anxiety charity.

Coping with an anxious or depressed child: a guide for parents and carers - Cartwright-Hatton, Sam (Book)  Adult

This book has been written by Anxiety UK Patron and leading researcher on child anxiety, Dr Sam Cartwright-Hatton. It offers practical advice about managing your child’s anxiety and includes worksheets, tips on the use of praise or consequences and how you can engage the school in helping your child. It is a great first read for parents who are struggling to manage their child’s behaviour, and helps parents decide which treatment or therapist would provide the most help.

So young, so sad, so listen - Graham, P. J. (Book)  Adult

Has your daughter lost her sparkle? Has everyday life become a trial for your son? As a teacher, do you think that difficult, aggressive 11-year-old boy has other problems and wonder why that 14-year-old girl is so withdrawn? The problem could be childhood depression, a common but often treatable condition. Illustrated by cartoons, this book is intended to help parents and teachers of depressed children and teenagers. Young people themselves will also find it useful. The aim is to help those involved to recognise the signs of depression in children and to understand the possible causes. The authors provide practical advice and information about the support and help you can give. Above all, they show that we can help and that, given the chance, that spark may well return!Image of books

About the author: Professor Philip Graham is Emeritus Professor of Child Psychiatry at the Institute of Child Health, London. He was a consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist at the Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, London for over 25 years.

Eating Disorders


What's eating you?: a workbook for teens with anorexia, bulimia, and other eating disorders - Nelson, Tammy (Book)  Teen

This workbook takes aim at the motivations behind your relationship with food and helps you to better understand how your need to control what you eat can end up controlling you. As you complete the worksheets in What's Eating You, you'll learn more about the beliefs and experiences that contribute to your disorder. Each worksheet includes questions and exercises targeting the cultural myths, perfectionism, stress, and lack of self-confidence that are often at the heart of a dysfunctional relationship with food. Once these issues are addressed, you'll be able to gather the strength you need to make peace with your body, exude confidence, and live a healthy life.

About the author: Tammy Nelson, MS, has worked as a psychotherapist for over fifteen years. She works in her private practice treating anorexia, bulimia, and other eating disorders.

Eating Disorders: A Parents' Guide - Bryant-Waugh, Rachel (Book)  Adult

Eating problems in children and teenagers are very common. Yet myths about the problem abound and it can be very difficult to separate the facts from popular beliefs; unusual or disturbed eating patterns can be understandably bewildering and distressing for parents. Whatever aspect of your child's eating behaviour is causing you concern, this book will help you understand some of the more common reasons why problems arise, and will give you advice on what you and others can do to manage the situation.

Written by experienced clinicians, this new edition of Eating Disorders: A Parents' Guide is dedicated to clarifying the subject of eating disorders. Combining an accessible and straightforward introduction to the subject with practical advice, this book represents the first step towards diagnosis and treatment. Case-studies are used to help parents to understand their children's experiences of this complex and challenging subject and sensitive advice is offered on a range of issues.

About the author: Rachel Bryant-Waugh is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist and an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Southampton.

Eating Disorders: the facts - Abraham, Suzanne (Book)  Adult

This is a new and considerably revamped issue of a popular book for sufferers and their families and includes specific information about pregnancy and birth as well as another new chapter for family and friends. Whilst the emphasis is on sufferers and their families many issues are looked at from a professional treatment point of view.

About the author: Suzanne Abraham is the Associate Professor of Women’s Health, Royal North Shore Hospital, University of Sydney and the Co-Director of the Eating Disorders Unit, Northside Clinic, University of Sydney.

Family Problems


The divorce workbook for teens: activities to help you move beyond the break Up - Schab, Lisa M (Book)  Teen

When parents divorce young people are faced with an additional set of practical and emotional issues. This book gives them everything they need to get through their parents' divorce and keep it from taking a long-term emotional toll. Teens learn how to:

  • cope with the grief, fear, and anger that accompany divorce;
  • adjust to having two homes and changes in financial status; 
  • assert their right to be teens, to separate from their parents' problems, and to love both parents; 
  • not get caught in the middle of battling parents; 
  • understand that the divorce is not their fault and overcome feelings of guilt.

About the author: Lisa M. Schab, LCSW, is a licensed clinical social worker with a private counselling practice in the Chicago suburbs. She is author of twelve self-help books and workbooks for children, teens, and adults.

Family break-up (Wise Guide) - Whyman, Matt (Book)  Teen

Wise Guides: Family Break-up tackles life before, during and after divorce. Full of advice on how to deal with parental arguments, and how to cope with the idea of separation and the absence of a parent. This book provides practical information and advice on how to deal with the realities of divorce, helping young people survive when everything else feels like it’s falling apart.Image - bookshelf

About the author: Matthew Whyman writes for numerous teenage magazines, from Sugar to Bliss and Just Seventeen, and is best known as the Agony Uncle for 19 Magazine. In this capacity he appears regularly on radio and television, and has advised the Chief Medical Officer on the Health of the Young Nation paper. He was also the author of a nationwide body awareness campaign for Radio One FM and the Health Education Authority.

Help your children cope with your divorce: a Relate guide - Hall, Paula (Book)  Adult

Children of all ages can be devastated by the news that their parents’ relationship has broken down. Even those who have been living in a highly conflictual situation are often shocked by the final decision to separate. For most children, separation means major changes to family life and often losing a parent. The long-term impacts of divorce are now widely recognised with increasing chances of problems at school, criminal behaviour, problems in their own relationships and mental illness. This guide will provide you with clear advice and guidance on how to minimise the impact of your relationship breakdown on your children including:

  • An explanation of the age-specific issues that children face when they find out their family is breaking up
  • Professional comment, stories and quotes from children
  • Checklists and case studies acknowledging the personal difficulties faced by the adult who has made the decision to leave, as well as the adult who feels they are being abandoned,

About the author: Paula Hall is an Accredited Sexual and Relationship Psychotherapist, experienced in working with couples, individuals and young people and has been a Relate counsellor for over 10 years. She currently works as a Young People’s Counsellor. She provides regular professional comment on divorce and separation and young people’s issues to the national press.



The rough guide to girl stuff - Cooke, Kaz (Book)  Age 11+

The Rough Guide to Girl Stuff is packed with everything a girl needs to know to get her through the teen years. From friends, body changes, clothes school stress, exercise and sex to smoking, embarrassment, dieting, guys, drinking, drugs and heartbreak. Not to mention how to beat bullies and mean girls, earn money, find new friends and get on with your family.

Written by award winning author Kaz Cooke, in extensive consultation with medical, psychological and practical experts; The Rough Guide to Girl Stuff provides a wealth of practical tips and non-judgemental advice for teens (and their parents!) Girl Stuff is split in to four key themes: Body, Head, Heart and On the Go and each chapter includes facts, hints, inspiring lists, hundreds of quotes from real girls, and details of websites and books for useful tips if you want to find out more. Designed to be a friend through the teenage years, The Rough Guide to Girl Stuff will be your best friend through every change and challenge.

Getting through it with CBT: a young person’s guide – Holdaway, Claire (Book)  Teen

This guide is written for young people who want to understand more about how therapy works and what to expect from it. It talks about a particular type of therapy, called Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, or CBT for short. The book is written to support and help you through your process of therapy and can be used alongside therapy.

About the author: Dr Claire Holdaway is a Clinical Psychologist working with young people in Oxfordshire. She uses Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in both a Specialist CBT clinic for young people and in her everyday work. Claire is interested in helping young people and their families find ways to help themselves out of the difficulties they are in.

The rough guide to happiness: practical steps for all round well-being - Baylis, Nick (Book)  Teen

What is happiness? And how can we achieve it? The Rough Guide to Happiness is the ultimate ‘how to be happy’ handbook. Discover how to effectively improve your work/life balance, increase self-esteem, and nourish your mind and body while nurturing relationships with the ones you love. The Rough Guide to Happiness will help you navigate your way through all parts of modern day life, offering a practical and effective range of happiness-building techniques. Rely on realistic suggestions from Dr Nick Baylis, a practising therapist and former Dr Feelgood for The Times Saturday Magazine, who has worked with everyone from young offenders to stressed airline pilots!

The young mind - Bailey, Sue & Shooter, Mike (Book)  Adult

In the Young Mind mental health experts provide invaluable information and guidance for concerned parents, teachers and young adults. With chapters covering subjects such as child and adolescent development, parenting skills, problems at school, emotional health and wellbeing, this book also looks specifically at some of the most distressing problems facing young people today, including anxiety and stress disorders, drugs, alcohol, self-harm and psychosexual development.Image - books on shelves

Published by Transworld, in collaboration with the Royal College of Psychiatrists, The Young Mind is illustrated and written in a completely accessible style by some of the most distinguished and respected professionals in the field of child and adolescent psychiatry. It offers a guiding hand and insight into this most vital area of mental health.

Healthy Living


Fit (Wise Guides) - Naik, Anita (Book)  Teen

This practical guide to healthy eating and exercise is a must-read for any young person who needs a healthier life-style. There are no faddy diets, only helpful advice and tips from nutritionists and fitness trainers about becoming more active, eating a balanced diet and cultivating a healthy body image. The Get Active Plan at the end of the book puts it all into action. Wise Guide: Fit is the perfect solution for any young person feeling worried, fed up, depressed or miserable about their body.

About the Author: Anita Naik is agony aunt for the teen magazine B, formerly agony aunt for Just Seventeen. Having access to young people's letters and queries means she knows just what issues concern them and she’s well-versed in the advice and level to pitch at this age group.

Safe dieting for teens - Ojeda, Linda (Book)  Teen

This straightforward US classic on adolescent diet examines the social and dietary pressures on today’s young people, and arms them with information to combat weight and image issues. Topics include:

  • female hormones and weight control
  • the benefits of exercise
  • healthy alternatives for meals, snacks and drinks
  • tips and tricks
  • effective food choices
  • calorie charts
  • the dangers of bad dieting
  • variety, moderation, and balance – no food is forbidden

About the author: Linda Ojeda is a nutritionist and writer based in the US. She is author of several health books.

Weighing In – Boutaudou, Sophie and Daly, Melissa (Book)  Teen

This Sunscreen book gives advice on ways to get help if teens are struggling with their bodies by talking to their parents about their diet, seeing a dietician, and encouraging exercise or other fun, active pastimes. It also shows children how to calculate their Body Mass Index (BMI) to see if they really are overweight and need to make healthy changes. This title also gives good tips on dealing with peer pressures, teasing, and fitting in for those who are feeling left out or alienated because of their weight.

About the editor: Melissa Daly is a former senior staff writer at Seventeen magazine, where she wrote columns on health, sexuality, relationships, and other topics of interest to teenagers. She is currently an editor at Fitness magazine.



Flying Solo – Perrier, Pascale (Book)  Teen

Sunscreen series: Young people often wish they could fit in better at school, join in the party, or have more friends. Whether it’s fighting depression, communicating with parents, meeting new people, or just trying to figure themselves out, Flying Solo aims to give young people the confidence they need and reassure them that they are not alone.

About the series editor: Melissa Daly is a former senior staff writer at Seventeen magazine, where she wrote columns on health, sexuality, relationships, and other topics of interest to teenagers. She is currently an editor at Fitness magazine.

Negative Thinking


What to do when you grumble too much: a kid's guide to overcoming negativity - Huebner, Dawn (Book)  Age 6 – 12

What to Do When You Grumble Too Much guides children and their parents through the cognitive behavioural techniques used to treat negative thinking. Lively metaphors and illustrations make difficult concepts easy to understand, allowing children to see life's hurdles in a new way. Step-by-step instructions, along with prompts to draw and write, help children master new skills to get past those hurdles, transforming negative thinkers into happier, more positive kids. This interactive self-help book is the complete resource for educating, motivating, and empowering children to work toward change.

About the author: Dawn Huebner PHD is a graduate of the University of Michigan's Clinical Psychology program. Dr. Huebner works in private practice treating children with a variety of emotional, behavioural, and developmental concerns.



What to do when your brain gets stuck: a kid’s guide to overcoming OCD - Huebner, Dawn (Book)  Age 6 - 12

Published by the American Psychological Association What to Do When Bad Habits Take Hold guides children and their parents through the cognitive behavioural techniques used to treat a variety of habits. Engaging examples, lively illustrations, and step-by-step instructions teach children a set of habit-busting strategies in the form of “keys” to unlock the chains holding their habits in place. This interactive self-help book is the complete resource for empowering children to set themselves free.

About the author: Dawn Huebner PHD is a graduate of the University of Michigan's Clinical Psychology program. Dr. Huebner works in private practice treating children with a variety of emotional, behavioural, and developmental concerns.

Breaking free from OCD: a CBT guide for young people and their families - Derisley, Jo (Book)  Teen/Adult

Written by leading experts on OCD, this step-by-step guide is written for adolescents with OCD and their families, to be used in home treatment or as a self-help book. Using the principles of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), which is the proven method for helping those with OCD, it offers teenagers a structured plan of treatment which can be read alone, or with a parent, counsellor or mental health worker. The guide provides useful advice and worksheets throughout. This self-help book for young people is a valuable resource for young people who have suffered from, or know someone who has suffered from, OCD, their families, teachers, carers, and mental health professionals.Image - girl and bookshelf

About the author: Jo Derisley, ClinPsyD, AFBPsS, DipCogTher, is Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of East Anglia, and Consultant Clinical Psychologist at the Norfolk & Waveney Mental Health Care Trust, UK.

Parenting: General


Get out of my life: but first take me and Alex in to town - Wolf, Tony (Book)  Adult

A witty, enjoyable and genuinely helpful guide "Get Out Of My Life" offers practical alternatives to anger, nagging and frustration, and specific recommendations for developing better relationships with even the most difficult teenagers. It looks at all the difficult issues of bringing up teenagers - school, sex, drugs and even suicide. But it's the title of the second chapter, 'What They Do and Why' that best captures the book's spirit and technique, explaining how to translate teenage behaviour into its true, often less complicated meaning. One key mistake, for instance, is getting involved in no-win conflicts instead of having the wisdom to shut up when shutting up would be the most effective - albeit least satisfying - thing to do.

About the Author: Tony Wolf is a psychologist and author of a number of successful guides on different aspects of parenting. He has teenage children.

Teenager manual: the practical guide for all parents (Haynes) - Spungin, Pat (Book)  Adult

As children approach their teens, family relationships go through big changes. Inevitably, worried parents will sometimes find themselves wishing they could swap their teenager through the pages of Exchange & Mart, but adolescent adjustments do not have to be changes for the worse. Building on the success of previous titles in the Haynes 'family series', this manual provides just what you would expect from Haynes - down-to-earth, step-by-step instructions, written by professionals from practical experience. It covers all areas of teenage life from physical and emotional development to education and social problems, accompanied by colour photos throughout.

About the author: Parenting skills expert Dr Pat Spungin has written extensively on family life. She has worked as a Senior Lecturer in Child Psychology at Middlesex University.

Whatever! a down-to-earth guide to parenting teenagers - Hines, Gill (Book)  Adult

Raising teenagers can test parental love to breaking point, particularly if you have previously enjoyed a close and loving relationship. The child over whom you exercised near-total control has suddenly become taller than you, louder than you, with an inside knowledge of all your failings - and a sudden urge to point them out! Here is a practical guide to help teenagers, their parents and the rest of the family. It offers tried-and-tested strategies for every situation which you can put into practice immediately. Topics covered include promoting self esteem and confidence; communication, peer influence, bullying and self organisation and stress management.

About the author: Gill Hines has worked extensively with young people and parents, in both formal and informal settings. Her workshops - on all aspects of growing up - have a large following.

Self Esteem/Confidence


Self esteem - Relax Kids (CD)  Age 7 – 14

This pack includes a CD of 10 motivational exercises and booklet of exercises to help children and young people relax and feel good about themselves. Confidence boosters such as relaxation, visual imagery, breathing exercises, affirmations, positive self-talk and visualisations are designed to help build a child's self esteem and feeling of self worth. The tracks can been used to help children feel their own power and help give them strength to improve their behaviour. This CD can also help children to overcome their self doubt and self depreciation and so feel more confident and self assured. 

Think Yourself Gorgeous: A Smart Girl's Guide to Feeling Good - Inside and Out - Naik, Anita (Book)  Teen

In Think yourself gorgeous, experienced agony aunt Anita Naik shows that low self-esteem and bad body image happens to everyone, no matter how they behave in public (including the most popular girls). And she demonstrates why it pays to love the real you, warts and all. Focusing on issues of weight, beauty, peer pressure, stress, body image, puberty and emotions, this book will help young girls to understand why their idea of themselves is taking a downward turn, why it is natural for them to feel that way, and what they can do about it. Packed with tips, quotes from other teenagers and practical advice, it will address all the tricky areas that can damage a girl's confidence and help them learn to feel gorgeous inside and out.

About the Author: Anita Naik is a freelance journalist who has written for magazines including glamour and Red. She was the agony aunt on Just 17 and the health columnist on Closer magazine. She is currently an editor on the Dove Campaign For Real Beauty website, writing about self-esteem issues for teenage girls and their mothers. 

I’m not good enough: how to overcome low confidence – Williams, Chris (Book)  Teen

Ever feel inferior, not attractive, don't like yourself, or that you don't fit in? Low confidence and reduced self-esteem are common problems - and yet by using the small steady steps within this book you can learn key tools for change. Learn how to overcome low confidence:

  • Who says you're not good enough?
  • Getting positive ideas going
  • What to say to yourself whenever you feel small
  • Good enough is good enough

About the author: Dr Chris Williams is a psychiatrist who also has a First Class Honours degree in Psychology. He works as a senior lecturer in psychiatry at the University of Glasgow and is a Patron of Anxiety UK - the anxiety charity.

Walking tall: how to build confidence and be the best you can be - Auderset, Marie-Josée (Book)  Teen

Everybody wishes for a bit more self-confidence. This Sunscreen title discusses the five main ways that we judge ourselves: by our sense of security, personal identity, relationship with family, academic standing/accomplishments, and social successes. But there are also other important issues, such as body image and social anxiety and why we care so much about how the outside world views us. Walking Tall helps explain these ideas and fears and, most important, gives young people the encouragement they need.

About the series editor: Melissa Daly is a former senior staff writer at Seventeen magazine, where she wrote columns on health, sexuality, relationships, and other topics of interest to teenagers. She is currently an editor at Fitness magazine.

Self esteem bible: build your confidence day by day – Lindenfield, Gael (Book)  Teen/Adult

Learn the secrets of self-esteem with 365 tips from Gael Lindenfield. Dip into this comprehensive self-help handbook as and when you need it or use it as a personal development plan. Includes sections on social life, relationships, health and personal development, so you will regain self-esteem by making new friends, getting over past hurts, boosting assertiveness and learning how to deal with difficult people and situations.

 About the author: Gael Lindenfield is a psychotherapist and best selling author of 21 books, which have been translated into 33 languages. 

Confident children: help children feel good about themselves - Lindenfield, Gael (Book)  Adult

Self-esteem, confidence and happiness are essential qualities that children need in order to become self-assured adults. So how do we encourage our children to fulfil their full potential and grow to become happy and confident adults? And how do we avoid the fine line between confidence, arrogance and precociousness? Gael Lindenfield's classic book provides parents with practical and reassuring advice to help them raise happy and self-assured children.
Confident Children includes: 

  • How language and actions can be used to boost self-esteem
  • Helping your children learn essential social skills 
  • Teaching your children to like themselves the way they are 
  • Developing assertive children who can cope with bullies 
  • Helping your child to overcome shyness

About the author: Gael Lindenfield is a psychotherapist and best selling author of 21 books, which have been translated into 33 languages.

Confident teens: how to raise a positive, confident and happy teenager - Lindenfield, Gael (Book)  Adult

A guide to helping teenagers and young adults stay confident and feel good about themselves. Confidence levels and the grown-up personality are moulded in your teens, and setbacks around this time can seriously impact on self-esteem in later life. However, confident teenagers should grow up to become confident people and this book shows how parents can best understand, support, befriend and give confidence to their teenage child. Written for adults, this is a candid and sympathetic guide which will help parents to be prepared for the roller coaster teenage years.

About the author: Gael Lindenfield is a psychotherapist and best selling author of 21 books, which have been translated into 33 languages.



Stopping the pain: a workbook for teens who cut and self-Injure - Shapiro, Lawrence E (Book)  Teen

Self-injury can be a disturbing symptom of a variety of conditions, including eating disorders, anxiety, and depression. Stopping the Pain helps young people and their counsellors discover the root causes of self-injury and develop a program to end this dangerous behaviour. The book begins with a series of exercises designed to help teens understand why they self-injure and to dispel myths about self-injury. It goes on to help them tackle self-esteem issues, recognize and disarm the triggers that lead to self-injury, communicate about self-injury, cope with difficult emotions, and commit to change.

About the author: Lawrence E. Shapiro, PhD is an internationally known child psychologist and parenting expert in the USA. He has written over fifty books for parents, children, and mental health professionals.

Self harm: the path to recovery - Middleton, Kate (Book)  Adult

What is self harm? How does it develop? Is full recovery possible? How can I help a sufferer? Research has suggested that rates of self-harm in the UK are higher than anywhere else in Europe. This accessible and practical book demystifies a subject many people find hard to understand, assessing the causes of it and showing ways towards recovery. Throughout the book, the authors draw on case histories and personal stories, as well as statistics and information from up to date research in the field. Contents include:

  • Part One: What is self harm and how does it develop?
  • Part Two - Recovering from self harm.
  • Part Three: Caring for sufferers.

About the Author: Dr Kate Middleton is Director of Anorexia and Bulimia Care. She has a professional background in psychology and a specialist interest in self harm.

Sexual Abuse


Breaking free: help for survivors of child sexual abuse - Ainscough, Carolyn and Toon, Kay (Book)  Older Teen/Adult

The effects of child sexual abuse haunt the survivors into adult life, in guilt and shame, depression and anxiety, eating disorders, fear of relationships and sexual problems. Carolyn Ainscough and Kay Toon draw on their experience and the accounts of survivors to offer a book packed with practical suggestions for overcoming the effects of abuse.

About the authors: Kay Toon is a clinical psychologist, nationally recognised for her pioneering work with survivors of child sexual abuse. She has set up a psychology service in Wakefield and run a series of survivors self-helps groups. Until her death in 2000, Carolyn Ainscough worked closely alongside Kay.

Breaking free workbook: practical help for survivors of child sexual abuse - Ainscough, Carolyn and Toon, Kay (Book)  Older Teen/Adult

With more emphasis on practical exercises than "Breaking Free", the workbook helps the reader explore the problems that child sexual abuse often causes survivors in later life. The exercises should develop understanding, and help the survivors to work through the problems and develop healthy coping strategies. There is encouragement to the reader to find support and back-up actively as they work through the book.

About the authors: Kay Toon is a clinical psychologist, nationally recognised for her pioneering work with survivors of child sexual abuse. She has set up a psychology service in Wakefield and run a series of survivors self-helps groups. Until her death in 2000, Carolyn Ainscough worked closely alongside Kay.

Shyness/Social Anxiety


Don’t be shy – Clement, Claude (Book)  Age 11+

An upbeat and encouraging guide for shy children and teenagers. Filled with knowing insights and funny drawings, this lively book helps young people experiencing "panic on the inside" and "catastrophe on the outside" to understand such things as the mechanics of their situation and gives them tips for overcoming their shyness.

About the series editor: Melissa Daly is a former senior staff writer at Seventeen magazine, where she wrote columns on health, sexuality, relationships, and other topics of interest to teenagers. She is currently an editor at Fitness magazine.

Overcoming your child's shyness and social Anxiety - Willetts, Lucy and Cressell, Cathy (Book)  Adult

Many children are naturally shy but extreme shyness and social anxiety can become a major childhood problem, leading to avoidance of school, difficulty in making friends and even developing into social anxiety in adulthood. In "Overcoming Your Child's Shyness and Social Anxiety", child psychologists Lucy Willetts and Cathy Creswell explain how parents can help a shy child learn to challenge their thoughts and behaviour patterns and learn to participate confidently in every aspect of their lives. Based on clinically proven cognitive behavioural principles, the book explains what causes shyness, how to identify social anxiety in your child (sometimes masked by anger or stubbornness) and how to gradually help your child face their anxieties and develop problem-solving strategies.

About the Authors: Lucy Willetts and Cathy Creswell both work at the anxiety disorders research clinic at the University of Reading which offers specialist treatment of childhood anxiety disorders and conducts ongoing research in this field.



What to do when you dread your bed: a kid's guide to overcoming problems with sleep - Huebner, Dawn (Book)  Age 6-12

What to Do When You Dread Your Bed guides children and their parents through the cognitive behavioural techniques used to treat problems with sleep. Fears, busy brains, restless bodies, and overdependence on parents are all tackled as children gain the skills they need for more peaceful nights. This interactive self-help book is the complete resource for educating, motivating, and empowering children to fall asleep and stay asleep - like magic!

About the author: Dawn Huebner PHD is a graduate of the University of Michigan's Clinical Psychology program. Dr. Huebner works in private practice treating children with a variety of emotional, behavioural, and developmental concerns.

Insomnia: the essential guide - Chitty, Antonia and Dawson, Victoria (Book)  Teen/Adult

Insomnia can make you feel depressed and exhausted, effecting your ability to function during the day. Using the latest advice and information, this guide covers everything you need to know: from the causes of insomnia and how to get diagnosed to all the treatment available medicinal or complementary. Discover how to develop a good sleep routine, how to make your bedroom a more restful environment and how to combat stress. Relaxation techniques and dietary advice are also covered, together with a section for parents with teenagers suffering from sleep difficulties.

About the Authors: Antonia Chitty is a freelance health writer and author of a number of parenting and business books. She writes health features for Which? Magazine. Victoria Dawson has a specialist interest in sleep issues and is a trained sleep practitioner. She works with both adults and children to address sleep issues.



What to do when you worry too much: a kid's guide to overcoming anxiety - Dawn Huebner (Book)  Age 6 – 12

Published by the American Psychological Association What to Do When You Worry Too Much is an interactive self-help book designed to guide 6 - 12 year olds and their parents through the cognitive behavioural techniques most often used in the treatment of generalized anxiety. Metaphors and humorous illustrations make difficult concepts easy to understand, while prompts to draw and write help children to master new skills related to reducing anxiety. Engaging, encouraging, and easy to follow, this book educates, motivates, and empowers children to work towards change.

About the author: Dawn Huebner PHD is a graduate of the University of Michigan's Clinical Psychology program. Dr. Huebner works in private practice treating children with a variety of emotional, behavioural, and developmental concerns.

Relax and de-stress - Relax Kids (CD)  Age 7 – 13

8 deep physical relaxation exercises to help children and young people learn how to calm and relax themselves and cope with stressful situations and life's problems. Using relaxation strategies such as breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, positive affirmations, body scans and visual imagery this CD will help children boost their ability to focus and concentrate, deal with stress, and manage their anger and anxieties.

 The stress reduction workbook for teens: mindfulness skills to help you deal with stress - Biegel, Gina M (Book)  Teen

The Stress Reduction Workbook for Teens is a collection of thirty-seven simple workbook activities that will teach you to reduce your worries using a technique called mindfulness. Mindfulness is a way to be aware of your thoughts and feelings in the present moment. You can use mindfulness when you start to feel as though things are spinning out of control, so you can stop worrying about what might happen and focus instead on what's happening now.

About the author: Gina M. Biegel, MA, LMFT is a psychotherapist in San Jose, CA, who works with adolescents, children, and families.

Stress: the essential guide - Ive, Frances (Book)  Teen/Adult

Using expert advice and the latest information, this book helps you identify and deal with stressful situations. Its easy-to-read style shows you what to do in extreme circumstances of stress, how to minimize the pressure you put on yourself and where to get further help and support. Relaxation strategies, complementary therapies and exercise plans are also included. Chapters include:

  • Defining Stress
  • Recognising Symptoms
  • Coping Strategies
  • Your Own Worst Enemy
  • Work Life Balance
  • You Deserve the Best
  • Sort Your Life Out
  • Lie Back and Relax
  • Healthy Living

About the author: Frances Ive is an award-winning health journalist, over the last 10 years Frances has principally written about health for a wide range of national newspapers and women’s magazines.

Overcoming your child's fears and worries - Creswell, Cathy and Willetts, Lucy (Book)  Adult

Based on techniques developed and practised by the authors, this book teaches parents how to use cognitive behavioural techniques with their children, helping them to overcome any fears, worries and phobias. It addresses specific fears and phobias as well as general anxiety and 'worrying'. It provides step-by-step practical strategies. Includes case studies, worksheets and charts. The book is based on the authors' experience at their anxiety disorders clinic at the University of Reading and developed from a programme based on working almost exclusively with parents.

About the Authors: Lucy Willetts and Cathy Creswell both work at the anxiety disorders research clinic at the University of Reading which offers specialist treatment of childhood anxiety disorders and conducts ongoing research in this field.