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Policies, Protocols, and Statistics

Fair Access Protocols  

Fair access protocols exist to ensure that unplaced children outside the normal admissions round, especially the most vulnerable, are offered a suitable school as quickly as possible, and to ensure that all schools in the area admit their fair share of children with challenging behaviour.

The Primary Fair Access Protocol is here:
The Secondary Fair Access Protocol is here:

The protocol applies to all local authority maintained schools, community schools, voluntary aided schools, voluntary controlled schools, and academies. It does not apply to maintained or private nurseries, independent schools, sixth form schools or colleges.
The operation of the fair access protocol is outside the arrangements of co-ordination and is triggered when a parent of an eligible child has not secured a school place under the in-year admission arrangements.


Initiation of the Fair Access Protocol  

If a child who falls under one of the fair access categories is unable to find a school place, the local authority will initiate this protocol. Parental preference will be taken into consideration. However, under the protocol, parental preference no longer applies, and the local authority can approach any suitable school and ask them to admit the child. If a school does not want to admit the child, they can refer the case to the in-year fair access panel for consideration.

The panel will consider the circumstances of the case, taking account of both the needs of the child and the school. As these applications can be complex, it may be up to 20 school days before the decision of the panel, and the name of the school the child is to attend, will be communicated to the parent. Admission to the school should then be arranged within 10 school days.
If your child is refused a place at your preferred school you have the right of appeal. Where practical, your child should continue attending their current school whilst an appeal is being processed.
For more guidance on appealing a school place decision, please click here


School Admission Arrangement    

If a school has more places available than applications, then all those children will be offered a place. If a school has more requests than places available, the admission arrangements are used to decide who gets the available places.  
Please use the following links for the full admission arrangements for every maintained school in Tameside.
School Admission Arrangements for the School Year 2023/24
School Admission Arrangements for the School Year 2024/25
School Admission Arrangements for the School Year 2025/26

For information on how we have allocated places at primary and secondary schools in previous years, please visit our allocation statistics page 

If you are not offered a place at the school(s) of your choice you will have the right to appeal against the decision. For information on school appeals, please visit our school appeals page.


Annual Report to the Office of the Schools Adjudicator

In accordance with the requirements of the School Admissions Code, the Council is required to submit an annual report to the Office of the Schools Adjudicator on aspects of the admission arrangements of the relevant schools in its area.

The Report to the School Adjudicator outlines a range of issues to do with school admissions in Tameside:
  • How admissions arrangements serve the interest of looked after children and previously looked after children, children with disabilities and children with special educational needs
  • The number and percentage of lodged and upheld parental appeals
  • An assessment of the effectiveness of Fair Access Protocols and co-ordination including how many children were admitted to each school

Previous reports can be viewed here:


For information on Ofsted and the way they inspect schools please click here:

School Allocation Statistics     
The information on this page shows how school places have been allocated in Tameside over the last few years. 
Tameside Secondary Schools
Tameside Primary Schools
Pupil Numbers at all Schools
View pupil numbers at all schools within Tameside



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