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Business Rates


Frequently Asked Questions

Why have I received a reminder/final notice/summons?

  • Business Rates must be paid in accordance with the instalment outlined on the bill to avoid recovery action.
  • When one instalment is missed a Reminder Notice will be issued.
  • If the Reminder is paid within the time period specified and future instalment are kept up to date, no further action will be taken.
  • Please note that paying within the month will not always avoid recovery , it is important to make payment on the date shown on the bill.
  • If the Reminder Notice is paid, but a subsequent instalment is defaulted upon, a Final Notice is issued.
  • The Final Notice requests the full outstanding balance to be paid within 7 days (it is not enough just to bring the instalment up to date).
  • If this is not paid within 7 days a Summons is issued for which £129.00 Costs are incurred.
  • At the Magistrates Court we will apply for a Liability Order.
  • The Liability Order gives us the power to send a enforcement agent to seize your goods. The enforcement agent can then auction the goods to pay the bill, and the enforcement agent's fees. You will be charged for the visit by the enforcement agent even if you are not in when the enforcement agent calls.


How is the money I pay spent?

Business Rates collected by all Councils are paid into a central government pool and then redistributed to local councils according to the population in each area.

My property is empty. Am I entitled to any relief?

Find out more about empty property relief

Please let us know if your property has or will become empty by completing this form and returning it to us

What is my Rateable Value?

You can check your rateable value on-line at Link to External Website

How can I appeal against my Rateable Value?

The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) values all business properties for business rates.  The valuation is based on information the VOA holds about your property. You can view and update this information at
You can contact the VOA at If you are unable to use the online service you can also contact the VOA on 03000 501 501 [English authorities] /03000 505 505 [Welsh authorities].
The VOA is contacting businesses to request rental information to support the next revaluation of business rates in England and Wales – Revaluation 2023.
If you receive a request please complete and submit your up-to-date details. It is important to provide this information to ensure business rates are fair and accurate. You can find more information at:
Please note that if you have appealed against your rateable value, payment is still due as detailed on your Rates Bill and cannot be withheld pending the outcome of your appeal


I have business premises that I wish to rent out. Who is responsible for rates?

Under normal circumstances the occupier/leaseholder/tenant is responsible for payment of the rates, unless there is a clause in the lease whereby the landlord is liable for the rates.

How can I find out what's payable on a business property in Tameside?

Contact the Business Rates Section who will be able to provide you with the approximate amount payable on any business property in Tameside.

How do I register for Business Rates

Use the contact details below to contact us and register for Business Rates.

How do I request a statement of account?

The online service is temporarily unavailable, please telephone 0161 342 2233 for information.

I need a copy bill

You can request a copy bill by filling in this copy bill request form.

My business is suffering financial hardship. What can I do?

Hardship Relief is a rate relief which may be offered at the discretion of the Authority to ratepayers who are suffering financial hardship in payment of their Business Rates. Click here to find out more about Hardship Relief.

I am only using part of my premises. Is there any relief available?

Section 44(a) relief is a temporary relief which may be awarded to business ratepayers who are only using part of their premises and the remaining unoccupied area is completely unused. Click here to find out more about this type of relief.

I am having difficulty paying, can I make an arrangement?

If you are having difficulty paying your account, contact the Business Rates Section on the details below to discuss a payment plan.

Will I be charged for Business Rates if I work from home?

You will only be liable to pay Business Rates if you have structurally altered your property in order to cater for your business.

If you are only using a room in your home as an office, you will not be charged for Business Rates.

If you are still unsure please contact us.


If you have a New/Changed Occupation of Premises you can fill in this form.

Contact information

Send us a message
0161 342 2233
Exchequer Services
Business Rates Section
Tameside MBC
Council Offices
PO Box 304
View location on map

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