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Make an Enquiry or Request a Service

We rely on service users to inform us of any issues that are experienced with services provided by the Council. Each council service covers a large area across the borough and without the assistance of individuals; we are not always aware there is a problem and are therefore not able to put this right.

If you have encountered an issue, or have a query you would like to raise with us, contact the relevant council service first, to give them the opportunity to resolve the problem you have. This is normally the quickest way to get issues resolved before making a formal complaint.
Referring issues directly to the appropriate council service will:
  • Ensure enquiries can be answered by staff with specific knowledge of the subject area raised;
  • Enable the service to signpost to the correct process or organisation, if the issue does not fall within the Councils remit;
  • Allow the service to advise as to what assistance can be offered, and whether a suitable solution to the problem can be found.

You can log a service request or report an issue here.

You can make an online General Enquiry here.

What is the process going forward

When contact is made with the service, your contact details and information about your concerns will be taken.

At this point, the service will be able to advise you of the process going forward and where possible, provide a timescale in which you can expect either a reply to your enquiry, or where applicable, when you can expect action to be taken in response to the issue you have reported.

If you remain dissatisfied with the response from the service or the outcome, you can raise a formal complaint. If you are not happy with something we have or have not done, we want to hear from you.

You can make a formal complaint by clicking here.

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