Conservation Areas
- What is a Conservation Area?
- How are Conservation Areas chosen for designation?
- Who designates Conservation Areas?
- What does designation mean?
- How do I find out more about a Conservation Area?
- What does the Council normally do in Conservation Areas?
- What policies are used to control development?
What is a Conservation Area?
Section 69 of the Civic Amenities Act 1967 gives local councils the power to designate as Conservation Areas, "areas of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance". Designation gives control over the demolition of buildings and provides the basis for policies designed to preserve or enhance all the aspects of character or appearance that define an area's special interest.
How are Conservation Areas chosen for Designation?
Conservation Areas in Tameside vary ranging from historic town centres to industrial and rural villages. See our list of areas and maps.
They are designated usually because of their buildings but they can also be designated because of their history, architecture, layout or private spaces, such as gardens, parks and greens; trees or street furniture. Conservation areas give broader protection than listing individual buildings and all features within the area, listed or otherwise, are recognised as part of its character.
Who designates Conservation Areas?
In Tameside, only the Council has the power to designate and it has designated areas where people generally feel have a special character worth protecting or enhancing.
What does designation mean?
Within a Conservation Area the Council has extra controls over the following:
To fully demolish a building, or even parts of it, needs Conservation Area consent and both guidance and the application forms are here. Generally we view an application from the stand point of trying to retain the building so a strong case needs to be made for its demolition. There are no fees for this application.
Minor developments
In a conservation area, you need planning permission for changes to buildings which would normally be permitted. Changes requiring consent include cladding a building, inserting dormer windows, or putting up a satellite dish visible from the street. Our householder FAQ's help with this.
In Mottram Conservation Area there are further restrictions on changes to buildings including putting up porches or changing doors, windows or other architectural details.
Anyone proposing to cut down, top or lop a tree in a conservation area, whether or not it is covered by a tree preservation order, has to give notice to the Council. The Council considers the contribution the tree makes to the character of the conservation area and if necessary it will make a tree preservation order to protect it. Applications to fell are available.
How do I find out more about a Conservation Area?
The Council has a programme of appraisal to assist in providing clear definition of an area's interest and the action needed to protect it. Character appraisal may also identify areas where enhancement through development is desirable. Please see the Council’s Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Proposals Documents.
What does the Council normally do in Conservation Areas?
The Council consults widely on proposals affecting a conservation area. This might include periodic enhancement schemes including proposals to:
- Prepare development briefs for sites in conservation areas;
- Ensure that new buildings harmonise with their neighbours;
- Make environmental improvements;
- Control advertisements and shop signs;
- Ensure that traffic control measures harmonise with the character of the area.
- Make grants available for the repair of buildings.
What policies are used to control development?
Our main body of conservation policy is in the Unitary Development Plan which includes conservation policy with wider planning policies for the area. Policies in the Conservation section generally presume against the loss of features which add to the special interest of the areas. These policies are used in the determination of planning applications in conservation areas. We also take into account the National Planning Policy Framework when determining these applications.
Local residents and businesses generally are fully aware that areas have been designated and how their character and appearance are protected.
The contact information below may be used to enquire about Conservation Areas in Tameside. Please note that we are unable to answer enquiries or provide advice relating to Conservation Areas outside of Tameside.