Copyright & Disclaimer
Our Aims
The aim of this website is to:
- promote the Borough of Tameside, the Council and its services
- facilitate access to Council services
- provide information to residents, users of Council services, businesses and the general public
Copyright and re use of materials
All text content on this website, including datasets published on our Transparency in Local Government pages, is available for re use under the terms of the Open Government Licence (OGL) v3.0, except for the exclusions identified below or where we specifically indicate otherwise, such as for example other licensing conditions applicable for INSPIRE datasets.
If you re-use text content under the OGL, you must include the following attribution statement:
‘©Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council retains the sole intellectual property rights to [name and date of publication], licensed under the Open Government Licence’.
If you would like to re-use the council’s materials but the proposed re-use would contravene any of the conditions of the OGL (for example, your intended re use is for commercial purposes), you must seek the Council’s prior permission and approval (see section on applications for re use below).
Whilst we aim to ensure that all material is accurate at the time of publication the Council does not accept responsibility for decisions based on information we make available for re use and we reserve the right to remove and/or amend any information without prior notice.
Please bear in mind that materials downloaded from the Council’s website are the most up to date versions but items you have obtained from the council in the past, or from elsewhere, may not be. The Council updates its guidance and other materials from time to time. We recommend that you use the latest versions by referring to those published on our website.
The Council’s intellectual property rights, including copyright in its materials, are unaffected by the Council’s voluntary application of the OGL. These rights still belong to the Council.
Images – Images are not available for re use under the OGL because in most cases copyright is held by a third party. The Council does not grant anyone any rights to re use images.
Use of logos – The use of any of the council’s logos (including crests & insignia) on any document or in association with any information, signifies that the document or information has been prepared or approved by the Council. The logos are used only on materials generated by the Council or where the Council has elected to work in collaboration with another or multiple organisations.
Use of any of the Council’s logos without the Council’s consent is an infringement of copyright. No permission will be granted for the use of the logos nor will reproduction of the logo in any form be allowed unless the Council determines that:
- the material on which the logos is to be used and
- the use of the logos on such material has been expressly approved by the Council
If you wish to use the council logo, you should request permission by contacting the webmaster.
Intellectual property/copyright vested in third parties – the Council does not have the legal authority to grant permission to re use documents where legal rights are owned by third parties.
Applications for re-use
If you wish to make a specific application to re-use Council information which does not conform with the OGL terms, please contact us to ask permission and for details of what, if any, additional conditions and/or charges may apply. Your application should be in writing, specifying your name and address and, identifying the information source you want to re-use and the purpose for re-use.
For permission contact us:
Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council, Tameside One, PO BOX 317, Ashton under Lyne, OL6 0GS
Send us an on-line request here
List of information assets
Please refer to our Publication Scheme and our guide to information which outlines the information we routinely publish. A list of other information assets is currently under review as part of our preparations for the General Data Protection Regulation. Once complete, a link will be available from this web page.
Access to Information
If the information you wish to re-use is not already published, you must first make a request for information under public access legislation. Information about how to make a request is available on our Freedom of Information Pages.
In the event the information is releasable, you will need to submit a separate application for re use as described above. This is because the Council does not have the authority to permit re-use of materials where intellectual property and copyright is vested in a third party and each application for re use must be assessed on a case by case basis to determine if third party rights apply.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of a request for re use by the Council, or need the Council to review its decision on charging, licensing, refusal or any other aspect of the Council's response, you will be advised how to do this at the time your request is refused. More details on the Council's complaints procedure can also be found by clicking here.
If you are still not satisfied with the outcome having gone through the Council's internal complaints procedure then you can appeal to the independent Information Commissioner for a decision.
Contacting the Information Commissioner
If you contact the Information Commissioner first it is likely that your complaint will be passed back to the Council to give us the opportunity to respond.
The Information Commissioner may be contacted at:
Wycliffe House Water Lane Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF
01625 545700
For further advice and assistance contact the Borough Solicitor:
Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council, Tameside One, Market Place, Ashton under Lyne, OL6 6BH
0161 342 8355
Whilst every care has been taken in the compilation of this website, and every attempt made to present up-to-date and accurate information, we cannot guarantee that inaccuracies will not occur. Tameside MBC will not be held responsible for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of any inaccuracy or error within these pages.
Occasionally, links from our site lead to pages maintained by other organisations. These links are identified by this symbol and are provided purely for your convenience, and do not imply that Tameside MBC endorses or supports those organisations, the information on their pages, or their products or services in any way. Additionally, no responsibility is assumed by Tameside MBC for the contents of its pages.
The Ordnance Survey mapping included within this web-site is provided by Tameside MBC under licence from the Ordnance Survey in order to fulfil its public function to make available Council held public domain information. Persons viewing this mapping should contact Ordnance Survey copyright for advice where they wish to licence Ordnance Survey mapping/map data for their own use. The OS web site can be found at
If you discover any information on our pages which you believe to be inaccurate or inappropriate, please notify us by sending a message to the Webmaster.
E-mail Disclaimer
The Council undertakes monitoring of both incoming and outgoing e-mails. You should therefore be aware that if you send an email to a person within the Council it may be subject to any monitoring deemed necessary by the organisation from time to time.
Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council is committed to protecting your privacy when you use our services and works hard to make sure that the information you provide to the Council is used and protected in line with the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and UK Data Protection Law.
To see our Privacy Notice which shows what information we collect, how we use it and who we share it with please visit our website