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The Team Around Setting

Team Around Setting aims to empower families to take control of their own support!

What the Team Around Setting Is


The Team Around the Setting (TAS) is a multi-agency approach to provide families with the help they need at the earliest opportunity. The Team Around the Setting meetings are arranged by someone who knows the Children, Young People and Family, for example, School, College or Nursery and they will take place in those settings.

Parents and families do not attend the meeting but the agencies in attendance will make sure that the Children, Young Peoples and Families wishes and feelings are at the centre of the discussions.

If a Lead Professionals has not been identified the Early Help Adviser team to explore an Early Help Assessment and/or a Team Around the Setting. All families requiring Early Help Support are entitled to an Early Help Assessment and Team Around the Setting.

Who may benefit from Team Around?

Children, Young People and Families would benefit from Team Around the Setting as everyone needs help and support at times. Team Around the Setting can help find solutions to the worries you have about your family. While also focusing on what is working well and plan of what needs to happen next.

These are some of the issues you may be facing that the Team Around Setting can help you with:

  • Family relationships
  • Financial difficulties
  • Parenting
  • Your child's school attendance
  • Your child's self-esteem and confidence
  • Dealing with times of change
  • Understanding your child's development
  • Building relationships
Every family could benefit from Team Around and everyone needs help and support at times and that is ok. Having a Team Around can help find solutions to the worries you have about your family.
These are some of the issues you may be facing that the Team Around Approach can help you with:
  • Family relationships
  • Financial difficulties
  • Parenting
  • Your child’s school attendance
  • Your child’s self-esteem and confidence
  • Dealing with times of change
  • Understanding your child’s development
  • Building relationships

Please note this is not an exhaustive list, you are welcome to contact the Early Help Adviser's and we will happily advise and support or alternatively you can contact a child’s school, college or nursery.

Please click on the below button to find out more and where information about consent is detailed.

If you would like to know more, or are still unsure about the Team Around Approach the Setting, you can contact the Early Help Adviser’s on 0161 342 4040.

The Early Help Advisers are based in each of our four Neighbourhoods (see below)


0161 342 2786


0161 342 5084


0161 342 2783


0161 342 5083


What to do if you are Worried About a Child

If the situation is immediately dangerous for the child, then ring 999 and ask for the Police.

If you think a child is being abused, mistreated, or you have concerns about a child's wellbeing, please contact the Early Help and Safeguarding Hub (EHASH).

During office hours, please contact the Early Help and Safeguarding Hub (EHASH) on:
0161 342 4101

Monday to Wednesday: 8.30am - 5pm
Thursday: 8.30am - 4.30pm
Friday: 8.30am - 4pm

Outside of these hours please contact the Emergency Duty Team on:
0161 342 2222.


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