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Follow this link for a schedule of our upcoming training sessions for schools

Follow this link for a schedule of our upcoming training sessions for schools


Tameside Educational Psychology Service is an evidence based consultation service
This means that our work starts with collaborative and empowering conversations in the hope of bringing about positive change for children, young people, school staff and families. 
Tameside Educational Psychology Service was co-produced with children and young people across Tameside therefore what is important to children and young people is at the forefront of our service delivery model. We currently provide services online and face-to-face where appropriate.
The exact nature and time required for our work will be determined at the planning meeting. Possible ways in which schools often use Educational Psychology time include:

Practioner Diagramcasework therapeutic work  group interventions training systemic work

Useful Documents

  • Request for Involvement Form
  • Service Level Agreement
  • EPS Brochure
  • Parent/Carer Educational Psychology Information Leaflet


Statutory Services

The Local Authority will provide statutory services to schools, settings and partner agencies. There will be no charge for these statutory services which include:
  • The provision of Psychological Advice as part of the Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) assessment process, when requested by the Local Authority SEN Team.
  • Updated advice for pupils with EHCPs, when requested by the SEN Team.
  • Other work commissioned by the Local Authority via the SEN panel.
  • Critical Incident Support Service.


Traded Services

In addition to the above Statutory services, schools, settings and partner agencies now have the opportunity to purchase a wide range of packages of support through a service level agreement (SLA), as ‘traded services’. This can be requested online via the Services for Schools website: Services for Schools and Settings | Tameside ( or you can contact us directly on to complete a paper SLA. We work on an annual basis and therefore asks that requests for our services are submitted in the summer term prior to the next academic year.
Services may be purchased by an individual school or a cluster of schools. The traded packages that we provide for the academic year 2024-2025 are as follows: 

Cost for Traded Packages for schools and colleges:

Package 1 - £3,000 (Academies +VAT)

  • Casework (2 cases)
  • School development work (e.g. workshops)
  • Access to virtual consultation drop-in service

Package 2 - £6,000 (Academies + VAT)

  • Casework (4 cases)
  • School development work (e.g. workshops)
  • Access to virtual consultation drop-in service

Package 3 - £8,000 (Academies + VAT)

  • Casework (6 cases)
  • School development work (e.g. workshops)
  • Access to virtual consultation drop-in service

Package 4 - £10,000 (Academies + VAT)

  • Casework (8 cases)
  • School development work (e.g. workshops)
  • Access to virtual consultation drop-in service


Assistant Educational Psychologists

The service has begun an initiative to enhance our offer to schools through the recruitment of Assistant Educational Psychologists.  These professionals have the prerequisites to apply for the doctoral training in Educational Psychology. They assist the service through conducting and supporting many of the functions of an Educational Psychologist including basic assessment work, information gathering, group work, individual intervention and training. Your named Educational Psychologist will advise you of activities that might be better supported or delivered by an Assistant. This will help to meet the needs of your school and the families you support.


Ethical Trading

The service operates an ethical trading policy. This means as an LA service we don’t operate as a regular business might (e.g. on a first come first served basis). We feel that we have a duty of care across the borough and try to prioritise areas of highest need while maintaining service access borough wide. It is also essential that the Educational Psychology Service makes a contribution to the education and outcomes of all children and builds capacity through project work and research rather than limiting access to individual children. We prioritise contracts that are likely to support us to do this.

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