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World War One Kenyon Letters - Index


An alphabetical index of letters sent to Elizabeth Hannah Kenyon, Mayor of Dukinfield from soldiers serving in the First World War 

Did your ancestor come from Dukinfield and serve in the First World War? If so he may have received some clothing from the Mayor of Dukinfield and sent a thank you letter which is held at the Local Studies and Archive Centre. (DD356)

This index lists all the men who sent letters. Each entry lists the soldier's name, regiment details, the date of the letter and any other details available from Mike Pavasovic's 'Men of Dukinfield' (1997) and from the War Memorial.


* probably the same person, similar handwriting.
**died during the war, details of this serviceman were found on Dukinfield War Memorial or in memorial or in Mike Pavasovic's 'Men of Dukinfield' (1997)


Pte A Ainsworth
2946 No 4 Platoon, No 1 Co, 1st Man Reg’t, British Expeditionary Force
13th June 1915

Pte H Allan
1303, 1/9th Batt, Man Reg’t, Med Force
5th August 1915

Sergt A Allen
Awarded Military Medal
11187, B Co, 1st Ches Reg, British Exp Force, France
5th January 1916 

Pte Albert Allen? **
(Dukinfield Hall War Memorial)
4137 C Co, 6th Ches

Brig G Allen
C Batt, 154 Bdl, RHA, Brit Exp Force, France
2nd February 1916

Corpl G Allen
D Batt, BEF
22nd September 1916

Pte Harry Andrew
1472, B Co, 9 Batt, Manchester Reg’t

Pte Harry Andrew
51350, 2nd Man Reg’t, A Co, 4th Platoon, BEF, France

Driver H Anker
23rd November 1916

Driver W Armstrong
5th March 1916

Pte W Ashton, ** 
8364 ‘A’ Co, 17th Batt, Man Reg’t - Grantham
Listed missing on 10th July 1916, during battle of Trones Wood, aged 24. Worked as a pawnbroker’s assistant. Attended Foundry Street Primitive Methodists, but his name also appears on the Baptist Church Memorial. Father lived at 170 Oxford Road.
26th May 1915

Pte A Bailey
2261 ‘B’ Co, 2nd/9th Batt, Man Reg’t – Southport
6th April 1915 

Pte Ballagher, **
23057, X Co, MGS, 15 Batt, Ches Regt, BEF (Home address – 24 Nelson Street, Dukinfield)
Died in France, 28th March 1918, aged 21. Piecer at Veon Mill, Hathershaw.
13th October 1916

Pte F Bamber
4173, 1/9 Man Reg’t, C Co, BEF
20th November

Pte James Barlow
12366 A Co, 1st Batt, BEF, France (Home address – 11 George Street, Dukinfield)
26th March 1916

Pte G W Barnett
16979, 14 Batt, Cheshire Reg’t, D Co, No 7 Camp, Rhyl, North Wales

Pte L Barker
3253, 2/9 Batt, Man Reg’t, Sussex
3rd June 1915

Pte S Bellis
54th Bty, BFA, 39th Brigade, BEF
29th November 1916 

Pte W Bennett? **
Private, 3/26996, 13th Battalion, Cheshire Regiment. Killed in France, 7th July 1916, aged 27. Born Stalybridge. Widow was living with her mother at 122 Oxford Road in 1917. Ovillers Military Cemetery, Somme.

Sergt J W Berry
Salonica Forces (Home address – 180 Lodge Lane, Dukinfield)
26th January 1917

Gunner R G Bladon
15th February 1916

Sergt James E Booth
14th Batt, RWF, BEF, France (Home address – 4 Cottrells Buildings, off Oxford Road, Dukinfield)
14th April 1916 

Lance Corp W Booth
17087, A Co, 9th Batt, Cheshire Regiment, BEF (Home address – 188 Oxford Road, Dukinfield)

Pte C Bottoms
3346, D Co, 1/9 Batt, Man Reg’t, BMEF
30th August 1916

Pte G W Bowden
8008, 13 Sec 16 Platoon, 4th Co, 1st Man Reg’t – ‘somewhere in France’
6th July 1915

Lance Corpl H Bradley
12138, A Co, 8th KRRC, BEF, France
19th April 1917

Pte Cecil Bradshaw
4051, A Section, 2nd Field Ambulance, Royal Naval Division, BEF, France
10th June 1916

Pte A Braithwaite
2183 D Co, Man Reg’t, 2/9th Batt, Southport
18th May 1915

Pte G Brocklehurst
2nd/9th Man Reg’t, Sussex
26th May 1915

Gunner J Brooks*
Mediterranean Expeditionary Force
26th December 1915

Gunner J Brooks*
91832, RFA, 58 Brig, 11th Div, BMEF
16th May 1916 

Lance Corpl J Brooks, **
25789, A Co, 10 Cheshire Reg’t, BEF, France (Home address – 110 Wood St, off Cavendish St, Ashton-under-Lyne)
(letter written on behalf of Pte H Slater, 169 Lodge Lane, Dukinfield who was killed on 17th February 1917)

Pte C H Brown
3289, 1/9th Manchesters, C Company, 42nd Division, Egyptian Expeditionary Force
8th April 1916

Dr Geo Brown
35200, ASC Nelson Ward, 27th General Hospital, Cairo, Egypt
2nd June

Drummer G H Carr
2253, B co, 2/9th Batt, Man Reg’t, Sussex

Pte J Challenger*
1398, B Co, 18th Middlesex Regt, BEF, France

Pte J Challenger*
1398, 18th Middlesex Reg’t, BEF, France

Pte J Challenger*
1398 (as above)

Sapper J S Challenger, **
98342, 157 Field Co, Royal Engineers, BEF, France
Died at No.2 Casualty Clearing Station, France, 1st February 1917, aged 35. Worked as a cabinet maker for Walker’s, Stamford Street, Ashton. Organist and choirmaster at Foundry Street Primitive Methodists. Lived at 194 King Street and left widow and two children. Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension, Nord.
15th February 1916 

Pte J Challing

Pte W H Charlesworth
24468, C Co, 1 Garv Batt, RW7 Reg, Buena Vista Barracks, Gibraltar
26th October 1915

Pte William Cheetham
49468, 10/Ches, No 8 Platoon, B Co, BEF, France
26th October 1016

Gunner I Clarke
(Home address – 39 Mary St, Dukinfield)
16th February

Pte S Clayton
46694, B Section, No 2 M G Co, BEF

Pte John Clegg*
45562, A Co, 19th Batt, RWF, BEF, France
25th September 1916

Pte John Clegg*
45562, A Co, No 2 Platoon, 19th Batt, BEF, France
16th April 1917

Pte H Clough
13th June 1916

Pte R Colling
11 Batt, 4 Co, Scottish Rifles (Home address – 3 Liston Street, Dukinfield)
25th December 1915

Gunner B H Collins
103151, 179 Siege Battery, RGA, B Sub Section, BEF, France
3rd December 1916

Gunner W Collins
116017, B Batt, 95th Bdge, BEF, France
21st November 1916

Pte J Conolly
Reg No 1760, 3 Co, 9th Man, Med Exp Forces
20th September 1915

Pte Wheeler H Cooke
11th October 1916

Dr J W Cotton
19th September 1916

Pte J Cottrell
21256, A Co, 14th Batt, BEF, France (Home address – 15 Fern Houses, off Wharf Street, Dukinfield)

Pte F Craddock
A Co, 1 Platoon, 12th Cheshire Reg’t, BEF, Salonica
2nd April 1916 

Pte W Crosdale? **
(Dukinfield Hall War Memorial)
MS 839, MTABC, 1st Aux, Bus Co, BEF
9th November 1916

Pte J Darby
31025, 8 South Lanes Regt, (Home address – 47 George Street, Dukinfield)
21st November

Pte I Dean
12282, A Co, 2nd Garr, Cheshire Reg’t, EEF, Egypt
2nd June 1916

Pte E Diggle
20590, 2 Co, 8 Platoon, 3rd Batt, Grenadier Guards, BEF
20th August 1915

Pte H Downs
15th November 1916

Lance Corpl William Dunkerley **
(Dukinfield Hall War Memorial)
Royal Marine Light Infantry, HMS “Ebro”

Pte P Eades
1/9th Man Reg’t, EEF, Egypt
2nd December 1916

Pte H Eastwood
2987, C Co, 1/9 Man Reg’t, East Lancs Div, MEF

Pte Tom Edwards
Sto 3, Mess HMS, Primrose

Pte B Egerton
65163, No 1 Co, Kings Liverpool Reg’t, No 2 Platoon, BEF, France

Pte Harold Ellen
2129, C Co, 9 Man Reg’t, East Lancs Div, Med Exp Force
2nd March 1915

Pte J Etchells
BEF (Home address – 108 Victoria Road, Dukinfield)
21st May 1916

Gunner W H Evans
136372, C Bty, 94th Bde, RFA, 21st Div, BEF, France
11th January 1917

Dr G Fadries
16317 , 16 Batt, R of A, 2 Div, Expeditionary Force
12th June 1915

Dr Albert Fernley, **
57125, C Batt, RFA, BEF, France (Home address – 8 Atlas St)
Signaller. Died in France 19th December 1918, aged 27, after an injury. Native of Stalybridge. Employed as piecer at Queen Mill and was an active Temperance worker. Lived at 8 Atlas Street. ASCQ Communal Cemetery, Nord. 

Pte J Fielding
11th April 1917

Pte J Foden
23315, Y Co, BEF, France

Pte John Foster
8th December 1916

Pte John Foster

Segt E Furness **
(Stalybridge War Memorial)
Royal Engineers
4th December 1915 

Pte E Garlock
8068, 2nd Cheshire Reg’t

Pte Sidney Garside
2127 ‘B’ Co, 9th Batt, Man Reg’t – Egypt
1st May 1915

Pte W Gaskell
36021, 8 South Lanes, Attached to ASC, BEF, France
30th January 1917

Pte James Gee
2732, C Co, 2/9 Man Reg’t, Southport

Pte Morris Gledhill
34558, Y.40 Trench Mortar Batt, 40th Div, RFA, BEF (Home address – 111 Lord Street, Dukinfield)
19th October 1916

Pte F Goode **
(Dukinfield Hall War Memorial)
621, C Co, 1/9th Man Reg’t, East Lancs Div, British Mediterranean Exped
2nd July 1915

Pte F Goodwin*
10th February 1917

Pte F Goodwin*
8238, 3rd Field , Guards Div
15th November 1915 

Corpl Th Green

Pte W Greenwood
2307 ‘B’ Co, 2nd/9th Batt, Man Reg’t – Southport
8th May 1915

Pte Isaac Hadfield*
20116, 3rd Batt, Army Service Corp (Home address – 85 Oxford Road, Dukinfield)

Pte Isaac Hadfield*
20116, Army Service Corps, Attached REPS, BEF, France
(Home address – 85 Oxford Road, Dukinfield)

Pte John Hadfield
‘In the field’, Egypt
5th November 1916

Pte J Hague
51959, 4 Garr Batt, RWF, BEF, France
23rd December 1916

Pte Hardman
13828 10th Batt, 8 Platoon, France
19th January 1916

Pte A Harrop

Corp Robert Hart
22067, A Co, No 1 Platoon, 1st Batt, British Expeditionary Force, France (Home address, 30 Queen Street, Dukinfield)
31st July 1915

Pte W E Hawley
1112 D Co, 1/9th Batt, Man Reg’t, 42nd East Lancs Division (T.F.) Med Exp Force
28th September 1915

Dr Percy Heap
028151, ASC Attachet, 63 Field Ambulance, Brit Exp Force, France
10th January 1916 

Pte F Heathcote? **
(Chapel Hill, Dukinfield)
23rd December 1915

Pte Frank Heathcote, (possibly the same person as above) **
3960 A Co, No 2 Platoon, 6th Batt, Cheshire Reg’t, BEF, France
Killed in France 20th July 1916, aged 20. Lived at 140 Oxford Road. Piecer at Queen Mill, Foundry Street.
10th May 1916

Corp J Heelis*
2nd Lancs
29th March 1916

Lance Corporal J Heelis*
53429 R.A.U.C, 1st Canadian General Hospital, B.E.F.
20th December 1915

Lance Corpl P Henderson
A Co, 2nd RWF, France
30th November 1916

Pte H Henshall
No letter!
11th February 1917

 Pte Percy Highton? **
(Chapel Hill, Dukinfield)
9th Batt, Man Reg’t - Southport
15th May 1915

Pte J Hill*
Hoy Battery, Orkney, Scotland
15th April 1916

Pte James Hill*
Royal Marines, Orkney Island
25th March 1916

Lance Corpl J Hill
B Co, 18 Middlesex Reg, France

Pte John Hill
1667, B Co, 1/9 Batt, Man Reg’t, East Lancs Div. MEF
25th June 1915

Pte J Hinchliffe
1242, Signallers Headquarters, 2nd Man Reg’t, B.E.F.
21st June 1915

Henry Hollingdicke, Chairman
The Stockport & District Comforts Committee for Soldiers and Sailors
13th September 1916

Pte J Hopwood
389, 2nd Manchester Reg’t
5th June 1915

Pte A Jackson
1666, B Co, 6th Batt, Ches Reg’t, BEF, France (Home address – 2 Meadow Lane, Dukinfield)
21st November 1916

Dr John Jackson
016078, No 4, Brit Exp Force, France
4th December 1915

Pte John Jackson
39927, A Section, No 1 Territorial Base Depot, RAMC, BEF, France (Home address – 171 Lodge Lane, Dukinfield)
22nd November 1916

Pte C Jones
1613, Mediterranean Expeditionary Force
(Home address – 61 Chapel Street, Dukinfield)
24th June 1915

Pte Chris Jones
4th October 1915

Pte George Jones
11014, B Co, 1st Batt, Cheshire Reg’t, BEF, France
8th August 1915

Pte F Johnson
25930, Cheshire Reg, B Co, N8 Platoon, B E Force, France
24th October 1915

John Johnson
20th October 1915

Dr W S Johnson
4954, Southern European Exp Force (Home address – 7 Clayton Street, Dukinfield)
26th April 1916

Miss Amy Judson

Pte William Kerr, **
Home address – 7 Combermere Street, Dukinfield
Private 5319, 1st Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Died of wounds at clearing station in France, 5th April 1916. Suffered 16 wounds at Festubert. Born Silloth, Cumberland. Brother of Sergeant Instructor Robert Kerr, who died in January 1915, while visiting sister at Katherine Street, Ashton.

Pte H Kershaw
35464, A Section, 47 Co, MGC, BEF, France
18th November 1916

Pte William Knight
1269, York S Reg’t, Attached to Welsh Fusiliers, APO Sec 21, BEF, France

Dr C Lawton
1304 1/4th Lancs Co, Cairo, Egypt
21st December 1915

Pte Leach
‘Somewhere in France’ (Home address – 80 Church St, Dukinfield)
10th March

Pte Charles Lee
1/9 Man Reg’t, Med Exp Force
28th August 1915

Pte W Leech? **
(St Mark’s Church War Memorial, Dukinfield)
D Co, 9th Batt, Man Reg’t – Southport
5th May 1915 

Seaman William Lees*
B Co, Groningen, Holland
8th October 1915

Seaman William Lees*
B Co, Collingwood, Royal Naval Division, Groningen, Holland
13th December 1915

Pte H Lester, **
17612 2nd Batt, HOSB, B Co, 5 Platoon, BEF, France
Killed in France, 20th July 1916, aged 30. Lived at 8 Wharf Street and attended St Mary’s RC Church. Worked as chargehand at Gorton Tank.
(Ashton-under-Lyne War Memorial)
11th April 1916

Pte R Levey
3783, 1/9 Batt, Man Reg’t, C Co, No 10 Platoon, Egyptian Exped Forces
29th August 1916

Pte Henry Lomas
17456, 2nd KOS Borderers, Sec 2, AD2, BEF

Sergt Thos Lowe
B Co, 12th Manchester Reg’t, BEF France
5th December 1916

Pte H Lydiate? **
Lance Corporal, 241488, 1/5th Battalion, Kings Own Royal Lancaster Regiment. Killed in France, 9th March 1917, aged 26. Lived with parents at 3 Corra Street before moving to Lancaster.
(Chapel Hill, Dukinfield)
9th October 1916

Pte E Matthews? **
(Ashton-under-Lyne War Memorial)
1773, B Company , 19th Middlesex Regt

Pte G McCready
No details

Pte Ernest Meek
3899, Tent B, 2nd VA Hospt, Exeter
13th October 1916

Pte J Meek
3088, 56th Batt, D Co, France
22nd December 1916

Sergt Harry Metcalfe
Awarded Military Medal
D Co, 1/9 Man Reg’t, BEF
21st March 1917

Sergt W Mitchell
35571, 208 Machine Gun Company, BEF, France
16th April 1917

Pte Geo Morris
“In the Field”
25th December 1916

Seaman W Murphy
Mess 26
6th January 1916

Pte I North
(may have worked for Wm Kenyon)
3734, C Co, 1/9 Batt Man Reg’t, Suez Camp, MEF, Egypt
2nd June 1916

Pte Ernest Ogden
39734, 12 Manchesters, 15 Plat, D Co, BEF, France
23rd January 1917

Pte John W Ogden
4191, 8th Batt, LNF, Attached 42 Sanitary Section Division, BEF (Mentions Jack Wilcocks getting the ‘French honours’)
20th November 1916

Pte Joseph Ogden
22282, 20 Lancs Fusiliers, BEF, France (Home address – 18 Queen Street, Dukinfield)

Lance Corpl Wm Osbaldeston
39641, D Co, 6 Platoon, 16th Div, Man Reg’t, BEF, France
7th March 1917

Pte R Pemberton*
26th December 1915

Pte R Pemberton*
2nd Corps Woodcutting Party, 2nd Bridging Train GH2
25th November 1915 

Pte Harry Pickersgill
28067, 1st Liverpool, Attached to B of ME, France
April 1916

Pte F Potts
202074, C Co, No 10 Platoon, 2/5 Man Reg’t, Batt Headquarters, BEF, France
12th April 1917

Pte W A Powell
8242 RAMC, 10 Field Ambulance, 4th Division, British Expeditionary Force
12th June 1915

Captain W Ralphs, **
35th Brigade, 7th Division, BSF
Died of wounds on Somme, 15th July 1916. Younger son of Joel Ralphs of Blenheim Place, King Street, the headmaster of St Mark’s School. Brother of Dr F G Ralphs, later county coroner. Began work as clerk at Manchester & County Bank, then moved to London, and to Chartered Bank, Shanghai. Was lieutenant in Shanghai Light Horse and commanded squadron during Chinese Revolution, 1912. Returned home in 1914 and was gazetted Second Lieutenant in RFA. Made up to Lieutenant 25th March 1915, and was promoted to Captain just a few days before his death, when he was forward observing officer for the battery. There is a tablet to his memory in St Mark’s Church.
Walter Joel Ralphs transcribed WW1 letters in book collection at qL355.1

Pte J Ratcliffe
3679, TTM Battery Attach, 13 Platoon, D Co, 1/9 Batt, Man Reg’t, East Lancs Div, Egypt
31st December 1916

Pte Wilbye Ratcliffe?,**
4 Ches Reg’t
201534, Signals Section. Died of gas poisoning at 6th General Hospital, Rouen, 29th July 1918, aged 28. Served two years in Mesopotamia. Lived at 61 Astley Street. Worked at River Mill, Park Road, and attended Astley Street Primitive Methodists. St Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen.
16th December 1916

Pte E Rawlinson
2828, B Co, 1/9 Man Reg’t, East Lancs Div, Med Exp Force
4th October 1915

Corpl H Redfern
11968 1st Batt, Cheshire Reg, BEF, France
30th March 1916 
Sergt T Redfern
1st Hampshire Reg’t, BEF (Home address – 31 Ashton Street, Dukinfield)
16th March 1917

Dr W Richards? **
(Chapel Hill, Dukinfield)
5th March

Pte John Richardson
103546, RAMC, 37th General Hospital, Salonika Forces
6th October 1916

Dr Arthur Roberts

Pte Edward Roberts
9599, B Battery, 149 CIRFA, 30th Division
26th August 1916

Sergt F W Robinson
11th Division, 34th J Brigade, 11th Man Reg’t, Med Exp Force (Home address – 3 Combermere Street, Dukinfield)
16th January 1916

Pte J Rogers
L/Corporal Charlton
9th Batt, A Co, Manchester Reg’t, Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, Darden
28th June 1915

Dr Fred Rowbottom
34475, 178th Bgde, RFA, A Battery, B Sub, BEF, France
9th October 1916

Lance Corp F Scambler
2385, 14 Platoon, D Co, 1/9th Batt, Man Reg’t, MEF

Pte Alfred Sellers **
Chapel Hill, Dukinfield
3rd January 1916

Pte Alfred Sellers (possibly same person as above ) **
11110, 18th Battalion, Manchester Regiment. Killed in Montauban, Somme, 1st July 1916, aged 26. Worked as salesman for Smith, Hargreaves & Co, towel manufacturers of Fountain Street, Manchester. Teacher at Old Chapel Sunday School. Mother lived at 178 Higher King Street. Dantzig Alley British Cemetery, Soome.
14th March 1916

Pte S Shackley, **
21582, 2 Platoon, W Co, 17 Lancs Fusiliers, BEF
Died of wounds in France, 21st June 1917, aged 21. Heudicourt Communal Cemetery Extension, Somme.

Pte Jack Shawcross

Pte E Simms
110185, Sec 29, D Co, 7th L Batt, BEF, France (Father of E Simms below)
11th December 1916

Pte E Simms
17362, No 5 Platoon, B Co, 2nd Royal Marine Batt, BEF, France (Son of E Simms above)
10th December 1915

Pte J Slater
22396, 9 Platoon, C Co, 11th Batt, South Lancs Reg’t, BEF

Pte A Smith
25758, 1st Cheshire Reg’t, Brit Exp Force
26th October 1915

Pte F Smith*
46153, No 7 Stationary Hospital, BEF, France

Pte Fred Smith*
46153, RAMC, BEF, France

Pte Harry Smith
3105, B Co, 9 Res Man Reg’t, Sussex

Pte Percy Smith
3623, 3/9 Man Reg’t (Home address – 35 Old Hall St, Dukinfield)

Pte Reg Smith
351086, 2/9 Batt, Man Reg’t, C Co, BEF, France
11th April 1917

Pte W Smith
2904, 5 Platoon, B Co, 6th Batt, Cheshire Reg’t
29th June

Corpl F Spinks
25635, France
21st January 1916 

Pte E Spragg
B Co, 1/9th Batt, Man Reg’t, East Lancs Division, Mediterranean Expeditionary Force
14th August 1915

L/Corporal Sumner
Stationed at 14 King St, Southport
19th May 1915

Pte Harry Sumner
1/9 Man Reg’t, 3187 C Co, East Lancs Div, Med Exp Force (Home address – 6 Gaskell Street, Dukinfield)
6th December 1915 

Pte Percy Sykes?, **
68765, 91st Royal Army Medical Corps. Killed in France, 3rd October 1918, aged 22. Lived at 93 Lodge Lane and worked for George Parkin, grocer of High Street, Stalybridge. Member of parochial church council at St Matthew’s, Lord Street, Stalybridge. Vadencourt British Cemetery, Somme.
Also there is a P Sykes (rank not recorded) listed on Chapel Hill, Dukinfield
2nd November 1916

Pte H Taylor? **
Taylor, Harold: Private, Lancashire Fusiliers. Attended Old Chapel. Probably died post war.
Taylor, Harold: Private, 21173, 1st Battalion, Kings Own Royal Lancaster Regiment. Killed in France, 25th October 1918, aged 28. Mother lived at 20 Pickford lane. St Souplet British Cemetery.
Taylor, Harry: Private, 32936, 23rd Battalion, Manchester Regiment. Killed in France, 24th July 1916, aged 23. Lodged at 120 Hope Street. Auxiliary postman at Ashton post office.
Taylor, Harry: Private, 12196, 1st Battalion, Cheshire Regiment. Killed in France, 16th April 1915. Born Dukinfield.
30th April 

Pte P Taylor
Mediterranean Exp Force
2nd June 1915

Pte Sydney Taylor
7641, 4th Platoon, A Co, 19th Batt, Royal Fusiliers, BEF, France

Sergt W Taylor
227 Co, 33rd Div, Army Services Corps, Derby Racecourse
18th June 1915

Pte Handel Thorpe? **
Chapel Hill, Dukinfield
22nd February 1916

Pte Joseph Trayers
2nd Co, 11th Batt, Man Reg’t - Grantham
1st March 1915

Pte W Turner
HMS Lion, Mess 25
22nd July 19l?

Pte James Walker
1367, 10th Lancs Fusiliers, Germany
13th June 1916

Pte T Wellens
2260 B Co, No 6 Platoon, 2/9 Batt, Man Reg’t, Peas Potage Camp (Home address – 27 Taylor Street, Dukinfield)

Pte Joe West
3181 Haywards Heath, Sussex

Sergt T Wheatley
BEF, France
3rd April 1916

Trumpeter H Wheatley
24372, C Batt, 181 Brig, RFA, BEF
29th September

Pte E Whitehead
West Yorks Regt
19th February 1917

Pte Joseph Whitworth? **
Driver, 851356, Royal Field Artillery. Killed in France, 14th March 1918. Lived at 33 Birch Lane and worked at Summers, Stalybridge.
6th March

Pte Jack Wilcock*
31st December 1915

Pte J Wilcocks*

Pte J Wilcocks*
Seems to know Mr Kenyon and mentions the portrait

Pte John Wilcocks*

Sergt Windsor, **
19553, 21st Manchesters, D Co, BEF, France
Killed in France, 1st July 1916.
Hyde Town Hall War Memorial.
7th June 1916

Pte H Woodhead?, **
Cheshire Reg’t
266383, 1/6th Battalion. Killed in France, 31st July 1917, aged 21. Father lived at 202 Lodge Lane. Name on Menin Gate Memorial.
3rd November 1915

Pte J Woodhead*
2nd December 1916

Pte J Woodhead*
23rd December 1916

Pte James Woodhead*
Brit Exp Force, France
2nd December 1915 

Pte J Worrall
5031, C Co, 1/6th Batt, Manchester Reg’t, BEF, France
12th April 1917

Pte J S Wright
13th April 1916

Pte A Young **
Newton Wood War Memorial, Dukinfield
18049, 15th Royal Scots, BEF, France


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