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This webpage contains information and advice for residents and businesses for adverse weather.

Gales and High winds
Snow and Extreme Cold Weather



Preparing for a high winds can save you money by taking a few simple steps.

Before High Winds

  • Secure loose objects such as ladders, garden furniture and anything else that could damage windows.
  • Close and securely fasten doors and windows, particularly those on the windward sides of the house.
  • Secure especially large doors e.g. garages.
  • Park vehicles in a garage if available. Otherwise keep vehicles clear of trees and buildings.
  • Make sure your loft trap door is secure.
  • Ensure tall structures such as chimneys, TV aerials and tall trees are structurally sound.

During High Winds

  • Stay indoors as much as possible.
  • If you do go out, try not to walk or shelter close to buildings and trees.
  • Keep away from the sheltered side of boundary walls and fences - if these structures fail they will collapse on this side. Do not go outside to repair damage during the storm.
  • If possible, enter and leave your house through doors on the sheltered side, closing them behind you.
  • Open internal doors only as needed.

After High Winds

Consider the following:

  • Be careful not to touch any electrical or telephone cables that have been blown down or are still hanging.
  • Do not walk too close to walls, buildings and trees as they could have been weakened.
  • Make sure that any vulnerable neighbours or relatives are safe and help them make arrangements for any repairs.

You can find further information about what to do in high winds on the Met Office website Met Office External Link

Severe weather warnings are published on the Met Office website here - Met Office - Severe Weather Warnings External Link


Tips for coping in hot weather

The following advice applies to everybody when it comes to keeping cool and comfortable and reducing health risks:

  • Shut windows and pull down the shades when it is hotter outside. If it’s safe, open them for ventilation when it is cooler.
  • Avoid the heat: stay out of the sun and don’t go out between 11am and 3pm (the hottest part of the day) if you’re vulnerable to the effects of heat.
  • Keep rooms cool by using shades or reflective material outside the windows. If this isn't possible, use light-coloured curtains and keep them closed (metallic blinds and dark curtains can make the room hotter).
  • Have cool baths or showers, and splash yourself with cool water.
  • Drink cold drinks regularly, such as water and fruit juice. Avoid tea, coffee and alcohol.
  • Stay tuned to the weather forecast on the radio or TV, or at the Met Office website.
  • Plan ahead to make sure you have enough supplies, such as food, water and any medications you need.
  • Identify the coolest room in the house so you know where to go to keep cool.
  • Wear loose, cool clothing and a hat if you go outdoors.
  • Check up on friends, relatives and neighbours who may be less able to look after themselves.

If you’re worried about yourself or a vulnerable neighbour, friend or relative, you can contact the local environmental health office at your local authority. Environmental health workers can visit a home to inspect it for hazards to health, including excess heat.

You can find additional advice on coping with hot weather here Coping with Heatwaves

You can find more advice and guidance on coping with hot weather on the NHS website - Planning for hot weather External Link

How do I know if someone needs help?

If someone feels unwell, get them somewhere cool to rest. Give them plenty of fluids to drink. If symptoms such as breathlessness, chest pain, confusion, weakness, dizziness or cramps get worse or don’t go away, seek medical help.

For more information on protecting health and reducing harm from severe heat and heatwaves, Public Health England produce a Heatwave Plan for England External Link

Pet Welfare in Hot Weather

Britain's RSPCA animal charity has issued advice on how people can help their pets stay cool in hot weather you can find more information here - RSPCA - Pets in Hot Weather  External Link


Before snow or ice

If you make a journey when snow is forecast:

  • Make sure you have warm clothes, food, water, boots, torch and a spade in your vehicle.
  • Let someone know when you expect to arrive and your planned route.
  • Try to wait until the roads have been gritted before travelling.
  • Purchase some salt/grit to put on paths and driveways to lessen the risk of slipping on compacted snow.

During snow or ice

Avoid travel if possible. If you must travel, check the Highway Code for advice on driving in winter conditions. Use major roads if possible as there more likely to be treated and check Highways England website before travelling. A summary of the advice is:

  • Take care around gritters, don't be tempted to overtake.
  • Slow down - it can take 10 times longer to stop in snowy or icy conditions, so allow extra room.
  • Black ice isn't always visible so can be a greater hazard for both motorists and pedestrians. Black ice is formed when light rain or drizzle falls onto a freezing road surface
  • Use the highest gear possible to avoid wheel spin.
  • Manoeuvre gently and avoid harsh braking and acceleration.
  • If you start to skid, gently easy off the accelerator and avoid braking.
  • If you need to brake hard and your car is fitted with ABS/EDS apply firm pressure to the brake pedal. However, if your car is not fitted with ABS/EDS pump the brakes don't slam them on.
  • If you get stuck, stay with your car and tie something brightly coloured to your aerial.

Look after yourself

If you go outside wear several layers of thin clothing and keep dry to prevent loss of body heat. Watch out for signs of hypothermia:

  • Uncontrollable shivering.
  • Slow/slurred speech.
  • Memory lapse, drowsiness.
  • Loss of feeling in and pale appearance of fingers, toes, nose and ear lobes.

Some general good practice when feeling the above symptoms are;

  • Keep moving your arms and legs to help the blood circulate,
  • Take care when shovelling snow
  • Cold air makes it harder to work and breathe which adds some extra strain on the body and can be the cause of heart attacks in vulnerable people.

You can find more information about being prepared for Winter Weather here - Be Prepared for Winter Weather

Details of Tameside Concil’s Winter Gritting routes can be found here - Winter Gritting Routes

You can also find further information at the following locations:

  • NHS Choices - Very Cold Weather
  • Age UK Preparing for Winter
  • Met Office - Get Ready for Winter
  • RAC - Winter Driving
  • The AA - Winter Driving

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