Training in Tameside
Thank you for visiting the Tameside Training Website. We hope this website will be useful for all visitors looking to find out more about training in their local community and the venues in which these courses are held.
Check back regularly to the 'Latest News' section for updates on courses and events happening in your area. This section will focus on activities occurring in the near future and short-term programmes and courses.
A-Z Courses Available
A-Z guide to Courses occurring across the Tameside district, as well as the Course provider and Contact details.Where 2 Train
If you are looking for information on training occurring specifically in your local area, please visit the Where2Train Section and seek out your closest community venue or training centre.
Tameside Training Group
Administered by Tameside MBC Economic Development Unit
Contact information
Investment & Development
Tameside MBC
Council Offices
Clarence Arcade
Stamford Street