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Training in Tameside



A-Z of Courses

Below is a rough A-Z guide to Courses occurring across the Tameside district.  For more information and to check when courses are being run contact the training provider. The contact details are available here.

If you are looking for information on training occurring specifically in your local area, please visit the Where 2 Train Section and seek out your closest community venue or training centre.


Course Training Provider

Access to Higher Education (Range of subjects)

  • Tameside College


  • Tameside College

Advice and Guidance

  • Construction Training Consultancy

Art, Design, Photography and Pottery

  • Tameside College

Basic Skills

Beauty and Complimentary Therapies

  • Tameside College 

Book Keeping

  • Tameside College

Building Services and Sustainable Engineering

  • Tameside College

Business Administration

  • Age Concern Training
  • Ashton Sixth Form College
  • Construction Training Consultancy
  • Droylsden Learning Centre
  • Shirley House
  • Tameside College 
Caring for Children

Carpentry and Joinery

  • Tameside College

Catering, Hospitality and Bakery

  • Tameside College
  • Ashton Sixth Form College
  • Rathbone Training Ltd

CLAIT/IT Users Certificate

  • TMBC Adult Learning
  • Tameside College
Computers for Beginners/ Introduction to Word, Internet and Email
  • TMBC Adult Learning - Various Locations
  • Tameside Libraries
  • Tameside College

Computing/Computer Aided Design

  • Tameside College
Confidence Building


  • Construction Training Consultancy
  • Step Ahead (Hattersley Neighbourhood Partnership) - CSCS Health and Safety Card
  • Shirley House

Customer Service

  • Age Concern Training
  • Ashton Sixth Form College
  • Construction Training Consultancy
  • Rathbone Training Ltd
  • St Peter's Partnership


  • Construction Training Consultancy


  • Construction Training Consultancy


  • Age Concern Training

Domestic Building Regulations

  • Tameside College

Driving Goods Vehicles

  • Construction Training Consultancy

ECDL (European Computer Driving Licence)

Electrical Installation

  • Tameside College


  • Tameside College

Electrotechnical Technology Certificate

  • Tameside College 


ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages)

European Languages

  • Tameside College
  • Tameside College

Family Learning

  • Construction Training Consultancy

Fitted Interiors

  • Construction Training Consultancy


  • Construction Training Consultancy

Food Hygeine/Food Preparation

  • Tameside College
  • Step Ahead - Hattersley Neighbourhood Partnership


  • Construction Training Consultancy

Health & Safety

  • Construction Training Consultancy
  • Tameside College

Health and Social Care

  • Age Concern Training
Heritage Skills
  • Construction Training Consultancy 

Higher Education (Education, Teaching, Early Childhood Studies)

  • Ashton Sixth Form College

Highways Maintenance

  • Construction Training Consultancy

How to Drug Proof Your Kids

  • Ashton Sixth Form College

Industrial Services & Systems

  • Construction Training Consultancy

Insulation and Building Treatments

  • Construction Training Consultancy

Interior Systems

  • Construction Training Consultancy
Learning, Development & Management
  • Construction Training Consultancy
Mechanical Engineering
  • Tameside College
Mixed Media
  • Ashton Sixth Form College

Motor Vehicle

  • Tameside College

Performing Arts

  • Tameside College - Hyde Clarendon

Personnel Practice

  • Tameside College 
Phonics for Teaching Assistants


  • Construction Training Consultancy

Play Work

  • Ashton Sixth Form College


  • Learn Plumbing

Portable Appliance Testing

  • Shirley House


  • Age Concern Training
  • Rathbone Training Limited


  • Construction Training Consultancy 


  • Tameside College - Hyde Clarendon
Sign Language for Beginners

Site Inspection and Logistics

  • Construction Training Consultancy 

Skills For Life - Literacy and Numeracy

  • Ashton Sixth Form College
  • Droylsden Learning Centre
  • Step Ahead - Hattersley Neighbourhood Partnership
  • Tameside College
  • Tameside Council Adult Learning

Skills For Work

  • St Peter's Partnership

Specialist Installation Operations

  • Construction Training Consultancy

Sport and Leisure

  • Tameside College

Stone Masonry

  • Construction Training Consultancy

Teacher Education & Teaching Assistants

  • Ashton Sixth Form College
  • Tameside College


  • Construction Training Consultancy


  • Construction Training Consultancy


  • Rathbone Training Limited


  • Ashton Sixth Form College

Web Design

  • Tameside College


  • Tameside College

Wiring Regulations

  • Shirley House 

Wood Occupations

  • Construction Training Consultancy


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