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Full Time Student Discounts

The full council tax bill assumes that there are 2 adults residing in a dwelling. However, for council tax purposes certain people will not be counted when looking at the number of adults.

Full Time Student

The Conditions Under Which a Student May be Disregarded 

The person must be either;

  • attending a full-time course of further or higher education at a University, College or other educational establishment which lasts for at least one Academic/Calendar year. Students must also be required to attend the course for periods of at least twenty four weeks in the year and be required to study for at least twenty one hours per week on average when in attendance.
  • Or if under 20 years of age and attending a course which lasts more than 3 calendar months and involves at least 12 hours per week to be spent on the relevant activities of the course. The course must not be undertaken by correspondence, or in consequence of the person's job.
  • The third category of student refers to foreign language assistants, who are treated as students during any period that they are appointed as such at a school or other educational establishment anywhere in Great Britain, provided that they are registered as foreign language assistants with the British Council.

What Happens During the Holidays?

The person will continue to be disregarded throughout the whole period of their course, which includes vacations between terms.

How to Apply

Complete this Council Tax Discount Form. Once it has been assessed you will be notified of our decision.


Under What Circumstances will an Apprentice be Disregarded 

If they are:

  • Employed for the purpose of learning a trade, business, profession, office, employment or vocation.
  • For that purpose undertaking a programme of training leading to a qualification accredited by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority and;
  • Employed at a salary or allowance or both, which are, in total no more than £195.00 per week.


Why the Employer Needs to Complete a Certificate 

In order to confirm that the apprentice is training for a relevant vocation and to verify their salary or allowance.

How to Apply 

Complete the Council Tax Discount - Apprentices Form pdf and return it to Exchequer and Support Services. Once it has been assessed you will be notified of our decision
Council Tax Discount – Apprentices Form 

Council Tax Discount – Apprentices Form

Click here to download and complete the Council Tax discount – apprentices form.


Student Nurses 

The Conditions Under Which a Student Nurse is Disregarded 

A student nurse is disregarded if they are undertaking a course which, if successfully completed, would lead to registration under the Nurse, Midwives and Health Visitors Act 1979.

If the Person is Already Registered but is Undertaking Further Training 

A person is only disregarded when they are undertaking a course leading to their first inclusion on the Register.

How to Apply 

Complete the Council Tax Discount Form pdf Once it has been assessed you will be notified of our decision.
Council Tax Discount Form 

Council Tax Discount Form

Click here to download and complete the Council Tax discount form.


Youth Training Trainee

The Circumstances in Which a Youth Training Trainee is Disregarded 

A person is a youth training trainee if they are aged under 25 and is undertaking training through an approved scheme.

Why the Employer Has to Complete a Certificate 

In order to confirm that the youth training trainee is training for a relevant vocation and to verify their salary or allowance.

How to Apply 

To apply, complete this form and return it to Exchequer and Support Services. Once it has been assessed you will be notified of our decision.

Apply for a Youth Training Trainee Discount 

Apply for a Youth Training Trainee Discount

Click here to access the application form for a Youth Training Trainee discount.


How Long the Discount will be Allowed

For as long as there are less than two adults in the property who are not disregarded. If there is any change in circumstances then you must notify us. Failure to do so may result in a penalty being imposed.

Who to contact

Council Tax
Telephone Number 0161 342 2015 
Send Electronic Message 

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