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Flood Resilience and Response

Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

Flooding is an important issue and climate change is likely to increase the risk of flooding in the future. The council works closely with the Environment Agency and other partners e.g. United Utilities, in order to minimise the risk to people and property. However no amount of flood defences or resilience can offer full protection from every flood.

In our role as lead local flood authority, the council is required to produce a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy. The strategy will help to guide and prioritise actions within Tameside to help manage local flood risk.

The Tameside Local Flood Risk Management Strategy was adopted in March 2016. A copy of the Strategy, the associated Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitat Regulations Assessment can be viewed using the links below;

Flood Awareness and Preparation

Safeguarding your home

Long-term preparation

  • Board your loft to create more space to move possessions above flood levels
  • Fit portable flood barrier products (available from builders’ merchants)
  • Check for cracks around the sealants on window and door frames
  • Check for gaps on brickwork and cracks around the windows, doors and piping
  • Clean gutters and ditches regularly and do not deposit oil or building materials down gullies
  • Never fill a culvert to create an extra patch of garden

You can find out about the ‘Flood Re’ scheme for households at the highest risk of flooding here.

If a flood is on the way

Do as much as you can in daylight; it will be a lot harder after dark if the electricity fails.

People and pets

  • Listen to your local radio and TV weather forecasts and for advice from the emergency services
  • Alert your neighbours, particularly the elderly
  • Store food and water upstairs
  • Bring caged outdoor pets inside
  • Move all pets with food, water, bedding and litter trays upstairs

Property and furniture

  • Move your car to higher ground
  • Roll up carpets and rugs and move them out of the way
  • Empty furniture drawers and cupboards
  • Take furniture upstairs, if possible
  • Raise furniture on bricks and pull away from the wall
  • Weigh down furniture which is too heavy to move
  • Fasten plastic bags around the legs of wooden furniture to help minimise absorption of water
  • Take down curtains or wrap them round the curtain pole
  • Store valuable or sentimental items and important documents upstairs

Electrics and gas

  • Move computers and other electrical equipment upstairs or above the flood level
  • Turn off mains gas and electricity
  • Disconnect electrical appliances

Drains and plumbing

  • Put plugs in sinks and weigh them down with something heavy to prevent backflow from the drains
  • Weigh down the toilet seat


Tameside Council does not provide sandbags directly to property owners, occupants or businesses in response to individual requests. In a flooding emergency Tameside Council may provide sandbags where it is clear that they will be effective in preventing the in-flow of water. In that situation any sandbags will be allocated on-site by Tameside Council to property owners, occupants or businesses having assessed the level of risk, need and effectiveness on a case by case basis.

What to Do In a Flood

During a flood

  • Never try to drive through flood water - 80% of flood deaths occur in vehicles.
  • Avoid walking through flood water in full flow - just six inches of fast flowing water can knock a person over.
  • If you have to evacuate your home or workplace turn off those utilities you can easily access and is safe to do so.
  • Avoid driving unless your journey is absolutely necessary.

After a flood

  • Take care as there may be hidden dangers in the flood water like sharp objects, raised manhole covers and pollution.
  • Get professional advice on any damaged structures.
  • Throw away any food which has come into contact with flood water, including canned goods.
  • Contact your buildings and contents insurance company as soon as possible
  • In almost all cases the insurance company will send a loss adjuster to look at your property. They will confirm what repairs and replacements are needed and covered by your policy.
  • If you rent your property, contact your landlord and your contents insurance company as soon as possible.
  • If you do not have insurance, your local council should be able to provide information on hardship grants or charities that may be able to help you.
  • Be aware of rogue traders. 

Once you have seen if you are in an "at risk" area and have read the advice and know how to prepare, see the Latest Severe Weather Warnings.

Flood and Water Management Act

Section 19 Report; Wild Bank Hill Flood Event, 21st November 2016 Pdf
Section 19 Report; Micklehurst Road,  Mossley, Autumn 2017 Pdf
Section 19 Report; King Edwards Court, Hyde, February 2020 Pdf


Flooding: Your Business and Property

The Environment Agency produces guidance which contains some easy actions that you can take to make sure that your business is as well prepared as possible for flooding.

It tells you how to find out if your business is at risk, the Environment Agency’s flood warning service and what flood warning codes mean. It also has a simple template to use to design a flood plan for your company. You can find the guidance via the link below:

Would your business stay afloat? A guide to preparing your business for flooding

For information on how flooding could seriously affect the value and amenity of your home or business premises, please see The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) link below. RICS are an independent, representative professional body which regulates property professionals and surveyors in the UK.


Useful Information and Guidance

The Environment Agency 'Floodline' service offers flood warnings for England and Wales. The Floodline service can be accessed by telephone and internet.

  • Telephone - 0845 988 1188
  • Floodline Link to External Website
  • To report river flooding or contamination concerns, please contact the Environment Agency on; 0800 807 060

For practical advice on preparing for a flood and what to do during and after a flood visit the Environment Agency Link to External Website website. The following booklets are available for viewing or downloading:

Preparing For A Flood - Practical advice on what to do Pdf

During A Flood - Practical advice on what to do Pdf

After A Flood - Practical advice on what to do Pdf

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