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Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any legislation on Pigeon Control?

There are 2 Acts which covers 11 species of birds

  • The Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981)
  • The European Bird Directive (1995)

What birds are covered in these Acts?

The pest bird species that can be controlled are:

  • Feral Pigeon
  • Wood Pigeon
  • Collared Dove
  • Jay
  • Crow
  • Great Black-back Gull
  • Lesser Black-back Gull
  • Herring Gull
  • Rook
  • Jackdaw
  • Magpie

Other birds can be controlled via special licences.

How can I stop pigeons from perching on my property?

There are many products available to professional pest control officers that prevent pigeons from perching on properties. These can be:

Bird netting can be 100% successful when installed correctly. Nets come in sizes to suit. House sparrows, starlings and feral pigeons, although it will exclude other birds as well. Sometimes netting can be bought in several colours to suit the buildings masonry.

Gel can be applied to ledges using a caulking gun and then painted with a sealing fluid. This creates an unpleasant and unstable surface under the birds feet which prevents perching.

Post and wire are tried and tested applications, which can be used on window ledges and ridges, which prevent the birds from gaining a foot hold.

Spike and point systems are simple to apply and are made up of strips containing various arrangements of upright metal or plastic pins to dissuade the birds from alighting onto the surface, particularly good on ornate buildings.

Do pigeons carry diseases?

Pigeons do carry diseases which are harmful to humans, the best known disease passed from bird to man is psittacosis, but there are over 40 more diseases that can be passed from the feral pigeon to humans.

The pigeon droppings can have a destructive effect on structures. Pavements, ladders and fire escapes can be rendered unsafe as the bird excretion can create a danger of slipping.

My neighbour is feeding the pigeons, is there anything Tameside can do?

Firstly, ask you neighbour not to feed the pigeons. The pigeon population multiplies out of control when fed by humans.

Secondly, if your neighbour continues to feed the pigeons, please supply us with your neighbours details and we will contact them by letter.

Follow our 'How to contact us' information.

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