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Anti-social Behaviour Case Review (previously known as the Community Trigger)


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What is ASB 

You can request an Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review if one of the following threshold has been met;

  • You have complained to Tameside Council, the police and/or a registered housing provider (social landlord) on 3 or more occasions about separate incidents in the past 6 months.


  • Five people in the local community have complained separately in the last six months about similar incidents 


  • You (as an individual) have complained in the last six months about an incident or crime motivated by hatred (hate/crime)

Each of the individual qualifying complaints must have been reported. The review panel may also consider the following when determining if the ASB Case Review threshold is met;

  • Persistence of the anti-social behaviour; and
  • The harm or potential harm caused by the anti-social behaviour;
  • The adequacy of the response from agencies.

A complaint of Anti-Social behaviour could be made to the same or different organisations such as Greater Manchester Police, Tameside Council or Tameside Registered Housing Providers.

The ASB Case Review can also be requested by a person, including a third party on behalf of a victim, provided the victim consents to information being shared with the third party along with other relevant organisations or bodies.

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What happens next?

Within two working days of receiving a request for an ASB Case Review, an officer from the Council’s Community Safety Team will write to the Applicant to acknowledge their request. The letter will advise the Applicant that they will be informed of the outcome of the ASB Case Review within 24 working days of their request for an ASB Case Review; unless the case is complex when they will be informed of an extended timeframe.

Information Sharing

Relevant information will be provided within 10 working days by the Council, GMP, Clinical Commissioning groups and Registered Housing Providers (through co-option arrangements), unless disclosure of the information would;

a) Contravene the Data protection Act 1998,


b) Contravene Part 1 of the regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000,


c) Breach the confidence owed by the person making the disclosure


d) Breach any other restriction on the disclosure of information (however imposed).

Information may also be requested and shared by other agencies or organisations such as third sector services or General Practitioners if the expressed consent is provided by the Applicant and the information is considered relevant for the purpose of the ASB Case Review (and restrictions on the disclosure of the information do not apply).

ASB Case Review Panel

The information received will be reviewed by the ASB Case Review Panel, involving the relevant bodies and any other agencies or professionals bespoke to the application received.

Officers attending the ASB Case Review panel should be independent to any work undertaken in relation to the qualifying complaints subject to review.

The ASB Case Review Panel functions are;

  • Share relevant information
  • Undertake ASB Case Reviews within an agreed timeframe.
  • Agree if the ASB Case Review threshold is met.
  • Identify any recommendations
  • Have regard to any recommendations
  • Communicate with the Applicant

Outcomes of ASB Case Reviews will be reported to and reviewed by the Head of Neighbourhood Services, Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council.

ASB Case Review Outcome

Following the ASB Case Review the applicant will be informed in writing of the outcome.

If the threshold is met and the review held, the letter will include an action plan specifying the recommendations that will be taken within defined timescales and state the lead agency responsible for each action to resolve the ASB.

If the threshold was not met, the letter will inform the Applicant what happens next and provide any appropriate advice, such as how incidents of ASB should be reported in the future. The letter will also include the right to request a further review (an appeal). The appeal will be undertaken by more senior officers of the relevant organisations who are independent to the decisions made through the original ASB case review panel.

Escalation and Appeal

If an applicant is dissatisfied with the response from their Application or how the case review has been carried out, there is a right to request a further review (an Appeal) that will involve officers from the relevant agencies who are more senior to those that completed the initial case review. The applicant will need to request the further review by writing to the Head of Neighbourhood Services at Tameside MBC. The request will be acknowledged within two working days and a final response provided within 20 working days of the request for a further review, unless the case is particularly complex when the applicant will be informed of a revised timeframe. Please refer to Appendix 6: ASB Case Review Appeal Flow Chart.

The outcome of the appeal is final. The Applicant has no further opportunity to challenge the decisions made within the ASB Case Review process.

The ASB Case Review does not replace an organisations own complaints procedures. If an ASB Case Review has been completed and the Applicant is unhappy about the service received from an individual officer or agency, a formal complaint may be made directly to that agency and if necessary may be escalated further through organisations such as the Ombudsman or Independent Police Complaints Commission.

Anti-social behaviour case review data

To ensure transparency, we have a duty to publish anti-social behaviour (ASB) case review data covering:

Number of applications for ASB case reviews received

Number of times the threshold for review was not met

Number of ASB case reviews carried out

Number of ASB case reviews that resulted in recommendations being made.

The data must be published at least annually, although we may at times wish to publish data more frequently, or to publish additional details.


Number of applications for ASB case reviews received – 3

Number of times the threshold for review was not met - 0

Number of ASB case reviews carried out - 3

Number of ASB case reviews that resulted in recommendations being made – 3

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