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Corporate Performance Reporting

Strategic Delivery and Performance Framework

Tameside Council is committed to meeting our goals set out in our corporate plan, and we track progress towards our ambitions through our corporate performance reports. We look at data from a range of both publicly available and internal sources covering all areas of our work to see how life in Tameside is changing and track how we’re performing against our plan to make Tameside a place where everyone can achieve their hopes and ambitions.


We update our monitoring reports four times a year, to include any new data from the previous quarter. Some indicators may be released annually so won’t change with each edition of the report.


Following the adoption of the Council’s new Corporate Plan for 2024-2027 each of the Council’s directorates has identified a suite of key performance indicators to provide an overview of our performance. This data will be presented regularly to Cabinet and the Overview Panel, and will be published here when available.


Earlier releases of the Corporate Plan Outcomes Framework, linked to our previous corporate plan, can be viewed below. Please note that this scorecard has been discontinued.


Release MonthLink
December 2021CPOF- Dec 21
September 2021CPOF- Sep 21
March 2022CPOF- Mar 22
June 2022CPOF- Jun 22
August 2022CPOF- Aug 22
November 2022CPOF- Nov 22
February 2023CPOF- Feb 23
July 2023CPOF July 23
November 2023CPOF Nov 23
February 2024CPOF Feb 24

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