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Current campaigns 2023/24

Sitting Right With You – June 2024

Highlighting domestic abuse support to people who are LGBTQIA+

As part of our domestic abuse communications strategy, we take steps to reach different audiences with information on domestic abuse and the support that’s available. During this June’s Pride month, we’ve featured a rainbow cushion on the iconic yellow sofa of the Sitting Right With You domestic abuse campaign to help target LGBTQIA+  (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, or asexual) audiences. The campaign highlights controlling and coercive behaviours – which account for more than half domestic abuse referrals in Tameside - and encourages people to think about what makes a healthy relationship. One of the key messages is there’s domestic abuse support available for everyone – including tailored support people in LGBTQIA+ relationships – and if you’re worried about yourself or someone you know, you should seek help.

Bridges Partnership, the Tameside domestic abuse support service, had an information stand at Tameside Pride in Cheetham’s Park, Stalybridge, last Saturday to help raise awareness of the help that’s available.

Right With YouSitting Right With You – June 2024 

Sitting Right With You – March 2024

Domestic abuse campaign highlights how older people are being targeted by family members

This week we relaunched our Sitting Right With You domestic abuse awareness campaign – this time focusing on older people. Nearly 100 older people a year in Tameside seek support for domestic abuse but it’s thought that many more may need help. Not all of these were people are being abused by a partner, some of them are people who are being abused by their adult children – as this powerful case study of a Tameside couple who were abused by their adult daughter exemplifies. We’re working with Age UK Tameside and Jigsaw, which provides Tameside’s Bridges domestic abuse support service, to help reach older people with support and also to train staff and volunteers on the signs on the signs of domestic abuse. Anyone of any age, background or gender can experience domestic abuse. If you’re worried about yourself or someone you know could be experiencing domestic abuse, please talk to someone about it. For further information see or call 0800 328 0967. In an emergency you should always call 999.

Sitting Right With You – March 2024 


Take Control – January 2024

Reaching all communities with information on domestic abuse support

We’re pleased to be working with volunteers from our South Asian community – as well as Jigsaw and Diversity Matters North West - to relaunch the Take Control campaign to raise awareness of what domestic abuse is and the help that is available. One in three women and one in six men experience domestic abuse at some point. We know that domestic abuse is under-reported on every level - gender, age, ethnicity and sexuality - but our data shows that an even smaller proportion of referrals for help come from the local South Asian community. We’re really grateful for the input from volunteers and community leaders to help ensure the images, messages and delivery of the Take Control campaign are meaningful and helpful to women in their peer group. It’s important we reach out to all our communities to ensure they are aware of the support services available for everyone.

The National Domestic abuse helpline on 0808 2000 247 provides a bilingual service 24 hours a day, seven days a week which will put callers in touch with bilingual speakers at the local Bridges service.  Bridges also has its own 24 hour helpline on 0800 328 0967 for advice, support and emergency refuge placements for all genders and all communities or visit  In an emergency you should always call 999.

White Ribbon – November 2023

White Ribbon – November 2023

Standing together to call out violence and harassment against women and girls

Tomorrow (25 November) is White Ribbon Day the start of 16 Days of Action Against Violence Against Women and Girls. This year, its theme is #ChangetheStory to help start changing “normalised” behaviours and attitudes. To support this, we’re urging the whole community to make a stand against violent and/or harassing behaviours, which may harm, threaten or intimidate women and girls. 

We’re working with local gyms, pubs, key local football clubs and partners to help reach our community especially men - with the message and get behind it. You can find out more about the campaign, becoming a White Ribbon ambassador or champion or make the White Ribbon promise at

Open Up – August 2023

Open Up – August 2023

Be the teammate that someone can open up to

One in six men nationally experience domestic abuse – so that could very easily be someone in your sports team, in your work team or in your friendship group. However, for all manner of societal reasons, men are more likely to bottle up what they are going through and not get the support and help they need.  Last year only 113 males accessed domestic abuse support in Tameside compared to 1,224 females.  To help tackle this significant under reporting and reach men who need support, local cricket clubs - currently in the peak of their summer season and heavily engaged with local men  - are getting behind our campaign to encourage male victims of domestic abuse to ‘open up’ and get support. 

Domestic abuse isn’t just physical violence, it can be controlling and coercive behaviours such as controlling someone’s money or controlling who they see and where they go.  There is support available for ALL victims of domestic abuse - men and women and people of all ages and from backgrounds. For further information see or call Bridges 24 Hour Help on 0800 328 0967.  In an emergency - you should always contact 999.

Open Up – August 2023 2

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