Information for professionals
The Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) is an initiative designed to bring agencies together to discuss the safety and well-being of people that are at high risk of further serious harm or death.
Who is referred to the MARAC?
Practitioners from a wide range of agencies across Tameside are trained to identify domestic abuse and ask the right questions to help them make a decision about the risks to victims and their family members.
People who are identified as being at ‘high risk’ of serious current or future harm from domestic abuse will be referred to the MARAC.
As a practitioner referring someone to MARAC you need to explain what the MARAC is and ask if you agree for your details to be discussed with other agencies at the meeting. You should explain that all information that is shared at the meeting is kept secure and only shared for the purposes of safeguarding the victim. Every MARAC representative from across all agencies must sign a confidentiality agreement before the meeting begins.
The alleged perpetrator is not aware that the MARAC is taking place and information will not be passed on to them.
If the victim does not consent to sharing their information but you believe that they are at risk of serious harm or death you must refer to MARAC without consent and explain to the victim that you are doing this and why.
Once complete please send the DASH risk assessment and MARAC referral form to your designated MARAC lead to be uploaded on to Sharepoint. If you don’t have a designated MARAC lead please send both forms to
The Bridges Partnership
The Bridges Partnership is the new domestic abuse support service in Tameside from 1 April 2024. The Partnership consists of Jigsaw Support, Talk Listen, Change and Diversity Matters North West.
About the organisations in the Partnership
Jigsaw Support has delivered Tameside’s Domestic Abuse service for the past ten years, providing a range of person-centred intervention programmes for those whose lives have been impacted by domestic abuse.
Talk, Listen, Change (TLC) is a leading relationships charity offering a range of support to individuals, couples, families and communities. They are Respect Accredited Providers with over 15 years’ experience of delivering perpetrator programmes.
Diversity Matters North West has been supporting minority ethnic groups in Hyde around domestic abuse for over 15 years. The charity predominantly, but not exclusively, supports women from South Asian communities.
The Bridges Partnership will provide support for anyone experiencing or impacted by domestic abuse and for those using harmful behaviours within an intimate or familial relationship.
Here is a briefing session that explains the new domestic abuse support offer in Tameside from 1 April 2024:
An overview of the service offer can be found here:
The domestic abuse support offer will include:
- Specialist domestic abuse workers to support with risk assessments, safety planning and advocacy, from immediate crisis through to longer term recovery
- Safe Accommodation including refuge accommodation and dispersed properties
- One to one and group work interventions
- Specialist children and young people’s workers
- Specialist interventions for both adults and young people causing harm
- Specialist support for minority communities
- Dedicated women’s centre providing individual and group work sessions
- Training and awareness raising
Referrals for victim/survivor support including children and young people can be made using the forms below:
Once complete please send referral form to
Referrals for those causing harm can be made via the TLC website:
Referrals for support for minority communities (including language support) can be accessed via Diversity Matters North West:
Information about DMNW translation service can be found below: