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Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)


A Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is a collection of documents, data, local knowledge, community insight and other types of evidence to look at and identify health and wellbeing needs within Tameside. This gives an overview and also recommendations around the work and services required in the area. This JSNA is a statutory (compulsory) requirement (from the Health and Social Care Act 2012) that all Health and Wellbeing boards produce and that it is updated regularly to reflect the changes in Tameside. There is however, no set format that a JSNA has to take, as long as it has the information and content around Health and Wellbeing in the area.

Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA)

A Pharmaceutical Needs assessment (PNA) is a current picture of pharmacy provision in Tameside and identifies whether any new pharmacies are required. Similar to the JSNA, the PNA is also a statutory requirement of the Health & Wellbeing Board.
Both the JSNA and PNA are developed jointly by local health & social care and wider partners, including the local authority, Integrated Care Board, emergency services, Healthwatch, the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise sector (VCFSE) and through public voice and consultations. Together these partners provide a detailed picture of the health and care needs of the local population, usually focusing on specific topics. This information is used to identify actions that local agencies will need to take to improve the wellbeing of individuals and communities across the borough. Additionally both the JSNA and PNA contain resources and recommendations which inform decision making across all local services in Tameside and is especially important when looking at which services to provide and establish.
Although the documents are mainly used by services within Tameside, both the JSNA and PNA can be a useful tool to understand Tameside’s Health and Wellbeing; that is designed to be accessed by everyone. Below you will find a range of sections and resources which make up Tameside’s JSNA. This is based around a summary and then specific, more in-depth needs assessments around key areas relevant to health and wellbeing. There are also links to data and information dashboards based in Tableau (a data displaying piece of software), which highlight the most recent information available.
You can also find the PNA below, including links to the full document as well as the consultation papers.

Summaries and Overall Tameside Health and Wellbeing (Demographics)


Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA)


Children and Young People (Starting Well)


Life in Tameside (Living Well)


Active and Productive Ageing (Aging Well)


Poverty Needs Assessment

Healthy Places

Supporting Documents and Links:


Regional and National Needs Assessments


Action Together

Title what is it?Report available?Next due?
State of the VCFSE research Conducted every 2-3 years to give an overview of the resilience and reach of the VCFSE sector across GM and in localities Due in 2024, but we may change the way we do this research next time. 
VCFSE infrastructure support Our monitoring across our core service areas and social prescribing. This gives a flavour of support for VCFSE groups, funding allocated (by us), volunteer numbers through our brokerage service, as well as neighbourhood level insight.
Quarterly reports. I aim to include Healthwatch and some of our smaller projects in the future. 
(We also have social prescribing reports by PCN neighbourhood, which could be really useful in terms of identifying service gaps and variations between neighbourh



Titlewhat is it?Report available?
General survey reportHealth and care feedback that people shared with Healthwatch Tameside between August 2021 and March 2022
Health and care feedback report
Delays in non-urgent care survey report Research on what people experience of delayed care since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic
Delays to non-urgent care survey report
Annual report 2021/22Overview of activities conducted by Healthwatch Tameside in 2021/22
Annual Report 2021/22
Changes to the way people access health and care servicesResearch in relation to the following themes;
  • The ways of access people preferred for appointments
  • The types of technology/devices people had access to
  • People's views on using technology when accessing care
  • People's views on medical records data sharing
Changes to the ways people access health and care services Survey report

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