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Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse or domestic violence is defined as any incident of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of their gender or sexuality.

These can include: Physical, Psychological, Sexual, Financial and Emotional Abuse.

The Office of National Statistics (ONS) estimates that two million adults aged between 16 to 59 years old experienced domestic abuse (end of March 2018). Police recorded 599,549, domestic abuse-related crimes in the same year. The ONS is showing an increase in reporting domestic abuse incidents to the Police. Professionals should always be aware that domestic abuse largely goes underreported.

One consistent finding is that there is a higher level of domestic abuse when women are pregnant.

The Women’s Aid estimates that 14.2% of children under the age of 0-18 years of age would have witness domestic abuse at some point in their lives. This would equate to 7,128 children in Tameside.

Impact on Children

Children and Young People who are living within domestic violence households are at an increased risk of experiencing emotional, physical and sexual abuse and of developing emotional and behavioural problems.

There isn’t a direct causal pathway from witnessing domestic abuse to a particular outcome. One difficulty is domestic abuse doesn’t happen in isolation, so children witness domestic abuse might also being abused themselves.

It is important for professionals working with children who witness domestic abuse to understand the individual situations from the child’s perspective.

Cover Your Tracks

Women’s aid provides an article on how to cover your tracks.

Operation Encompass

A project between Police and Schools to support children who have witnessed domestic abuse.

Learning From Serious Cases Reviews

The NSPCC produces learning from serious case reviews with common themes. Domestic abuse is one of the themes.

Support for Families

There are lots of websites and helplines set up to support families who are experiencing domestic abuse.

A national 24/7 help line provided by Refuge on 0808 2000 247

Greater Manchester Domestic Abuse Helpline

Greater Manchester Domestic Abuse Helpline 0161 636 7525 or visit

End the Fear

End the Fear is a Greater Manchester project that supports people who are experiencing domestic abuse or sexual violence.

Male Advice Line

If you are a male experiencing domestic violence there is a helpline 0808 8010327 (working hours only) or

The National Centre for Domestic Violence

The National Centre for Domestic Violence call 0800 970 2070 or visit



Contact Details

Tameside Safeguarding Children Partnership
Tameside One, 
Market Place, 

General Enquiries

Tel : 0161 342 4348

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