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Mental Health Support for Staff


Mental Health Support within your organisation

Speak to your line manager and/or Occupational Health.

Supporting you Mental Health while Working from Home

A helpful summary of all the things you can do to stay healthy whilst working from home
MHFA Supporting your mental health

Mental Health Support within your organisation

Taking care of your mind as well as your body is really important while staying at home because of coronavirus (COVID-19). Tips and advice about things you can do now to help you keep on top of your mental wellbeing and cope with how you may feel while staying at home.
TOG Mind also has published some helpful Tips and Ideas

SilverCloud Workforce Support

Feeling stressed about COVID-19? SilverCloud can help you to maintain a healthy mind during this challenging time. SilverCloud offers online programmes for adults (aged 16 years+) to help ease your levels of stress, sleep better or to build resilience. You can choose to use any of the programmes. They are self-help, confidential and secure.
How do they work?
  • Read through content, use tools, videos and activities to help you to feel better
  • All information you enter is anonymous, confidential and secure
  • Access them anytime, on any device (your phone, computer or tablet)
  • Work at your own pace, programmes take around 6-8 weeks to complete
  • Each programme is built on proven methods such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and positive psychology.
Instant access to self-help support:

Mental Health Helpline for Health and Care Workers

New national Mental Health helpline for those providing healthcare to COVID-19 patients: 0300 131 7000 or Text 85258 - run by Samaritans 

Our Front Line

The Our Frontline offer is open to anyone that the Government has described as a essential/keyworker including:
NHS workers - Staff at the frontline of the COVID19 crisis. Doctors, nurses, hospital workers, GPs.   
Social care staff - Staff and volunteers working in the private, public and voluntary sectors. Care home workers, home carers, social workers, those working in palliative care, and volunteer carers.
Blue light staff - Police, fire and ambulance service staff working to keep us safe.
Key and essential workers - The people who are taking risks by going to work-the bus and tube drivers, the factory staff, the food delivery people, the teachers, the supermarket staff.
What the service offers
Support for you if you work in health
Support for you if you work in the emergency services
Support for you if you work in social care
Support for you if you’re a key worker
There are lots of other resources on their website

Mental Health Support Services in Tameside and Glossop

The CCG and council websites have an up to date list of support and services and how to access them

Project 5

Free wellbeing support service for our health care workers

Care Home Liaison Service – New Telephone Helpline

A NEW Care Home helpline. This will be an in-reach service that will not only support care home staff but also residents and relatives.

If any staff, residents or relatives would like to speak to one of the Care Home Liaison staff  they can ring them directly Monday to Friday 9am till 5 pm on 0161 716 2168 or 2264. Please print off this flyer and share with others to help promote raise awareness this service.
The service can help with
Support Available for Staff
  • Advice, emotional support in-reach service.
  • Problem solving
  • Practical support
  • Education
  • Signposting and onward support.
  • STICH Team
  • SWAN Team
  • Psychological Therapies
Support Available for Relatives
  • Advice, emotional support
  • Guidance/education
  • Practical help
  • Psychological Therapies
Support Available for Residents
  • Assessment /  care planning
  • Monitoring and reviewing care
  • Meaningful occupation
  • Onward referrals and signposting
  • Links with primary care services
  • Links with Secondary care service
  • Links Local Authority
Links to external agencies 

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